2007年07月28日 21:11

It was cruel humit today!!

There are no air conditioner in my house.I'm boiling to death right now.
I took a lesson with C.H at 2:30. When I was going to the booth, He bumped me behind.I was sooooo..... surprised by him. Our lesson were almost talking about daily life. He had me listen to music who played by Eminem with his I-pod 6-Generation and He sang a song for me.
He is always funny.

After the lesson, I went to the Tobu Department store to look foward a jacket and pants because I have to get in the wedding party of my old co-worker next weekend but I have no scence of fashion. It is always difficult for me to choose some clothes. Hey, How do you usually choose your clothes? SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!





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