ポール・グレアム「私がミスするところを見て欲しい」を翻訳しました。原文はWatch Me Make Mistakesです。なお翻訳にあたり、tamo様のアドバイスをいただいております。ありがとうございます!!

Watch Me Make Mistakes

November 2011

Stypi is a new startup we funded that's continuing where Etherpad left off. Like Etherpad, Stypi can replay your edits. I asked the founders to make something special for me: a version of playback that shows text that will ultimately be deleted in yellow.

Startups in 13 Sentences

いちばん衝撃的だったのは、私の執筆方法は、まるで固着すべり現象(訳注: ひっかかったり進んだりを繰り返すこと)みたいだったことだ。最初は手探りで、同じ文章を何度も書き直す。そして筆が進み、ほぼそのまま最終版となる文章を1つ2つ書く。そしてまた行きづまる。その様子は、まるで迷路で右往左往しながら出口を探すマウスのようだ。
What struck me most is the way writing seems for me to be a stick-slip phenomenon. Initially I fumble about and keep rewriting the same sentence over and over. Then I get rolling and write a sentence or two that make it almost intact into the final version, and then I get stuck again. Watching these parts is like watching a mouse find its way through a maze.

There are several different types of things that get deleted. There are false starts, which get deleted immediately. There are things I get wrong the first time but don't realize it. Those I go back and rewrite later. And there are awkward or unnecessary words and sentences, most of which I catch in successive passes near the end. It's interesting how often the last sentence of a paragraph can simply be deleted.