Aloha always♡

Blog by Japanese ThetaHealing® instructor living in Honolulu, HI.

Aloha from Hawaii💕

Ti leaf and Hawaii sky♡

Recently I started to teach Japanese to one of my dearest friends.

Since we both learned and speak multipul languages, this naturally is going to be a serious class.

And it is sooooo interesting and much more fun that I thought

Japanese is my mother tonge, so when it comes to "teach" my language,

I've just started to notice so many things that I didn't

because when I speak Japanese, I just speak it without thinking.

It actually brought me so many new discoveries about my language and culture.

Japanese has 3 alphabets - Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji (Chinese Characters)

I know this already sounds overwhelming....

and it even doesn't look like A B C but あ い う え お....completely different, right 

I majored in Arabic language when I was in University so I know how my friend (student) feels....

I searched on the internet for Hiragana chart and I found some neat ones.

Then I suddenly realized from looking at the chart.....

Japanese alphabet starts with あ (a) and then the next one is い (i)....

あい (ai) in Japanese means LOVE

Japanese is the language that starts with LOVE

How amazing!!!

Aloha and Mahalo ♡


~*~*Healing and Awakening Studio MANA*~*~ 

What is ThetaHealing®?
Click here to learn about ThetaHealing®.

ThetaHealing® is a healing modality that anyone can learn practice and do.
I'd like to learn and practice!

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What I want in my life? What is my life purpose? Who I really am?
I'd like to change my life now. I'd really like to live my life.
I'd like to create the lilfe I truly want.

Click here to take a personal ThetaHealing® session

Aloha from Hawaii💕


My name is Tomoko Okumura Bowles, originally from Tokyo, Japan.

I am a ThetaHealing® instructor and practitioner living in Honolulu, HI.,

travelling and teaching around the world.

I am helping people to become who they want to be, or who they are supposed to be.

To teach and practice ThetaHealing® really is my passion

and I clearly know this is my life purpose/mission.

I've never known this kind of happiness until I met ThetaHealing®

and my life really changed since I started to practice it.

I'm so honored to meet and witness my clients and students change through ThetaHealing® techinique

and just so grateful for everyone and everything that I have and experienced in my life.

I've been writing my blog in Japanese - I've been writing a vatiety of things....

About ThetaHealing®, spirituality, my life in Hawaii, trips, 

things that I experience as a Japanese living in Hawaii/USA,

cultural differences that "wow"ed me, languages,

new "finidings" about MY culture, language, heritage, etc from my living overseas, 

my favorite things, food, running, beaches, etc...etc...

I would be very happy if this blog will expand your world a little bit (or more!),

help you get to know who I am and how I feel,

and you enjoy some interesting cultural or Japanese stuff!

Aloha and Mahalo ♡


~*~*Healing and Awakening Studio MANA*~*~ 

What is ThetaHealing®?
Click here to learn about ThetaHealing®.

ThetaHealing® is a healing modality that anyone can learn practice and do.
I'd like to learn and practice!

Click here to find about the classes
Click here to check the class schedule

What I want in my life? What is my life purpose? Who I really am?
I'd like to change my life now. I'd really like to live my life.
I'd like to create the lilfe I truly want.

Click here to take a personal ThetaHealing® session
