Winning condition
Player wins if the opponent have
8 cards in his/her damage zone

Deck rules
Each players must have a 54 card
deck each with the following rules.
1) Each deck must have 54 cards
2) Each deck can only have up to
    4 copies of a card with the same
    name and card number.
3) Each deck must include 16 non-Level0
     cards with the (Σ & Ω) Link frame.
     No more no less.
4) Each deck must have 4 Level0 progress
     No more no less.

Game preparation
1) Place 4 level 0 Progress in the progress  
     zone, faced down.
2) Shuffle the deck.
3) Play a game of rock,scissors, paper with
     your opponent, winner starts first.
4) Draw 4 cards from the deck. Players may
     discard any amount of card(s) from hand
      and draw back the same amount.
5) Plce the top card from the deck into energy
     zone in face down. First player will place 1
     and second player will place 2.
6) Flip all 4 progress into face up position.

Card types
34 PM
1) Card name
2) Card type
    there are PG and AC, PG means
    Progress cards while AC means
    Action cards.
3) Level
4) Colour
     There are 4 types of colour in this
     game. Blue, Black , Red and White.
5) Link frame
6) Text
7) Power
8) Guard point
9) Race/Trait
10) Strike 

Game flow
1) Awake phase
Player will switch their card in fall position
to awake. 

2) Draw phase
Players will draw 2 cards from his/her deck,
first player's first turn will draw 3 cards instead.

3) Energy phase
Turn player will place 1 card from the top
of the deck into energy zone faced down.
Player with 8 or more energy in the energy
zone will skip this phase.

4) Main phase
Players may do the following actions.
A. Play card(s) from hand.
B. activate the card's [Activate] abilities.
5) Attack phase

6) End phase
A. If turn player have 8 or more cards in
hand, discard till he/she have 7 cards.
B. All effects with "Till the end of the
turn" ends
C. Discard the action cards used.

05 PM
(Awake)       (Fall)

How to play a card
Players will have to pay the cost in
order to play the cards. 
50 PM
By placing the energy into fall players
can pay the costs.
When a player were to play a card,
the cost needed will be the difference of
Original card's level & New card's level

If I have a Level1 Progress and I'm playing
a Level 3 progress, I will simply need to 
pay 2 cost instead of 3. Card's cost will
not go to 0.

When a card is played the card in the
original slot will be send into the discard
pile, this is call a shift. 

Play area
18 PM
1) Progress zone
2) Energy zone
3) Action zone
4) Damage zone
5) Deck
6) Discard pile
Attack steps
1) Target attack
place a progress in awake
position into fall and declare
an attack to the progress infront
of you.

2) Guard step
Opponent player may discard
a card to add the guard points
from the discarded card to the
targetted progress. The power
increased will last till the end
of that battle.

3) Link step
If the attacking progress have a
Link effect, player may activate

4) Damage calculation step
If the Progress's power is
equal or greater than your
opponent the attack will be
considered as success and
the opponent will recieve
damage(s) equals to the
attacking progress's Strike.
Opponent will reveal the top card
from his/her deck 1 by 1 as the
same amount as the Strike.If the
card revealed do not have a Link
frame, send it into the damage zone.
If the card revealed do have a Link
frame, send it into the discard pile.
In the case where the Power is
lesser, nothing happens. 

5) End of Attack step
Batle ends

*Progress that lost in a battle will
not be send to the discard pile.

Attack successful
46 PM

Attack Fail
53 PM
 51 PM
Draw 1, this card gets POWER
+3000 during this turn.

<Link8> Will means that players
have to send 8 cards from the top
of the deck into discard pile.
The 3 types of symbols will mean
(1) Any Link frame
(Σ) A Link frame with(Σ)
12 PM

Ω) A Link frame with(Ω)
07 PM 

Cards with() can be either 
00 PM
In the case of the example if I have
12 PM
12 PM
07 PM
 07 PM 
I wil be able to activate the Link.

In the case of deck out
Player will select 1 card with Link
frame from his/her discard pile and
remove it from game. Shuffle the
rest of the discard pile and play it
as a new deck.

How to use an Action cards
Players will pay the cost for the
action cards like how they pay
for the Progress card and place
the card in the action zone. Cards
in the action zone will be removed
at the end of the turn.

Q. If I already have 8 cards in my energy
hase, what will happen to my energy
A. You will skip the action of placing an

Q. Can I play 2 progress with the same
A. Yes you can.

Q. Can I shift a Progress after activating
it's activate ability?
A. Yes, you can.

Q. Can I attack a progress zone without
a Progress?
A. Yes, you can. In this case your opponent
will recieve damage(s) equals to the Strike
of the attacking progress. Do take note that
a Link can not be activated.

Q. What's the meaning of [Appear] and
A. Appear will be when a card is played  
onto a progress zone. Retire will be when
a card is send from the progress zone into
the discard pile.

Q. Can I shift a Progress that's played
during this turn?
A. No, you can't. Each zone be it progress
or action, players can only do a single
action in each of them per turn.

Q. Can I use any amount of cards during
a single attack?
A. Yes, you may.

Q. If I uses a Link with<Link6>{(2)(Ω)}
and I discarded(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)(Ω),
activate my Link twice.
A. Yes, you can select to activate it