公益社団法人日本VE協会主催「第49回VE全国大会」(開催日時:2016年10月25・26日、場所: アルカディア市ヶ谷)にて、弊社代表取締役社長・福原が特別報告を行いました。



Improving the value of consulting service
~Creating value for customers and cost planning for value-creating corporate management~



MASANORI FUKUHARA joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1995. He engaged in research and development of semi-conductor process and applied technology at Device Development Center, VE consulting for whole Hitachi Group in the headquarters, company-wide management of VE project for product development and project management of target costing system development at Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. In 2008 he was assigned to principal engineer of VE Center. He found Fukuhara Innovation Institute in 2011 which provides services for VE, target costing, profit enhancement, start-up business consulting. His clients account 134 companies. He is leader of the research and study group for management in East Japan Chapter of SJVE.



Due to rapid changes of corporate environment, the consulting business in Japan is well-growing market. Same is equally true for the consulting market of target costing and VE. Based on the trends of changes in the customer needs, what are the necessary skills to address these and how to create consulting service satisfying the customer’s needs? The presentation will discuss how to create high value consulting service along with a case study.
