February 28, 2016
♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (College #6) #247 2016/2/28
After a lapse, skipping from College days #5 (Re-Note #236) on 2015/7/17 to write about our USA trip, in this Re-Note I will return to College days #6.
Graduation time was nearing and still I did not know what direction my life was to take. As I prepared to leave college, separating from my roommate, friends, and prayer-mate I felt very lonely, and deeply concerned about my future. I began to wonder what God was planning for me. I knew that I felt called to serve God through music but I had no idea how it would be possible. Since Foreign Mission Board did not send Music Missionaries, that door was closed. At that time, churches had just begun calling Ministers of Music as a full time vocation but there were no women serving in that position, so that door seemed closed also. I was also saying goodbye to my boyfriend and knew that God’s leadership at present did not include marriage. I wondered what God had in mind since all doors seemed to be closed.
During my last year at college, my father had become ill and had resigned the pastorate. I returned to my parent’s home in Laurel, Mississippi where they were living in a small house owned by my sister and brother-in-law. I did not know how to search for a job and it seemed like “time stood still”, just a time to “Wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14) But this time, I did not have to wait long. Even before summer ended, I received a telephone call with an offer to teach public school music in the elementary school at Newton Mississippi. Since I had studied public school music in college, I accepted the job. I enjoyed teaching the children and gradually became experienced and confident in the job. However, since there was no piano teacher, the school asked me to teach piano lessons. Though I had taken piano lessons as a minor subject, I had no professional training in how to teach piano, nor did I enjoy teaching it to children. It was straining on me to teach public school music all day and then teach piano lessons to children in the afternoons after school leaving only evening for lesson planning and grading. However, I recall how happy I was when I received my first salaries, and in one year I was able to repay my college scholarship loan and help pay for my parents living expenses.
I have enjoyed writing about my childhood and youth. But as I enter a new stage of my life as an adult, I realize that one of the most difficult things to write about is one’s mistakes and failures. I was taught that we are “to learn from our mistakes” but sometimes it is difficult to know how to apply what can be learned from failures. In definition: “to qualify as a mistake, the error has to be something that the person making it knew better.” (Bill Fawcett in “100 Mistakes That Changed History”) “Failure is omission of expected action”. It hurts when we do our best and are punished because “the best was not what was expected”.
“Why is my freedom judged by another’s conscience” I Corinthians 10:29
♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #247 2016年2月28日
これまで自分の子どもの頃やユースの頃の話しを楽しく紹介させていただきましたが、大人になって人生の新たな段階に入ると、間違いや失敗も多くなり、必ずしも楽しく紹介できない話も多々あります。「間違いから学べ」とはよく言われることですが、失敗から学んだはずのことをどのように応用するかは必ずしも容易ではありません。定義によると、「間違い」(mistake)とは、「いけないとわかっているのにやってしまう」であり(ビル・フォーセット著「歴史を変えた100の間違い(100 Mistakes That Changed History)」より)、「失敗」(failure)とは、「期待された結果が得られなかったこと」です。最大限努力しても、期待された成果が得られなかったということで非難されるのはとても辛いことです。「どうしてわたしの自由が、他人の良心によって左右されることがありましょう」(コリントの信徒への手紙一の10章29節)。
Graduation time was nearing and still I did not know what direction my life was to take. As I prepared to leave college, separating from my roommate, friends, and prayer-mate I felt very lonely, and deeply concerned about my future. I began to wonder what God was planning for me. I knew that I felt called to serve God through music but I had no idea how it would be possible. Since Foreign Mission Board did not send Music Missionaries, that door was closed. At that time, churches had just begun calling Ministers of Music as a full time vocation but there were no women serving in that position, so that door seemed closed also. I was also saying goodbye to my boyfriend and knew that God’s leadership at present did not include marriage. I wondered what God had in mind since all doors seemed to be closed.
During my last year at college, my father had become ill and had resigned the pastorate. I returned to my parent’s home in Laurel, Mississippi where they were living in a small house owned by my sister and brother-in-law. I did not know how to search for a job and it seemed like “time stood still”, just a time to “Wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14) But this time, I did not have to wait long. Even before summer ended, I received a telephone call with an offer to teach public school music in the elementary school at Newton Mississippi. Since I had studied public school music in college, I accepted the job. I enjoyed teaching the children and gradually became experienced and confident in the job. However, since there was no piano teacher, the school asked me to teach piano lessons. Though I had taken piano lessons as a minor subject, I had no professional training in how to teach piano, nor did I enjoy teaching it to children. It was straining on me to teach public school music all day and then teach piano lessons to children in the afternoons after school leaving only evening for lesson planning and grading. However, I recall how happy I was when I received my first salaries, and in one year I was able to repay my college scholarship loan and help pay for my parents living expenses.
I have enjoyed writing about my childhood and youth. But as I enter a new stage of my life as an adult, I realize that one of the most difficult things to write about is one’s mistakes and failures. I was taught that we are “to learn from our mistakes” but sometimes it is difficult to know how to apply what can be learned from failures. In definition: “to qualify as a mistake, the error has to be something that the person making it knew better.” (Bill Fawcett in “100 Mistakes That Changed History”) “Failure is omission of expected action”. It hurts when we do our best and are punished because “the best was not what was expected”.
“Why is my freedom judged by another’s conscience” I Corinthians 10:29
♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #247 2016年2月28日
これまで自分の子どもの頃やユースの頃の話しを楽しく紹介させていただきましたが、大人になって人生の新たな段階に入ると、間違いや失敗も多くなり、必ずしも楽しく紹介できない話も多々あります。「間違いから学べ」とはよく言われることですが、失敗から学んだはずのことをどのように応用するかは必ずしも容易ではありません。定義によると、「間違い」(mistake)とは、「いけないとわかっているのにやってしまう」であり(ビル・フォーセット著「歴史を変えた100の間違い(100 Mistakes That Changed History)」より)、「失敗」(failure)とは、「期待された結果が得られなかったこと」です。最大限努力しても、期待された成果が得られなかったということで非難されるのはとても辛いことです。「どうしてわたしの自由が、他人の良心によって左右されることがありましょう」(コリントの信徒への手紙一の10章29節)。
meekmeek at 21:53│Comments(0)│レニー先生