7. Paid Content License and Restrictions. は有料コンテンツの利用許諾と制限についてです。一年単位で支払う登録料以外は基本的に無料であるデベロッパーアカウントですが、有料コンテンツも存在しており、そのコンテンツにのみ適用される条項になります。


As a Registered Apple Developer, you may have access to certain proprietary content (including, without limitation, video presentations and audio recordings) that Apple may make available to you from time to time for a separate fee (“Paid Content ”). Paid Content shall be considered Apple Confidential Information, unless otherwise agreed or permitted in writing by Apple.

Apple社が提供するコンテンツのうち、個別に課金するPaid Contentがあること、そのPaid Contentは原則として秘密情報とみなされる、とあります。

You may not share the Paid Content with anyone, including, without limitation, employees and contractors working for the same entity as you, regardless of whether they are Registered Apple Developers. Subject to these terms and conditions, Apple grants you a personal and nontransferable license to access and use the Paid Content for authorized purposes as a Registered Apple Developer; provided that you may only download one (1) copy of the Paid Content and such download must be completed within the time period specified by Apple for such download.

Paid Contentはデベロッパー間でもシェア不可であること、利用にあたってはApple社の許諾条件に従うこと、複製物は1つに限りDL可能であって定められた期間内にDLを完了する必要がある、とあります。

Except as expressly permitted by Apple, you shall not modify, translate, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works of the Paid Content or any part thereof. You shall not rent, lease, loan, sell, sublicense, assign or otherwise transfer any rights in the Paid Content. Apple and/or Apple’s licensor(s) retain ownership of the Paid Content itself and any copies or portions thereof. The Paid Content is licensed, not sold, to you by Apple for use only under this Agreement, and Apple reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Your rights under this license to use and access the Paid Content will terminate automatically without notice from Apple if you fail to comply with any of these provisions.

Paid Contentといえども、権利を売却するものではなく、全ての権利はApple社に留保され、修正、翻訳、再製、貸与、譲渡等は禁止されています。契約違反の場合はPaid Contentのライセンスを予告なく終了するともあります。
