

気候、雰囲気 Climate and atmosphere of Surachipt

Surachipt とはどんな気候ですか?

Surachipt は北海道の有名な大都市である Sapporo-City より約40マイルほど北にあります。北海道の2大都市(Sapporo, Asahikawa)の中間の地域です。石狩川の流れに沿った平野の真ん中の地域です。緑が多いこと、雪が多く寒いことを除けば、サンフランシスコ郊外のシリコンバレーに似た雰囲気の土地です。


一番近い例として、近くの大都市 Sapporo を紹介します。

Sapporo は人口200万の大都市で、北緯43度前後に位置します。冬の平均最低気温はー10℃前後、夏の平均最高気温は30℃前後で、7月の終わりごろに30℃前後の日が数日あります。夏でも朝晩は非常に寒く、多くの家では真夏でもセントラルヒーティングを利用します。夏は湿度が低く、他の日本の各都市と異なります。水冷を使った気化冷却システムが有効に機能します。

世界では同じ緯度にある大都市で、南カナダのトロント、バンクーバー、ロシアのキエフ市などが Sapporo に近い緯度、気候です。ただこれらの都市と大きく異なる点は、人口200万人の大都市であるにも係わらず、年間の雨量(冬の降雪量)が累積で6mにも達するところです。氷点下で振る雪は、乾いた粉雪です。このような多雪都市は世界でも非常に稀です。Sapporo は 1972 年の冬季オリンピックで有名で、毎年2月になると大量の雪を使った雪の像を作る祭りで多くの観光客を集めます。Sapporo では冬は歩道が雪に覆われ、歩行者も自動車のドライバーも非常に苦労します。それだけに、除雪にかかる費用は、市や近隣の市町村にとっては大きな問題です。どこか、この余った大量の雪を処理してくれないだろうか、という要望が Surachipt Data Stream のアイディアの基本になります。

十分な人が生活できるインフラストラクチャと、適度な過疎地が Sapporo の後背地にはあります。


What climate is Surachipt?

About 40-mile Surachipt is in the north from Sapporo-City that is a famous big city in Hokkaido. It is a region in the middle of Hokkaido of two large cities (Sapporo, Asahikawa). It is a region at the center of plains that parallel the flow of the Ishikari river. If it is excluded that it is snowy and are a lot of greens, and cold, it is land of atmosphere that looks like Silicon Valley in San Francisco suburbs.

It might be a climate of this land that you worry most.

It introduces nearby big city Sapporo as the nearest example. What climate is Surachipt?

It introduces nearby big city Sapporo as the nearest example.

In the big city of population two million, Sapporo is located in 43 about ° north. There is a day of about 30℃ for several days when the mean minimum temperature of winter is about 10℃ it, about 30℃ the mean maximum temperature of summer, and ends July. It is very cold in summer day and night, and uses the central heating in a lot of houses at the midsummer. Humidity is low, and it is different from each city in other Japan in summer. The evaporation cooling system that uses water-cooled functions effectively.

Toronto, Vancouver in south Canada, and Kiev City in Russia, etc. are latitudes, and climates in the world in the big city that exists in the same latitude near Sapporo. However, it is not related so that it is a big city of two million people, and reaches as many as 6m by the accumulation by the rainfall (snowfall of winter) during year in a point greatly different from these cities. The snow shaken below freezing point is dry powdery snow. Such a multi snow city is very rare also in the world. When it becomes February every year famously because of the Olympic Winter Games in 1972, Sapporo gathers a lot of tourists in the festival that makes the image of the snow that uses a large amount of snow. The pavement is covered with the snow in Sapporo in winter, and the pedestrian and the driver of the car have a hard time very much. Therefore, the cost that hangs to clearing snow is a big problem for the municipality in the city and the vicinity. The demand whether to process this a large amount of remaining snow somewhere is basic of the idea of Surachipt Data Stream.

There are an infrastructure that an enough person can live and moderate under-populated areas in the hinterland of Sapporo.

In general, the car sold on this island is called "Cold-weather model". The air conditioner has not taken side with a cheap model. The battery, the power-supply unit, and the wiper, etc. have been strengthened unlike the model sold in Japan usual. There is a huge test track of Toyota Motor in the north of this island, and the car is tested in a severe environment of 30 degrees under the freezing point.

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