August 14, 2011

Andrew's Excel Tips is moving

Andrew's Excel Tips is moving!

The new blog can be found here.


Posted by andrewe at 10:07Other

August 03, 2011

Excel Power Analyst Boot Camp

Mike Alexander of DataPig Technologies is holding a seminar at Alexandria, VA (near Washington the city, not the state), from September 19, 2011 (Monday) to September 20, 2011 (Tuesday).

Topics include

  • Analysis
  • Reporting
  • Sourcing External Data
  • Bacon Recipes (one can only hope)

    Click the pig to check it out!


    Oink! :-)

  • Posted by andrewe at 18:52Other

    July 25, 2011

    VBA Code Indenter 2

    A slightly "improved" version of my VBA Code Indenter is available.

    This version starts indenting after Sub and Function names. The reason I decided to do this is because it seems to be the standard with other folk's code I have seen posted online. Who am I to go against the grain? (I have a bridge to sell you if you think I'm a conformist!)

    The download link is here.  
    Posted by andrewe at 18:46VBA

    July 24, 2011

    VBA Code Indenter

    There are 2 VBA code indenters that I know of, and unfortunately, I am not able to install either of them where I need them most to due to admin rights. With "complex" code, indenting can help a lot by making code easier to read so I decided to make my own.

    My own version is rather basic. You can either indent a whole project or selected module. The menu items are available at the bottom of the right click menu in the Code Pane.

    VBA Code Indenter

    Note that you must tick Trust access to the VBA project object model before installing. Here is how to do it with various Excel Versions.

    Go to the Tools Menu at the top of Excel. Select Macros, Security, then Trusted Sources. Tick "Trust access to Visual Basic Project".

    Excel 2007
    Go to the Developer tab at the top of Excel. Select Macro Security, Macro Settings and then tick "Trust access to the VBA project object model."

    If the Developer tab is not visible, select the round Office button at the top of Excel, then Excel Options, Popular, "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon."

    Excel 2010
    Go to the Developer tab at the top of Excel. Select Macro Security, Macro Settings and then tick "Trust access to the VBA project object model."

    If the Developer tab is not visible, select the File button at the top of Excel, then Options, Customize Ribbon and tick Developer on the Customize the Ribbon, Main Tabs list.

    Here is the download link to try it out.

    Posted by andrewe at 11:09VBA

    July 16, 2011

    Quick Paste Special

    When I saw Paste Special in Excel 2010, I thought "Cool!". I was a bit dubious about some of the choices and the icons that represent them, but that was okay because nobody ever thinks the same way.

    However, I had 2 problems. The first is I only have 2010 at home, where I get to play with Excel only with permission signed and countersigned in triplicate 3 months in advance. (At this time of writing, I can feel waves of wrath heading in my general direction - this explains my infrequent blogging, right?).

    Which leads to the second problem. Where I do most of my development, I have Excel 2007 and the extra coaxing required to paste just what I want can be a little frustrating at times.

    Anyway, as you can guess, I decided to make my own. I tried to think of some of the most useful paste special options or combinations thereof. I've added 20 of them to the right click menu (Cells, Rows and Columns) and I also added a most recently used menu item so you don't have to keep looking if you are a (mostly) mouse person like me. You can access the commands by using the keyboard too though.

    Here's what it looks like in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010.

    Excel 2007

    Excel 2010

    I have not tested but I'm guessing it will work with other versions. (English menus only, sorry!)

    Here is the download link. Hope it comes in useful!  
    Posted by andrewe at 09:55VBA