As of 030612 the currently known amount

Total G3 units :  7
Total G2 units : 11
Total G1 units : 9
Total G0 units : 8
Total critical triggers : 2
Total stand triggers : 1
Total heal triggers : 1
Total draw triggers : 1
Grand total: 35

Just joined in during the fourth booster
<Empty shadow god eclipse> and is welknown
for units like Blaster Dark who is seen as the rival
of Royal Paladin. Their ability to search and superior
call is almost on par with Royal Paladin and it can
be abused with the welknown leader of the clan
Phantom Blaster Dragon who gains
incredible powers by sacrificing his own ally.
From the booster <Twin swords awakening> 
Phantom Blaster Overlord attained the skill
to Persona Blast and with that not only can he
gain power, Shadow Paladin can now attack
with full strength as there isn't any sacrifice used
for his boost.

A clan that I will not recommend new players as
firstly it's costly and secondly, in order for their
full potential to be shown the player needs a
certain level of skill and experience to decide
the proper timing for their skills.