ポール・グレアム「ベンチャーの資金調達の未来」を翻訳しました。原題は The Future of Startup Funding で、原文はココです。英語に強い皆さま、コメント欄でのアドバイスをよろしくお願いいたします。なお翻訳にあたり、id:masuidrive様のアドバイスをいただいております。ありがとうございます!!

The Future of Startup Funding

August 2010

Two years ago I wrote about what I called "a huge, unexploited opportunity in startup funding:" the growing disconnect between VCs, whose current business model requires them to invest large amounts, and a large class of startups that need less than they used to. Increasingly, startups want a couple hundred thousand dollars, not a couple million. [1]

The opportunity is a lot less unexploited now. Investors have poured into this territory from both directions. VCs are much more likely to make angel-sized investments than they were a year ago. And meanwhile the past year has seen a dramatic increase in a new type of investor: the super-angel, who operates like an angel, but using other people's money, like a VC.

Though a lot of investors are entering this territory, there is still room for more. The distribution of investors should mirror the distribution of startups, which has the usual power law dropoff. So there should be a lot more people investing tens or hundreds of thousands than millions. [2]

In fact, it may be good for angels that there are more people doing angel-sized deals, because if angel rounds become more legitimate, then startups may start to opt for angel rounds even when they could, if they wanted, raise series A rounds from VCs. One reason startups prefer series A rounds is that they're more prestigious. But if angel investors become more active and better known, they'll increasingly be able to compete with VCs in brand.

Of course, prestige isn't the main reason to prefer a series A round. A startup will probably get more attention from investors in a series A round than an angel round. So if a startup is choosing between an angel round and an A round from a good VC fund, I usually advise them to take the A round. [3]

But while series A rounds aren't going away, I think VCs should be more worried about super-angels than vice versa. Despite their name, the super-angels are really mini VC funds, and they clearly have existing VCs in their sights.

They would seem to have history on their side. The pattern here seems the same one we see when startups and established companies enter a new market. Online video becomes possible, and YouTube plunges right in, while existing media companies embrace it only half-willingly, driven more by fear than hope, and aiming more to protect their turf than to do great things for users. Ditto for PayPal. This pattern is repeated over and over, and it's usually the invaders who win. In this case the super-angels are the invaders. Angel rounds are their whole business, as online video was for YouTube. Whereas VCs who make angel investments mostly do it as a way to generate deal flow for series A rounds. [4]

On the other hand, startup investing is a very strange business. Nearly all the returns are concentrated in a few big winners. If the super-angels merely fail to invest in (and to some extent produce) the big winners, they'll be out of business, even if they invest in all the others.


どうしてベンチャー・キャピタルは、もっと小額のシリーズAラウンドを始めないのだろう? 取締役会が問題なんだ。伝統的なシリーズAラウンドでは、それを取りしきるパートナーが、ベンチャーの主導権を握る。平均的なベンチャーが6年間、経営され、パートナーは同時に12社の経営に関わることができるとした場合、ベンチャー・キャピタル・ファンドは年間に2つのシリーズAラウンドを扱えることになる。
Why don't VCs start doing smaller series A rounds? The sticking point is board seats. In a traditional series A round, the partner whose deal it is takes a seat on the startup's board. If we assume the average startup runs for 6 years and a partner can bear to be on 12 boards at once, then a VC fund can do 2 series A deals per partner per year.

私はいつも「もっと取締役会を減らせばいいのに」と思う。ベンチャーの支援には経営への参加が必要ってことはない。おそらくベンチャー・キャピタルは、濫費を防ぐには取締役の地位が必要だと思っているのだろう。でも実際に試したの? 重役の地位につくのをやめたら利益が減ったのでもない限り、重役にならなくても大丈夫な可能性は無視できない。
It has always seemed to me the solution is to take fewer board seats. You don't have to be on the board to help a startup. Maybe VCs feel they need the power that comes with board membership to ensure their money isn't wasted. But have they tested that theory? Unless they've tried not taking board seats and found their returns are lower, they're not bracketing the problem.

I'm not saying VCs don't help startups. The good ones help them a lot. What I'm saying is that the kind of help that matters, you may not have to be a board member to give. [5]

どうすればいいだろう? ベンチャー・キャピタルの一部は、もっと小さな取引を数多くすることで適応するだろう。投資する企業の選択プロセスを効率化し、また重役になる回数を減らしたなら、ベンチャー・キャピタル・ファンドがシリーズAラウンドで、質を落とさず今の2~3倍、融資できるようになったとしても、私は驚かない。
How will this all play out? Some VCs will probably adapt, by doing more, smaller deals. I wouldn't be surprised if by streamlining their selection process and taking fewer board seats, VC funds could do 2 to 3 times as many series A rounds with no loss of quality.

But other VCs will make no more than superficial changes. VCs are conservative, and the threat to them isn't mortal. The VC funds that don't adapt won't be violently displaced. They'll edge gradually into a different business without realizing it. They'll still do what they will call series A rounds, but these will increasingly be de facto series B rounds. [6]

In such rounds they won't get the 25 to 40% of the company they do now. You don't give up as much of the company in later rounds unless something is seriously wrong. Since the VCs who don't adapt will be investing later, their returns from winners may be smaller. But investing later should also mean they have fewer losers. So their ratio of risk to return may be the same or even better. They'll just have become a different, more conservative, type of investment.


In the big angel rounds that increasingly compete with series A rounds, the investors won't take as much equity as VCs do now. And VCs who try to compete with angels by doing more, smaller deals will probably find they have to take less equity to do it. Which is good news for founders: they'll get to keep more of the company.

The deal terms of angel rounds will become less restrictive too—not just less restrictive than series A terms, but less restrictive than angel terms have traditionally been.

In the future, angel rounds will less often be for specific amounts or have a lead investor. In the old days, the standard m.o. for startups was to find one angel to act as the lead investor. You'd negotiate a round size and valuation with the lead, who'd supply some but not all of the money. Then the startup and the lead would cooperate to find the rest.

未来のエンジェル・ラウンドは、ますます次のように見えるだろう。ある決まった金額のラウンドではなく、ベンチャーはrolling close、つまり投資家からそのつど、必要と思う金額を受け取るようになるだろう。[7] そうなっても最初に小切手を書く投資家がいて、そして確かに他の投資家を集めるのには役立つだろうが、この最初の投資家は、もうラウンドを管理するという古い意味での代表にはならないだろう。ベンチャーが自分自身でその役割を果たすだろう。
The future of angel rounds looks more like this: instead of a fixed round size, startups will do a rolling close, where they take money from investors one at a time till they feel they have enough. [7] And though there's going to be one investor who gives them the first check, and his or her help in recruiting other investors will certainly be welcome, this initial investor will no longer be the lead in the old sense of managing the round. The startup will now do that themselves.

There will continue to be lead investors in the sense of investors who take the lead in advising a startup. They may also make the biggest investment. But they won't always have to be the one terms are negotiated with, or be the first money in, as they have in the past. Standardized paperwork will do away with the need to negotiate anything except the valuation, and that will get easier too.

If multiple investors have to share a valuation, it will be whatever the startup can get from the first one to write a check, limited by their guess at whether this will make later investors balk. But there may not have to be just one valuation. Startups are increasingly raising money on convertible notes, and convertible notes have not valuations but at most valuation caps: caps on what the effective valuation will be when the debt converts to equity (in a later round, or upon acquisition if that happens first). That's an important difference because it means a startup could do multiple notes at once with different caps. This is now starting to happen, and I predict it will become more common. [8]


すべてがこの方向に向かっているのは、古い方法はベンチャーの搾取だったからだ。投資家代表は「他の人が投資するなら自分も投資するよ」という、起業家で好きな人などいないもっともらしいセリフでラウンドの規模を決めることができたし、実際に決めていた。自分ではベンチャーを判断できないほとんどの投資家は他の投資家の判断に頼る。みんなが投資するなら自分もしたいし、そうじゃなければ自分もやだ。起業家はこのセリフが大嫌いだ。というのも、このセリフで話は停滞し、そして停滞ほど起業家がガマンできないものはないからだ。ほとんどの投資家は、この方法ではダメだとわかってはいるが、自分がそうしていると公に認める者はほとんどいない。だがタチの悪い投資家は、ある金額を定め、自分はその一部だけを出資するラウンドにすることで、同じ結果にさせる。ベンチャーが残りを調達できないなら、代表も残りを出さない。じゃあ取引はどうなるかって? ベンチャーを資金不足のままにさせておくのだ!
The reason things are moving this way is that the old way sucked for startups. Leads could (and did) use a fixed size round as a legitimate-seeming way of saying what all founders hate to hear: I'll invest if other people will. Most investors, unable to judge startups for themselves, rely instead on the opinions of other investors. If everyone wants in, they want in too; if not, not. Founders hate this because it's a recipe for deadlock, and delay is the thing a startup can least afford. Most investors know this m.o. is lame, and few say openly that they're doing it. But the craftier ones achieve the same result by offering to lead rounds of fixed size and supplying only part of the money. If the startup can't raise the rest, the lead is out too. How could they go ahead with the deal? The startup would be underfunded!

他の人の投資のような成り行きまかせの投資を、今後、投資家はしにくくなるだろう。というよりむしろ、そんな投資家は後回しにされる。ベンチャーは単に、資金が得られる可能性が高いラウンドに行くだけだ。そしてホットなベンチャーはラウンドを売り手市場にする可能性が高いため、後回しにされたら、おそらくホットな取引はできなくなってしまうだろう。ホットな取引と成功するベンチャーは同じではないが、無視できない相関関係がある。[9] だから独自の投資ができない投資家の利益は減るだろう。
In the future, investors will increasingly be unable to offer investment subject to contingencies like other people investing. Or rather, investors who do that will get last place in line. Startups will go to them only to fill up rounds that are mostly subscribed. And since hot startups tend to have rounds that are oversubscribed, being last in line means they'll probably miss the hot deals. Hot deals and successful startups are not identical, but there is a significant correlation. [9] So investors who won't invest unilaterally will have lower returns.

こんな松葉杖なんてないほうがいいと、たぶん投資家も気付くだろう。ホットな取引を追いかけたって、企業の選択がうまくなるわけじゃない。うまく選んだつもりになれるだけだ。私は投資家たちがサメのように群れをなしたり、バラバラに散ったりするのを何度も見ているが、私の見た限りでは、ほとんど根拠はない。[10] 投資家がもはや自分たちの集団心理に頼れないのであれば、投資の前にそれぞれのベンチャーについて、もっと考える必要があるだろう。投資家は新しい方法があまりに順調なので驚くかもしれない。
Investors will probably find they do better when deprived of this crutch anyway. Chasing hot deals doesn't make investors choose better; it just makes them feel better about their choices. I've seen feeding frenzies both form and fall apart many times, and as far as I can tell they're mostly random. [10] If investors can no longer rely on their herd instincts, they'll have to think more about each startup before investing. They may be surprised how well this works.

Deadlock wasn't the only disadvantage of letting a lead investor manage an angel round. The investors would not infrequently collude to push down the valuation. And rounds took too long to close, because however motivated the lead was to get the round closed, he was not a tenth as motivated as the startup.

Increasingly, startups are taking charge of their own angel rounds. Only a few do so far, but I think we can already declare the old way dead, because those few are the best startups. They're the ones in a position to tell investors how the round is going to work. And if the startups you want to invest in do things a certain way, what difference does it make what the others do?