Autumn Park Day!

Despite the unpredictable weather, we didn’t let that stop us from doing our favorite activity—heading to the park! Last month, we took our students for a fun-filled lesson, giving them a much-needed break from the usual classroom routine. The fresh air and wide-open space were the perfect change of pace.

We kicked off the lesson with a variety of games that kept everyone active and entertained. One of the first games we played was Snatch the Banana, a high-energy challenge that had everyone laughing as they tried to grab the banana without getting caught.

We followed that up with a fun spoon-and-ping-pong-ball race, where students had to balance the tiny balls on spoons while racing to the finish line. The game required a mix of coordination and concentration, and there were plenty of laughs when balls fell off and students had to start over!

Next, we played a game where students threw ping pong balls into boxes placed at different distances, each box assigned a specific point value. The goal was to get the balls into the highest-scoring box, and the competitive spirit was strong as students took turns trying to improve their aim. It was a great exercise in focus and precision!


Another favorite was the blindfolded handshake challenge, where students had to shake hands with someone while blindfolded and then guess whose hand they had just shaken. It was a fun way to test their memory and ability to recognize each other through touch alone—and it led to some amusing (and sometimes mistaken) guesses!

The final game of the day was Monkey in the Middle. In this game, one student stood in the middle of a circle while the others passed a ball around, trying to keep it away from the "monkey." The student in the middle had to do their best to snatch the ball whenever it was within reach. It was a fast-paced game that kept everyone on their toes, with lots of excited shouts as the "monkey" tried to intercept the ball.
最後のゲームは「モンキー・イン・ザ・ミドル」でした。このゲームは、1 人の生徒が「モンキー役」で円の真ん中に立ち、他の生徒が「モンキー」にボールを取られないようにパスして回します。モンキー役の生徒は、ボールが手の届くところにあれば全力でボールを奪い取らなければなりません。このゲームは常に全員が気を張り詰めていてテンポも早く、「モンキー」がボールを奪おうとするたびに生徒たちの叫び声が上がりました。


After an hour of fun and laughter, we all headed back to the classroom, tired but happy. The day in the park was a refreshing change from our usual schedule, and we all looked forward to doing it again soon. It was a wonderful reminder of the importance of taking breaks and enjoying some playtime, no matter what the weather throws our way!
1 時間の楽しみと笑いの後、私たちは疲れながらも幸せな気持ちで教室に戻りました。公園での1日はいつものレッスンとは違った新鮮な気分で、みんなまた次回のパークデーを心待ちにしていました。天気がどうであれ、休憩を取り、遊ぶことの大切さを思い起こさせてくれる素晴らしい一日でした。

Our Day at Suma Sea World!

It has been a scorching summer, and the heat seems to be relentless. To beat the heat this year, we took a trip to Suma Sea World to explore the cool, refreshing world of sea animals.


We owe a huge thank you to Ayumi for her meticulous planning and to the student from Kobe Geidai University who assisted us on the day of the trip. Thanks to their efforts, all the kids had a fantastic time learning about marine life, practicing their English, watching exciting shows, and even working on their workbooks during waiting periods.


We’re also very grateful to the parents who helped by transporting their children to Suma Sea World.

It’s essential for children to experience English outside the classroom, as it introduces them to new vocabulary and sentences not typically covered in lessons. Although organizing frequent trips can be challenging, we do our best to provide varied experiences. Once the weather cools down, we’re looking forward to heading to the park again!

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It is cooking time again!

Last week was the cooking week for our students. Everyone enjoyed peeling, cutting, measuring the ingredients, mixing and shaping the sweet potoes cakes that we made. 



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Cooking lessons are important because kids not only enjoy making but also they are learning a different set of vocabulary words too. Taking a break from the usual classroom lessons is also important too.


Our Park Day Again!

We went to the park for activities for two days two weeks ago and on one day, we were blessed with sunny weather but it was windy and cloudy on another day. However, the weather didn't stop us from having fun and judging from the smiles of our students, they definitely enjoyed the activities at the park. Getting away from the classroom is important for the both the kids and teachers. Kids need the space to run and have fun and not confined in a classroom all the time.
2週間前、2日間にわたりパークアクティビティに行き、1日は天気に恵まれましたが、別の日は風が強く曇り空でした。 しかし、天気が悪くても私たちは楽しむことができましたし、生徒たちの笑顔から判断すると、パークアクティビティを間違いなく楽しんだようです。教室から離れることは、子供たちにとっても教師にとっても重要です。 子どもたちは、いつも教室に閉じ込められるのではなく、走ったり楽しんだりできる空間を必要としています。

These are some of the games that we played at the park. 
The first game was throwing a ball at a cardboard with colored circles that have points. The winning team was the one with the most points.

The second game was listening to the teacher's instructions and jumping into the river or the bank. This was a difficult game because the kids need to listen and then jump which required a lot of coordinations. 
2つ目のゲームは、先生の指示を聞いて川や堤防に飛び込むゲームでした。 このゲームはよく耳を傾けてジャンプする必要があり、多くの調整が必要になるため難しいゲームでした。

Next was reading the flashcards and putting a ping pong ball into a paper cup as they did so. It was windy one of the days and the paper cups kept flewing away. Some smart kids suggested putting sand into the cups to give it more weight!


Finally we formed a circle and a teacher stood in the middle and threw a ball at the kid who must clap once before catching the ball. The second round required them to clap twice before catching and they had to clap more as the rounds increased. 
最後に私たちは丸く円を作り、先生が真ん中に立って子供にボールを投げました。子供はボールをキャッチする前に一度拍手しなければなりませんでした。 2ラウンド目ではキャッチする前に2回拍手する必要があり、ラウンドが進むにつれて拍手の回数も増えました。

It was another fun day at the park and see you in October for the next park day!

Congratulations to our Senior and Junior High School Students!

It is almost the end of March, and finally all our third year high school and junior high school students have finished all their examinations. 

We would like to congratulate and praise them for doing their best!
 Congratulations to Rio and Takuto, our senior high school students for passing Kansei Gakuin University and Kansai University!

Congratulations to Natsumi for passing Kobe High School, Seiei for passing Seiryo High School, Hinata for passing Maiko High School, Akari for passing Tomogaoka High School and Atsushi for passing Takigawa High School.

Really proud of them and hope that they will enjoy their campus life and the high school students who will continue to study English here in Raffles to continue to work hard and go to the university of their choice three years later!

Good Luck to all our students taking the exams!

From January to March, it is a stressful time for our junior high school students and high school students who are taking the exmainations for entering high schools and universities. Starting off with the Kyotsu Test in January, followed by the tests of private high schools and universities and the tests of public high schools and national universities in March. Helping our students to do well in English and preparing them for the differents tests are our responsibilities and we will do our utmost to see that they all get into the high schools or universities of their choice.


This is a message for all students taking the tests!

'Believe you can and you're halfway there!

All our students have been working hard these years in their English and we hope to bring some good news in Spring.


Happy New Year!

The start of this year brought about some sad news. First the earthquake at Noto Penisular and the second one was the collision of a JAL plane and a smaller aircraft operated by the coast guards. Sending our condolences and hoping that the area affected by the quake will be rebuilt soon and people can return to their homes soon. 
今年の初めに悲しいニュースが飛び込んできました。 一つ目は能登半島の地震、二つ目は日航機と海上保安庁の小型航空機の衝突です。 お悔やみを申し上げますとともに、地震の被害を受けた地域が一日も早く復興し、人々が早く家に戻れることを願っております。

What are your goals for 2024? Very hard to set goals for the year? Try setting small goals for the month because it will be easier to visualize and achieve. Kids are back to class this week and they are eager to learn and looking forward to playing more games in class. 
2024 年のあなたの目標は何ですか? 一年の目標を立てるのはとても難しいですか? 月ごとに小さな目標を立ててみると、イメージしやすく達成しやすくなります。 今週から子供たちはレッスンに戻り、熱心に学習し、クラスでよりたくさんのゲームをすることを楽しみにしています。

Below is the video of the Christmas party that we had at the end of last year. Hope that you will subscribe to our channel and enjoy the video.


Last month most of our students took the Japec Test and we are proud to present the certificates to the students who passed. Taking the test will encourage the students to work harder and keep their motivation for language learning!




Cooking Lesson!

Last month we did a cooking lesson using apples and gyoza skins. Our kids always love cooking and of course eating too!The lesson was uploaded in our Youtube channel. Check it out!


Reading to kids

As the weather turns cold, it is nice to keep warm and stays at home. What about reading books with your kids?Reading improves your knowledge, enhance vocabulary, imagination and creativity. In Raffles, we always make sure older kids bring a book home every week and practise reading out aloud and for the young kids we try to read a book to them in class. 

最近寒い季節となってきたので、暖かくして家に居る時間もいいですよね。 そんな時にお子様と一緒に本を読んでみてはいかがでしょうか。読書は知識を向上させ、語彙力、想像力、創造力を高めます。

Do check out our video uploaded in our Youtube channel 'Little Merlion' .

レッスン中に英語の本の読み聞かせを行い、その様子を私たちのYoutubeチャンネル 'Little Merlion' に載せていますので是非ご覧ください(*^-^*)



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