97: 名無しのLOL民 2019/03/07(木) 12:39:10.03 ID:GrNZf4q90
Mana increased from 300 to 340
Mana Regen Growth increased from.6 to .8
Echoing Flames (Passive)
[REMOVED] No longer deals reduced damage to enemies hit by it in the last 5 seconds.

Purge (W)
[REMOVED] No longer shields
Cost lowered from 65 to 40
Cooldown lowered from 17/15/13/11/9 >>> 8/6/4/2/0
On-hit damage reduction lowered from 66% to 50%

Disdain (E)
[NEW] Grants a shield for 60/80/100/120/140 (+200% bonus AD) on cast
Damage changed from [60/100/140/180/220 (+.50% total AD)] to [90/120/150/180/210 (+100% bonus AD)]
Cooldown changed from [1615/14/13/12] to [14 at all ranks]
Cost cost increased from [50 at all ranks] to [50/60/70/80/90]

Fear Beyond Death (R)
Range increased from 1600 to 2500
Cast time increased from .4 to .5
Damage changed from [50/175/300 (+50% total AD)] to [125/250/375 (+50% bonus AD)
Mana increased from 300 to 340
Mana Regen Growth increased from.6 to .8
Echoing Flames (Passive)
[REMOVED] No longer deals reduced damage to enemies hit by it in the last 5 seconds.

Purge (W)
[REMOVED] No longer shields
Cost lowered from 65 to 40
Cooldown lowered from 17/15/13/11/9 >>> 8/6/4/2/0
On-hit damage reduction lowered from 66% to 50%

Disdain (E)
[NEW] Grants a shield for 60/80/100/120/140 (+200% bonus AD) on cast
Damage changed from [60/100/140/180/220 (+.50% total AD)] to [90/120/150/180/210 (+100% bonus AD)]
Cooldown changed from [1615/14/13/12] to [14 at all ranks]
Cost cost increased from [50 at all ranks] to [50/60/70/80/90]

Fear Beyond Death (R)
Range increased from 1600 to 2500
Cast time increased from .4 to .5
Damage changed from [50/175/300 (+50% total AD)] to [125/250/375 (+50% bonus AD)