♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (College #6) #247 2016/2/28♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #249 2016/3/18

March 10, 2016

♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #248 2016/3/10

As I wrote in the previous Re-Note, I was asked to teach elementary school music at the Newton MS Elementary School. It was a nice little town, and I enjoyed attending the First Baptist Church on Sundays when I did not go home on weekends. I lived in a 2LDK apartment with 3 other teachers. I do not recall what we did for entertainment, because it was such a small town and there were no televisions then. Anyway I had very little free time to think about entertainment.
Before I share a difficult experience, let me share a pleasant one during my year. There was a small ragged barefoot boy in one of the classes, who loved to sing and at each music class time, he sat up straight, singing in a beautiful voice. As winter came, I became concerned about without shoes in the cold weather, so I asked his homeroom teacher if I could get permission to buy him some shoes and she said if I would do it quietly, she would help me. One day I asked her to keep him after class and I had him draw his foot on a piece of paper. Later I had her give him the shoes without him knowing where they came from, and I shall never forget his shining smiling face the cold day he came to school wearing the black shiny shoes I bought for him. It seems his voice was even more beautiful and I thanked God that I could rejoice with him.
I mentioned that I was asked to teach piano to children. However, I was also asked to teach piano to a high school student who was much more advanced than I. Her parents had been taking her to a city quite a distance away to study with a professional teacher since she was a child and they wanted me to teach her weekly in between her monthly trips. I tried to refuse explaining that my qualification was public school music, but they were very nice, requesting I only tutor her for one year in preparation for her recital. This was quite different from teaching children to read music, correcting their notes, rhythm and sound. I had no idea what her teacher was teaching her and did not want to confuse her with different signals, so having no idea what to do to help her, I just sat and listened as she played the difficult compositions. I was very tense, waiting anxiously for her graduation. However, for her recital her piano teacher chose a two piano composition by Liszt and asked me to play the second piano part. Rather, they did not ask me, they commanded me to play. I was forced to learn the music in a very short time, whereas she had been rehearsing for over a year. Also teaching public school music and piano lessons all day left very little time to practice before the janitor locked up the school. Even though I explained the situation, requesting her teacher play the second part, they would not take no for an answer. It was very painful for me, but, a much more painful experience was ahead and though I did not know why, God did.
“I know the plans I have for you…to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

♪レニー・リノート    (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #248​ 2016年3月10日
前回のレニー・リノートでも書いたように、私はNewton MS Elementary Schoolで小学生に音楽を教えるようにと依頼されました。ニュートン(ミシシッピー州)は小さい素敵な町で、週末に家に帰らないときは、日曜日ごとにFirst Baptist Churchの礼拝に出席しました。私は他の三人の教師と共に2LDKのアパートに住んでいました。小さな町で、当時はまだテレビも無かったので、どのように余暇を楽しんだか覚えていません。いずれにせよ、毎日忙しくて余暇を楽しむ暇などありませんでした。
以前に子どもたちにピアノのレッスンをするように頼まれたと書きましたが、私よりもピアノがもっと上級の高校生にピアノを教えるようにとも頼まれました。彼女の両親は、彼女が小さいときからプロのピアノの先生に教わるために遠くの大きな町まで彼女を毎月一回連れて行っていました。それで、その町に行かない週は毎週彼女にピアノのレッスンをして欲しいとのことでした。私には公立学校で音楽を教える資格しかないことを説明して断ろうとしたのですが、彼女の両親はとても素敵な人たちで、彼女のリサイタルの準備のために1年だけ彼女の家庭教師になって欲しいと頼まれました。これは、子どもたちに楽譜の読み方を教え、音やリズムの正確さとは全く分けが違います。プロのピアノの先生が彼女にどのように教えているのか見当も付かず、別のことを言って彼女を混乱させないようにと、どのように彼女に教えたらよいか分からないままに彼女が難しい曲を弾くのをただ座って聞いていました。私は非常に緊張し、ひたすら彼女が卒業するのを待ちました。しかし、彼女のピアノの担任はリストのピアノ連弾曲をリサイタル用に選択し、私に第二ピアノを弾くようにと頼みました。正直、頼むというよりはほとんど命令でした。彼女が1年以上かけて練習してきた曲を非常に短期間でマスターするようにと強制されたのです。一日中、公立学校の音楽を教えるかたわらピアノのレッスンもしていたので、学校の管理人に締め出されるまでのピアノの練習時間はごく僅かしか残されていませんでした。この状況を説明して彼女の担任に第二ピアノを弾いてくれるよう頼みましたが、全然聞き入れてもらえませんでした。これは私にとってとても辛いことでした。しかし、もっと辛い経験がその先に待っていました。なぜかは私には分かりませんでしたが神は知っておられました。「わたしは、あなたたちのために立てた計画をよく心に留めている。... それは将来と希望を与えるものである」(エレミヤ書29章11節)。

meekmeek at 17:26│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie (College #6) #247 2016/2/28♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #249 2016/3/18