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ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 20:34¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Schubert J, Schmidt RA. Central autonomic innervation of the kidney. What can we learn from a transneuronal tracing study in an animal model? J Urol. 2005 Mar;173(3):1033-8.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schubert J, Schmidt RA. Is there a relationship between chronic bladder dysfunction and somatic symptoms in other body regions? 1. Clinical observations. Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(2):257-61.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schubert J, Schmidt RA. Is there a relationship between chronic bladder dysfunction and somatic symptoms in other body regions? 2. An experimental neuroanatomical approach. Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(2):263-73.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 15:27¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢µ¡Ç½ÅªÅŵ¤»É·ã¡£KEY WORD 1997-'98ÈçÇ¢´ï·Ï¡¢ÀÆÆ£ÂÙ¡¢¾®ÌøÃÎɧ¡¢ÊæºäÀµÉ§ÊÔ½¸¡¡Àèü°å³Ø¼Ò34-35¡¢1996.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA. Management of the hypertonic sphincter or hyperpathic urethra. in "The Urinary Sphincter" edited by Jacques Corcos, Erik Schick, Chapter 45, pp679-686, 2001, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 08:20¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


ÃæÅı͹À¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢¶¶ËÜÆ©¡§FESÎÅË¡¤ÎÇ¢¼º¶Ø¤Ø¤Î±þÍÑ¡¼¿À·Ð¾ã³²¤òȼ¤¦¾ÉÎã¤Î¾ì¹ç¡£Modern Physician 12, 43-45¡¤1992.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢¶¶ËÜÆ©¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡§Ç¢¼º¶Ø¤ËÂФ¹¤ë¹üÈ×Äì¶Ú·²Åŵ¤»É·ã¡£»³·ÁÂç³Ø°å³ØÉô¡¦¹©³ØÉô¸òή¥»¥ß¥Ê¡¼µ­Ï¿¡Ê»³·ÁÂç³Ø»º¶È¸¦µæ½ê¡Ë8, 22-23¡¤1992.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡¢È¾ÅĹ¯±ä¡£µ¡Ç½ÅªÅŵ¤»É·ã¤ÎÎ×¾²±þÍѤÈÈçÇ¢´ï²ÊÎΰè¤Ø¤ÎŸ˾¡£Î×¾²ÈçÇ¢´ï²Ê48, 568-572¡¢1994.

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ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 08:19¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Zermann DH, Schmidt RA. c-Fos expression in the spinal cord after acute sacral segmental nerve stimulation. Neurourol Urodyn. 2002;21(5):495-501.

Ishigooka M, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Iijima Y, Yaguchi H. Spinal substance P immunoreactivity is enhanced by acute chemical stimulation of the rat prostate.Urology. 2002 Jan;59(1):139-44.

Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Nakada T.¡¡Relationship between the shape of passive urethral resistance relation and prostatic histology in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.¡¡Urol Int. 2002;68(4):243-5.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:59¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Zermann D, Doggweiler R, Schmidt RA, Hashimoto T, Nakada T.¡§Spinal NK1 receptor is upregulated after chronic bladder irritation. Pain. 2001 Jul;93(1):43-50.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schubert J.: Percutaneous sacral third nerve root neurostimulation improves symptoms and normalizes urinary HB-EGF levels and antiproliferative activity in patients with interstitial cystitis. Urology. 2001 Jan;57(1):207.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Schmidt RA.Chronic perineal pain and lower urinary tract dysfunction--a clinical feature of the "Gulf War syndrome"?¡¡World J Urol. 2001 Jun;19(3):213-5.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Schubert J, Schmidt RA. The male chronic pelvic pain syndrome.¡¡World J Urol. 2001 Jun;19(3):173-9. Review.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA. A bridge between neuroscience and oncology: prostate cancer genesis. A 'negative' consequence of learning?¡¡Med Hypotheses. 2001 Aug;57(2):201-6.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:58¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Yazawa H, Nakada T: Area density of smooth muscle cells and response to endothelin 1 in human hyperplastic prostate. Eur Urol 37,494-8. 2000.

Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Nakada T: Morphometric analysis of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia with and without bladder outlet obstruction. Urol Res. 28, 29-32, 2000.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler R, Schubert J, Schmidt RA¡§ Central nervous system neurons labeled following the injection of pseudorabies virus into the rat prostate gland. Prostate. 44¡¤240-7¡¤ 2000.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Wunderlich H, Reichelt O, Schubert J.: A study of pelvic floor function pre- and postradical prostatectomy using clinical neurourological investigations, urodynamics and electromyography. Eur Urol. 2000 Jan;37(1):72-8.

Ishigooka M, Zermann DH, Doggweiler R, Schmidt RA.: Similarity of distributions of spinal c-Fos and plasma extravasation after acute chemical irritation of the bladder and the prostate. J Urol. 2000 Nov;164(5):1751-6.

Zermann Dh, Ishigooka M, Schubert J, Schmidt RA.: Perisphincteric injection of botulinum toxin type A. A treatment option for patients with chronic prostatic pain? Eur Urol. 2000 Oct;38(4):393-9.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler R, Schubert J, Schmidt RA.: Central nervous system neurons labeled following the injection of pseudorabies virus into the rat prostate gland. Prostate. 2000 Aug 1;44(3):240-7.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:56¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Hashimoto T, Ishigooka M, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Effects of estrogen and progesterone on urinary bladder in female rabbit: evaluation by quantitative morphometric analysis. Urology 53,642-6, 1999.

Suzuki Y, Nakada T, Izumi T, IIjima Y, Ishigooka M, Sasagawa I.: Primary aldosteronism due to aldosterone producing adenoma without hypertension. J Urol 161,1272, 1999.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler R, Schmidt RA: Neurourological insights into the etiology of genitourinary pain in men. J Urol 161,903-8, 1999.

Huang XY, Kubota Y, Nakada T, Sasagawa I, Suzuki H, Ishigooka M: Intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for penile carcinoma with deep inguinal lymph node metastasis. Urol Int. 1999:62;245-248.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Aoyama N, Sasagawa I, Nakada T. In vitro effect of amezinium on the rabbit urinary bladder: muscle strip and whole bladder evaluation. Int Urol Nephrol. 1999:31;181-188.

Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Nakada T. Relationship between urodynamic type of obstruction and histological component of the prostate in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.¡¡Eur Urol¡¤36¡¤203-6¡¤1999.

Yazawa H, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Nakada T. Effect of immobilization stress on testicular germ cell apoptosis in rats. Hum Reprod¡¡14¡¤1806-10¡¤1999.

Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Nakada T. Relation between urethral elasticity and bladder outlet obstruction and histologic composition of the prostate in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology¡¡53¡¤1149-53¡¤1999.

Zermann DH, Schubert J, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA.: Re: Cystoscopic findings consistent with interstitial cystitis in normal women undergoing tubal ligation. J Urol. 1999 Sep;162(3 Pt 1):807-8.

Zermann DH, Wunderlich H, Schubert J, Ishigooka M.:Re: The diagnosis of interstitial cystitis revisited: lessons learned from the National Institutes of Health Interstitial Cystitis Database Study. J Urol. 1999 Sep;162(3 Pt 1):807.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Wunderlich H, Schubert J, Schmidt RA.: Comment on "Interference pattern in the urethral sphincter-a quantitative electromyographic study in patients before and after radical retropubic prostatectomy". Scand J Urol Nephrol. 1999 Oct;33(5):284-5.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:54¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler R, Schmidt RA: Central autonomic innervation of the lower urinary tract--a neuroanatomy study. World J Urol 16, 417-22, 1998.

Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Aoyama N, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Nakada T: Correlation between urethral elastance and histological architecturre in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Scand J Uroland nephrol 32, 215-218, 1998.

Doggweiler R, Zermann D-H, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA: Sling surgery and bladder instability: An animal model. Neurourol Urodyn 17:327, 1998.

Doggweiler R, Ishigooka M, Zermann D-H, Schmidt RA: Botulinum toxin type A causes diffuse and highly selective atrophy of rat prostate. Neurourol Urodyn 17:363, 1998.

Zermann D-H, Doggweiler R, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA: Male pelvic pain - A neuro-behavioral perspective. Neurourol Urodyn 17:441, 1998.

Doggweiler R, Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Schmidt RA. Botox-induced prostatic involution. Prostate. 15¡¤44-50¡¤1998.

Zermann DH, Ishigooka M, Doggweiler R, Schmidt RA: Postoperative chronic pain and bladder dysfunction: windup and neuronal plasticity--do we need a more neurological approach in pelvic surgery?. J Urol 160,102-5, 1998.

Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Tomaru M, Abe Y, Kubota Y, Nakada T: Schwannoma of the penis: report of a case and review of the literature. Int Urol Nephrol 30, 197-202, 1998.

Yaguchi H, Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Kobayashi T, Kubota Y, Nakada T, Mitobe K: The effect of triathlon on urinary excretion of enzymes and proteins. Int Urol Nephrol 30(2):107-12, 1998.

Sawamura T, Sasagawa I, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Nakada T, Adachi M, Yamaguchi T: Serum level of carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen in haemodialysis patients. Int Urol Nephrol 30, 99-103, 1998.

Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T Handa Y: A new technique for sacral nerve stimulation: a percutaneous method for urinary incontinence caused by spinal cord injury. Brit J Urol 81, 315-8, 1998.

Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Tomaru M, Hashimoto T, Nakada T.:Pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 in infertile men. Int Urol Nephrol. 1998;30(2):203-7.

Kubota Y, Nakada T, Sasagawa I, Izumi T, Ishigooka M, Nishikawa T, Kawai K.: Endocrinological and pathological entities of the pre-Cushing's syndrome. Int Urol Nephrol. 1998;30(3):239-49.

Sasagawa I, Tateno T, Yazawa H, Ichiyanagi O, Ishigooka M, Nakada T.: Round spermatids from hybrid sterile mice can initiate normal embryo development. Hum Reprod. 1998 Nov;13(11):¡¡3099-102.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:51¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Ichiyanagi O, Nakada T: Effect of alpha-1 adrenoceptor blocker on tissue norepinephrine contents in human benign prostatic hyper plasia. Int Urol Nephrol 29, 195-200, 1997.

Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Nakada T, Mitobe K: A case of primary giant calculus in female urethra. Int Urol Nephrol 29, 237-239, 1997.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Izumi T, Nakada T: Ice water test in patients with overactive bladder due to cerebrovascular assidents and bladder outlet obstruction. Urol Int 58, 84-87, 1997.

Ichiyanagi O, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Sanjo Y, Kubota Y, Nakashima K, Sakai H, Kuwahara M: Pure silicate fragment in a recurrent stone former of calcium oxalate. Urol Int 58, 192-196, 1997.

Ichiyanagi O, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayani S, Suzuki Y, Nakada T: The American Urological Association Symptom Index: early postoperative evaluation of irritative and obstructive symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Int Urol Nephrol 29,441-7, 1997.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Ichiyanagi O, Nakada T: Thermoreceptor mediated bladder sensation in patients with diabetic cystopathy. Int Urol Nephrol 29. 551-5, 1997.

Adachi Y, Sasagawa I, Tomaru M, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Nakada T:Short-arm dicentric Y chromosome associated with Sertoli-cell-only tubule. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 31,459-61, 1997.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Aoyama N, Nakada T: Functional property, norepinephrine content and morphometric findings in human hyperplastic prostate. The Prostate. 33, 183-7, 1997.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡£²ÈѽŦ½Ðç¯æù¤ËÂФ¹¤ëỌ̃̄Ãϲ«´Ý¤ÎºîÍÑ¡£Urology and Kanpo¡¢5¡¤17-20¡¤1997.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:48¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Age-related changes of histological composition in establishied benign prostatic hyperplasia. Eur Urol 29, 85-89, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Ichiyanagi O, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Direct effect of¡¡amezinium on rabbit urethra: Effect of estrogen and progesterone treatment. Int¡¡Urogynecol J 7, 325-330, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Tomaru M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Norepinephrine contets of human prostatic hyperplasia: Differences between pathological subtypes. Int Urol Nephrol 28, 61-66, 1996.

Hayami S, Adachi Y, Ishigooka M, Suzuki H, Sasagawa I, Kubota Y, Nakada T: Retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma diagnosed by computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and thin needle aspiration. Int Urol Nephrol¡¤28, 21-26, 1996.

Sawamura T, Sasagawa I, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Yaguchi H, Nakada T: Malacoplakia of the Bladder: Efficacy of enoxacine therapy. Int Urol Nephrol 28, 175-179, 1996.

Hayami S, Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Hashimoto T, Nakada T, Mitobe K: Comparion of the bephrotoxicity between invorsol and inhexol. Int Urol Nephrol 28, 615-619, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Hayami S, Ichiyabagi O, Hashimoto T, Nakada T: Role of symptom scoring and uroflowmetry in patients with diabetic cystopathy. Int Urol Nephrol 28, 761-766, 1996.

Nakada T, Sasagawa I, Kubota Y, Suzuki H, Ishigooka M, Watanabe M: Dihydroxyphenyltlycol in pheochromocytoma: l ts diagnostic use for norepinephrine dominant tumor. J Urol 155(0), 14-18, 1996.

Nakada T, Iijima Y, Kubota Y, Watanabe M, Ishigooka M, Suzuki H: Increased vascular collagen and noncollagenous protein synthesis contributes to sustain chronic phase of two-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertension. J Urol 156, 1180-1185, 1996.

Nakada T, Kubota Y, Suzuki H, Sasagawa I, Watanabe M, Ishigooka M: Suppression of sympathetic nervous system attenuates the development of two-kidney, one-clip goldblatt hypertension. J Urol 156, 1480-1484, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Nakada T, Handa Y: Electricalpelvic floor stimulation: a possible alter native treatment for reflex urinaly incontinence in patients with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 34, 411-415, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Correlation between 
morphometric differences and norepinephrine content in benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Prostate 28, 385-391, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Kato T, Nakada T: Relateive and total volume of histological components in benign prostatic hyperplasia: Between histological components and clinical findings. The Prostate 29, 77-82, 1996.

Hayami S, Ishigooka M, Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Mitobe K: Pathological changes of traumatic dislacated testis.Urol Int 56, 129-132, 1996.

Yanai H, Sasagawa I, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Kaneko H, Nakada T: Spontaneous homorrhage during pregnancy secondary to renal angiomylipoma. Urol Int 56, 188-191, 1996.

Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Correlations between 
parameters in uroglowmetry and histological compositions in patientns with benign prostatic 
hyperplasia. Urol Int 57, 48-50, 1996.

Itoh K, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Izumi T: Testotoxicosis proved by immunohistochemical analysis and successfully treated with cyproterone acetate. Urol Int 57, 199-202, 1996.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Sawamura T, Adachi Y, Hashimoto T.: Chromosomal anomalies in cryptorchidism. Int Urol Nephrol. 1996;28(1):99-102.

Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Sawamura T, IIshigooka M, Kaneko H, Kubota Y, Nakada T.: Derivative Y chromosome resulting from a t(Y;15) (q12;q11.2) in a boy with Prader-Willi syndrome. Int Urol Nephrol. 1996;28(6):797-800.

Miura M, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Sawamura T, Kubota Y, Nakada T, Onnmura Y.: Reciprocal 
translocation t(4;16) (p14;q24) associated with bilateral cryptorchidism. Int Urol Nephrol. 

Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Kato T, Hayami S, Hashimoto T, Nakada T.: Dicentric Y chromosome without evidence of mosaicism in an azoospermic male. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 1996 Feb;30(1):75-6.


ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 20:11¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Ishigooka M, Tomaru M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Mitobe K: Recurrence of urethral stricture after single internal urethrotomy.¡¡Int Urol Nephrol¡¡27, 101-106, 1995.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Tomaru M, Nakada T, Mitobe K: Clinical and retrospective evalution of eviprostat: A non-hormonal and non-neuro-pharmacological agent for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Int Urol Nephrol 27,61-66, 1995.

Suzuki Y, Kubota Y, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Watanabe M, Saitoh M, Yuta H: Malacoplakia of the Prostate. Int Urol Nephrol 27, 51-555, 1995.

Ishigooka M, Hayami S, Hashimoto T, Tomaru M, Yaguchi H, Sasagawa I Nakada T: Skene's duct cyst in adult women: Report of two cases. Int Urol Nephrol 27, 775-558, 1995.

Kato T, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I. Kubota Y, Suzuki H: Successful treatment of vesicoureteric reflux by subureteric infection of silicone. Int Urol Nephrol 27, 709-715, 1995.

Nakada T, Kubota Y, Sasagawa I, Yagisawa T, Watanabe M, Ishigooka M: Therapeutic outcome of primary aldosteronism: Adrenalectomy versus snucleation of aldosterone producing adenoma. J Urol 153, 1775-1780, 1995.

Nakada T, kubota Y, Sasagawa I, Yagisawa T, Watanabe M, Ishigooka M: Remarkably suppressed manganese superoxide dismutase activity in malignant pheochromocytoma. J Urol153, 1787-1790, 1995.

Nakada T, Kubota Y, Sasagawa I, Yagisawa T, Suzuki H, Watanabe M, Ishigooka M: Removal of large adrenal tumor on the right side with liver mobilization. Urol Int 55, 209-214, 1995.

Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Nakada T, Fujita T, Nakai O: Down's synforome associated with intracranial germinoma and testicular embryonal carcioma. Urol Int¡¡55, 120-122, 1995.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Hayami S, Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Effects of naloxone on regional norepinephrine content of the rabbit urinary bladder after electrical pelvic floor stimulation. Urology 45, 711-714, 1995.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Sawamura T, Suzuki Y.: Nuclear DNA ploidy pattern and tissue levels of dihydroxyphenylalanine and catecholamines in pheochromocytoma. Urol Int. 1995;54(4):181-3.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Tomaru M, Sawamura T, Tateno T.: Cryptorchidism and marker chromosomes: identification of marker chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Urol Int. 1995;55(1):25-8.

Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Tateno T, Tomaru M, Yanai H, Sawamura T, Nakada T.: Serum concentration of iopamidol after retrograde urethrography in male patients with outlet obstructive symptoms. Int Urol Nephrol. 1995;27(4):445-8.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sawamura T, Tateno T.: Ultrastructure of Leydig cells in Down's syndrome. Int Urol Nephrol. 1995;27(5):585-91.

Sasagawa I, Adachi Y, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Tomaru M, Nakada T.: Hormone profiles and testicular histology in azoospermic men with Y-autosome translocation and autosomal translocation. Arch Androl. 1995 May-Jun;34(3):157-61.

Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Nakada T, Taniguchi N.: Effect of experimental cryptorchidism on alpha 1-adrenergic receptors of rat testis. Arch Androl. 1995 Nov-Dec;35(3):213-8.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Ishigooka M, Uchida K, Doi K.: In vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy for evaluation of testicular function in cryptorchid rats. J Urol. 1995 Oct;154(4):1557-9.

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Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Handa Y: Electrical pelvic floor stimulation by percutaneous implantable electrode. Brit J Urol 74, 191-194, 1994.

shigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Handa Y: Electrical pelvic floor stimulation by percutaneous implantable electrode. Brit J Urol 74, 191-194, 1994.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Tomaru M, Nakada T, Mitobe K: Effect of Hormonal Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women With Chronic Irritative Voding Symptoms.Int Urogynecol J 1, 208-211, 1994.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Reduction in norepinephrine content of the rabbit urinary bladder by alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist after electrical pelvid floor stimulation. J Urol 151, 774-775, 1994.

Ishigooka M, Yaguchi H, Tomaru M, Sasagawa I, Nakada T:Mixed prostatic carcinoma containing malignant Squamous element.¡¡Scand J Urol Nephrol 28, 425-427, 1994.

Tomaru M, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Izumiya K, Nakada T: Pericentric inversion of cromosome 9 associated with sertoli-cell-only tuble. Urol Int 52, 118-120, 1994.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Sawamura T.: Effect of standardized mixture of potassium and sodium citrate and citric acid (Uralyt-U) on the correction of postoperative acidosis in patients who underwent ureterosigmoidostomy. Nephron. 1994;66(4):477-8.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Terasawa Y.: Renal cell carcinoma in dialysis patients. Urol Int. 1994;53(2):79-81.

Tateno T, Sasagawa I, Sawamura T, Suzuki Y, Ishigooka M, Nakada T.: Pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 associated with chordee without hypospadia. Urol Int. 1994;53(2):107-9.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Sawamura T, Tateno T, Ishigooka M.: Gonadal function and testicular histology in Noonan's syndrome with bilateral cryptorchidism. Arch Androl. 1994 Mar-Apr;32(2):135-40.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Kubota Y, Sawamura T, Ishigooka M, Tateno T, Tomaru M.: Hormone profiles and testicular histology in cryptorchid boys with marker chromosome. Arch Androl. 1994 Sep-Oct;33(2):105-10.

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Nakada T, Kubota Y, Sasagawa I, Suzuki H, Yamaguchi T, Ishigooka M, Kakizaki H: Therapeutic experience of hyperbaric oxygention in radiation colitis. Dis Colon Rectum 36(10), 962-965, 1993.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Handa Y: Technique of percutaneous electrode implantation for electrical pelvic floor stimulation. Eur Urol 23(3), 413-416, 1993.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Izumiya K, Katoh T, Yaguchi H, Nakada T, Handa Y: Hoshimiya, N.: Electrial pelvic floor stimulation in the management of urinary incontinence due to neuropathic overactive bladder. Frontiers Med Biol Engng 5(1), 1-10, 1993.

Suzuki Y, Nakada T, Suzuki H, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Iizima Y, Yaguchi H: Primary bladderpheochromocytoma without hypertension.¡¡Int Urol Nephrol 25, 153-158, 1993.

Izumiya K, Nakada T, Sasagawa I, Yamaguchi T, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Mimicking Primary Retroperitoneal Tumour on Computed Tomography. Int Urol Nephrol 25, 327-

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Izumiya K, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Incidence of Anal Incontinence after Long-term Follow-up of Patients Treated by Ureterosigomoidstomy. Int Urol Nephrol 25, 455-460, 1993.

Ishigooka M, Nakada T; Analysis of regional norepinephrine content in the rabbit bladder after acute electrical pelvic floor stimulation.¡¡J Urol¡¡150, 235-238, 1993.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Kodama C, Nakada T, Katoh H: Polyps of the prostatic urethra. Urol Int 50, 57-60, 1993.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Izumiya K, Kodama C, Nakada T: Membranous lipodystrophy (Nasu's Disease): A rare cause of neuropathic urinary incontinence. Urol Int 50,179-181, 1993.

Kodama C, Nakada T, Sasagawa I, Ishigooka M, Yamaguchi T, Suzuki H.: An unusual profile of endocrine study in a patient with pre-Cushing's syndrome. Int Urol Nephrol. 1993;25(6):517-24.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Adachi Y, Kato T, Sawamura T,  Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T.: Y-autosome translocation associated with azoospermia. Scand J Urol Nephrol. 1993;27(2):285-8.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Sawamura T, Kato T, Hashimoto T,  Ishigooka M, Izumiya K.: Nerve conduction velocities and hair concentrations of trace elements in haemodialysis patients. Int Urol Nephrol. 1993;25(2):191-6.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Kato T, Suzuki H,  Ishigooka M, Kubota Y.: Unilateral diffuse adrenal hyperplasia masquerading as aldosterone-producing adenoma in primary¡¡hyperaldosteronism. Urol Int. 1993;50(4):218-22.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Ishigooka M, Izumiya K, Kubota Y, Tomaru M.: Hormone profiles and contralateral testicular histology in Down's syndrome with unilateral testicular tumor. Arch Androl. 1993 Mar-Apr;30(2):93-8.

¶¶ËÜÆ©¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ºûÀî¸Þ½½¼¡¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡§¿À·Ð°øÀ­ç¯æù¤Ë¹çÊ»¤·¤¿ç¯æùÇ¢´ÉµÕή¤ËÂФ¹¤ë¥³¥é¡¼¥²¥óÃíÆþÎÅË¡¡£ÆüËܥѥé¥×¥ì¥¸¥¢°å³Ø²ñ»¨»ï¡¢6, 318-319¡¤1993.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢¶¶ËÜÆ©¡¢ºûÀî¸Þ½½¼¡¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡§¹üÈ×Äì¶Ú·²Åŵ¤»É·ã¤Ë¤è¤ëç¯æùÁÈ¿¥Æâ¥Î¥ë¥¨¥Ô¥Í¥Õ¥ê¥ó´ÞÎ̤ÎÊѲ½¡£ÆäËα2-adrenergic blocker¤Î±Æ¶Á¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¡£ÆüËܥѥì¥×¥ì¥¸¥¢°å³Ø²ñ»¨»ï¡¢6, 322-333¡¤1993.

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Watanabe H, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Iijima Y, Sasagawa I, Nakada T: Human penilehemodynamics by Xenon-133 clearance method in physiological erection. Eur Urol 22, 247-249, 1992.

Ishigooka M, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Suzuki Y, Adachi M, Nakada T, Saito C, Ichie M, Handa Y: Electrical stimulation of pelvic floor musculature by percutaneous implantable electrodes: A case report. Int Urol Nephrol 24(3), 277-282, 1992.

Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Sasagawa I, Izumiya K, Nakada T: Terodiline in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children. Int Urol Nephrol 24(5), 509-513, 1992.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Ishigooka M, Kubota Y, Hirano K, Hirano J, Suzuki Y.: Serum prostatic acid phosphatase, gamma-seminoprotein and prostatic specific antigen in hemodialysis patients. Urol Int. 1992;48(2):181-3.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Hashimoto T, Ishigooka M, Adachi Y, Kubota Y, Watanabe H.: Klinefelter's syndrome associated with unilateral cryptorchidism and chordee without hypospadia. Urol Int. 1992;48(4):428-9.

Sasagawa I, Nakada T, Ishigooka M, Hashimoto T, Izumiya K, Adachi Y.: An azoospermic male with reciprocal translocation t(3;4)(p12;q21). Urol Int. 1992;48(4):425-7.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢¶¶ËÜÆ©¡¢ºûÀî¸Þ½½¼¡¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡¢È¾ÅĹ¯±ä¡§¹üÈ×Äì¶Ú·²Åŵ¤»É·ã¤Ë¤è¤ëÇ¢¿åÎϳØŪ½ê¸«¤ÎÊѲ½¡£ÆüËܥѥé¥×¥ì¥¸¥¢°å³Ø²ñ5(1), 222-223¡¤1992.

ÃæÅı͹À¡¢Àôë·ò¡¢»³¸ý¼÷¸ù¡¢ºûÀî¸Þ½½¼¡¡¢µ×ÊÝÅÄÍλҡ¢ÀÆÆ£²í¾¼¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢²ÃÆ£Þæ¡¢À鸫»û¾¡¡¢ÀÆÆ£½Õͺ¡§½ÅÆƤÊÊü¼ÍÀþç¯æù±ê´µ¼Ô¤ËÂФ¹¤ë¹â°µ»ÀÁÇÎÅË¡¡£ÆüËܹⵤ°µ´Ä¶­°å³Ø²ñ»¨»ï26(3), 145-150¡¤1992.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:56¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ÅÏÉô¼é¹À¡¢¶â»Ò¾°»Ì¡¢Ê¿Ìî½ç¼£¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡§Ê¢Éô¼ðáî¤òÄ褷¤¿µðÂç¤ÊÇ¢´É٨ʿ¾åÈé´â¤Î£±Îã¡£À¾ÆüËÜÈçÇ¢´ï²Ê53, 42-44¡¤1991.

Adachi M, Nakada T, Suzuki H, Hirano J, Kawamura S, Ishii N, Watanabe H, Kaneko H,Ishigooka M: Successful repair of huge bladder diverticulum with a transurethral fulguration. Report of a case. Urol Int 46,87-9, 1991.

Ishigooka M, Irisawa C, Watanabe H, Adachi M, Ishii N, Nakada T: Intracavernous injection of 
prostaglandin E1: the application to cavernosography and penile blood flow measurement for the diagnosis of venogenic impotence. Urol Int 46, 193-6, 1991.

Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢°Âã²í»Ë¡¢ÃæÅı͹À¡¢»Ô¹¾²í˧¡¢È¾ÅĹ¯±ä¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡§È¿¼ÍÀ­Ç¢¼º¶Ø¤ËÂФ¹¤ë¹üÈ×Äì¶Ú·²»É·ãÎÅË¡¤Î·Ð¸³¡£ÆüËܥѥé¥×¥ì¥¸¥¢°å³Ø²ñ»¨»ï4, 124-125¡¤1991.

ÆþÂôÀé¾½¡¢¹â¶¶¾¡¡¢ÎëÌÚ¸¬°ì¡¢¿ûÌîÍý¡¢²ÃÆ£¹°¾´¡¢°¤Éô´²¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡¢Ê¿Ìî½ç¼£¡§¸Â¶ÉÀ­Ç¢´É¥¢¥ß¥í¥¤¥É¡¼¥·¥¹¤Î£±Îã¡£ÈçÇ¢´ï²ÊµªÍ×37, 73-76¡¤1991.

ÆþÂôÀé¾½¡¢ÎëÌÚ¸¬°ì¡¢ÃæÀîÀ²Éס¢¿ûÌîÍý¡¢²ÃÆ£¹°¾´¡¢°¤Éô´²¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡§¥±¥¤»À·ëÀФΣ±Îã¡£ÈçÇ¢´ï²ÊµªÍ×37, 267-271¡¤1991.

ÆþÂôÀé¾½¡¢ÃæÀîÀ²Éס¢¹â¶¶¾¡¡¢ÎëÌÚ¸¬°ì¡¢¿ûÌîÍý¡¢²ÃÆ£¹°¾´¡¢°¤Éô´²¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡§Ç¢Æ»¥¨¥ó¥É¥á¥È¥ê¥ª¡¼¥·¥¹¤Î£±Îã¡£ÈçÇ¢´ï²ÊµªÍ×37(4), 389-392¡¤1991.

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:54¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


¶â»Ò¾°»Ì¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ÅÏÊÕÇ¡¢Ê¿Ìî½ç¼£¡¢Àî¼½Ó»°¡§£±Â¦Éû¿Õ¤Ë£³¸Ä¤ÎÁ£¼ð¤òǧ¤á¤¿Cushing ¾É¸õ·²¤Î1Îã¡£ÆüËÜÈçÇ¢´ï²Ê³Ø²ñ»¨»ï81, 909-912¡¤1990.

ÆþÂôÀé¾½¡¢Àж¿²¬³Ø¡¢ÅÏÊÕÇ¡¢Àаæ±äµ×¡¢ÎëÌÚñÖ°ìµÆÃϱٷ¼¡§¼«Æ°ÆóÎؼ֥¬¥½¥ê¥ó¥¿¥ó¥¯¤Ë¤è¤ë³°±¢Éô³°½ý¸åȯÀ¸¤·¤¿±¢·Ô³¤ÌÊÂÎÆâ¹Å·ë¤Î£²Îã¡£ÈçÇ¢´ï²ÊµªÍ×36, 1193-1196¡¤1990. 

ishigookaclinicb_nurse_yamagata  at 07:51¨¢¥³¥á¥ó¥È(0)¨¢¥È¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥¯(0) ¤³¤Îµ­»ö¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¡ª 


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