♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #249 2016/3/18♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #251 2016/5/6

April 16, 2016

♪Just a R e-Note from Rennie #250 2016/4/16

The First Baptist Church, Jonesboro, LA was a beautiful building in the middle of town. There was a tall steeple on top with a carillon in the tower that rang out every morning at 8:00 to welcome the small city, signaling the shops to open for the day and the school classes to begin. Once the timer did not work and the chime did not ring, leaving the whole town’s schedule off balance, so I was asked to go to church each morning before 8:00 to be sure that it rang on time. I felt very much needed like the whole town was depending on me to start the day. This also worked out well for a mother who dropped off her child at Kindergarten before she went to work.
Pastor Mason’s weekly messages in the bulletin were very refreshing and inspirational and later were published in a book called, “Now Then” by Rev. David Mason. His messages were a great influence in my life. We were a very close-knit family church and I loved it. I felt God was in my life and I was very happy, growing more confident after the previous job experience, but gradually the work schedule of music, piano lessons and kindergarten again became heavy for me and again I became overworked and exhausted. I felt led to leave and go to a church calling me as full time Minister of Music with more salary. I still have pleasant memories of my time at Jonesboro and later I often regretted leaving.
As mentioned earlier, there are some experiences that are difficult to write and some that should not be written. During the next few years in my life, there were things that happened to make me doubt that my call was to serve as a leader in church. My father was a pastor and though he had many faults, I respected him and felt he was a follower of what he preached. I had always had good experiences with my pastors and especially in working with Pastor Mason in Jonesboro. Therefore when I had an experience of realizing that the pastor could falter and then blame me falsely to save himself, I lost confidence. Though I realized that I too was weak and could not judge, still I felt that as God’s chosen and called leaders, we should strive to be more faithful and true to the teachings of the scriptures. Rather than writing about the experience, in the next note, I would like to write what it taught me and how it influenced my thinking and faith in God. I recall during my faltering my father said to me, “Don’t let anyone stand between you and God. It makes you smaller than they are. Keeps your eyes on Jesus and imitate Him”
Again, I am reminded of the rest of the famous words of Alexander Graham Bell: “When one door closes, another opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which opens for us.” Another door opened but I seemed to falter, losing faith, looking back at the previous doors wondering where God’s was leading me. “You will seek me, and you will find me, because you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
♪レニー・リノート    (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #250​ 2016年4月16日
ジョーンズバラのFirst Baptist Churchは町の中央にある美しい建物でした。この教会には尖塔があって、そこに設置されているカリヨン(組み鐘)が毎朝8:00に鳴って町の人々に時を知らせました。カリヨンが鳴ると店が開き、学校の授業が始まります。あるとき、タイマーが故障してカリオンが鳴らず、町全体のスケジュールがおかしくなりました。それで、私は毎朝8時前には教会に行って、定時に鐘が鳴ることを確認する仕事を与えられました。町全体の一日の始まりが自分の肩にかかっていると思うと責任を感じました。朝早く仕事に出かける幼稚園児を持つ母親にとっても、このカリヨンの音は、車で自分の子を幼稚園に送って職場に行くタイミングを知るうえで便利でした。
メイソン牧師の日曜礼拝の説教はとても力強く感動的で、後に「Now Then」(著者デービッド・メイソン博士)として出版されました。彼の説教は私の人生に非常に大きく影響しました。私はこの教会が好きでした。会員同士の絆が強く家族のようだったからです。神が自分の人生の中におられると感じてとても幸せでした。前職のときと比べてさらに自信がつきましたが、音楽、ピアノレッスン、幼稚園の仕事のスケジュールが次第にきつくなって、またもや働き過ぎて憔悴し、より高給のフルタイムの音楽主事として招聘してくれる教会があったこともあり、神様の導きと思って行くことにしました。今でも楽しかったジョーンズバラでの経験を思い出すぐらいですので、後にジョーンズバラを去ったことをよく後悔したものです。

meekmeek at 13:46│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #249 2016/3/18♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #251 2016/5/6