♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (USA trip #8) #245 2015/12/12♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (College #6) #247 2016/2/28

January 09, 2016

♪JJust a Re-Note from Rennie​    #246 2015/1/10

I would like to start this year with a report on my health. Earlier last year, I received a small gift from friends who were visiting from America. In the bag were 3 memo pads and a pen. As I took them out and read the scripture verses on them, one was from Ecclesiastes 11:9 “Be happy and let your heart give you joy.” I realized this is the theme from which I have lived most of my life, but did not realize where I had developed this characteristic. I thought my parents planted this thought in me, but perhaps it is a gift from God. Keigo often says he is envious of me because I can always “enjoy myself” (enjoy life regardless of the circumstances). I answered, “Life is too short and important not to enjoy the moment.” “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) I pray that God will give me strength to keep joy in my heart, so my heart can give me joy.
In August, I was diagnosed with “AFL” (Atrial Flutter) which is a different type of cardiac arrhythmia from AF (Atrial Fibrilation ) which I had in Singapore in 2010. My pulse beat, which had been in the 40s suddenly jumped to 130. The doctor suggested I have a Catheter Ablation, so I was hospitalized and on August 13 had the ablation. My pulse rate returned to normal and now with medication my irregular heartbeat has also settled down. My heart is getting old, but I would like to keep it beating awhile longer.
The word for heart in English is used two ways: cardiac heart and emotional heart. I feel like this scripture may include both. It is hard to be happy when my pulse is so high I feel like my heart is in my throat and my whole body is shaking like I am on a rollercoaster going over the top. This reminds me of an experience that I think I shall never forget (even when I get dementia): going down through the black hole at Water World in Dallas, TX. Even then I had cardiac arrhythmia and Keigo was worried about me taking the slide. I remember climbing up to the top and Keigo asked, “Are you sure?” I looked down and said, “I can’t quit now. I can’t climb back down those stairs.” So I climbed in the hole and said, “Here I go! Enjoy!” And I did! It was great! As the water carried me down through the dark hole in the pipe, I floated round and round watching the flashing colored lights shining into the darkness and listening to the fast, loud exciting music. As my heartbeat hammered in my chest, I felt a joy and excitement that I cannot express. When I splashed down into the pool, the water felt so refreshing, bringing me back to reality and to the assurance that my heart was still beating, leaving me with a slight feeling of disappointment that the experience was over. Welcome the New Year with joy in your heart! “Be happy and let your heart give you joy.” Ecclesiastes 11:9
♪レニー・リノート    (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #246​ 2016年1月10日
英語の「heart」には、「心臓」という意味と「心」という意味があります。この聖句に出てくる「heart」という言葉も心臓と心という二つの意味を含んでいると思います。脈拍が非常に高いときは、とても喜んでいられる状態ではありません。心臓が口から飛び出しそうで、まるでローラーコースターに乗って次第に頂上に近づいている感じで体全体が震えます。そんなときは、私の一生忘れることのできない(認知症になったとしても)経験を思い出します:テキサス州ダラスのWater Worldで暗い穴の中をスライドして降りたときの経験。その時も心不整脈があって、恵護さんは私がスライドをすると言ったので心配しました。階段を上って一番高いところに到達したとき、恵護さんが、「今なら止められるよ」と言ってくれました。しかし、私は下を見て、「もう遅い。この長い階段を今更歩いて降りることはできない」と答えました。それで、穴の中に入り、「出発!さあ楽しもう!」と言いました。私はやりました!最高でした!水に運ばれてパイプの中の暗い穴の中を滑り降りました。右や左にカーブしながら様々な色の光が暗闇の中で点滅するのが見え、速くて大きな音のエキサイティングな音楽が聞こえました。心臓がバクバクし、言いようもないほど喜び、興奮しました。水しぶきを上げてプールに着水したとき、プールの水が清々しく感じられ、急に現実に呼び戻され、まだ心臓が動いていることに感謝するとともに、お楽しみがもう終ってしまったことが少し残念でした。心に喜びを持って新年を迎えましょう!

meekmeek at 21:44│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (USA trip #8) #245 2015/12/12♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (College #6) #247 2016/2/28