♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #251 2016/5/6♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #253 2016/6/19

June 04, 2016

♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #252 2016/6/4

As I wrote about my childhood memories I recalled more and more that I thought I had forgotten. Many things helped me realize that many people have had an influence upon my life and what I am today. Recently I heard a young person say the reason he stopped coming to church was he had bad memories of his parents forcing him to go. I wonder what type of person he would have become if they had not. Another youth once said she did not learn anything at church as a child. Yet much that she is teaching children now are things she learned at church. Though all our memories are not always pleasant, they have affected our learning and our life as we are now. There are many things I do not know when or where I learned or who taught them to me. I am sure I was perhaps brainwashed as a child and maybe still have prejudices that I formed and have not been able to overcome.
I have often heard Japanese people say, “I am happy I was born Japanese.” And I think: “I am happy I was born to my parents.” Have you ever thought about what type of person you would be if you had been born to different parents or a different nationality? When we see others who are faced with unfortunate situations, we often hear the expression: “But for the grace of God, that could be me.” But this is confusing and creates a problem suggesting that the reason that person is in that situation is because God did not share His grace with them. As I write about childhood memories, I realize that compared to today’s world, we were very poor, but at the time I did not realize it. Some people we thought were “rich”, and I recall one memory of envying them because they could eat “store bought bread”, that we called “light bread” and was surprised when the father came to our house to eat my mother’s “home cooked biscuits.” But I was thankful for my biscuit lunch, when I saw my friend’s lunch of syrup on rice. Also, I recall my college friends envying me for my “home-made” dresses that my mother made while I wanted a “store- bought” one. When I told my father that I felt sorry for my little “black” friends playing in the rain, he said, “Look at them. They look happier than you.” I felt sorry for the little “Cajun” children and was happy my mother made them dresses, but my mother could not make delicious “French gumbo” like their mother.
Though I do not remember many who had an influence on my life and building my character and morals, I am grateful. I am happy God chose the time and place to give me life and the people who became my family, friends and teachers. I am happy I was sometimes forced to do what I did not want to do and was perhaps “brainwashed” to believe in the Bible and God’s love.
I do not need to compare myself with someone else. I am happy that I am “me” as I am, because I know that, “but by the grace of God, I am what I am.” I Corinthians 15:10 and that “God’s grace is sufficient for me”. II Corinthians 12:9

♪レニー・リノート    (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #252 2016年6月4日
 日本人はよく「日本人に生まれてよかった」と言います。私は「父母の家族として生まれてよかった」と思います。皆さんは、別の父母の家族として生まれていたら、あるいは別の国籍に生まれていたらどのような人間になっていただろうと考えたことがありますか?私たちは、不幸な状況に置かれている人々を見ると、他人事とは思えず、つい「神の恵がなければ自分もそのようになっていた」と言います。しかしこの表現は要注意です。裏を返せば、不幸な状況に置かれている人には神の恵がなかったのだと言っているに等しいからです。子どもの頃の思い出を書くにつれ、現在の世の中と比べると、当時は気が付いていなかったけれど随分と貧しかったことが分かります。私たちは、世の中には「金持ち」の人もいるのだと思いました。そして、私たちが「light bread」と呼んでいた「お店のパン」を食べられるそのような子を羨ましく思ったものです。その子の父親が、私の母の「手作りビスケット(パン)」を食べにわざわざ我が家に来たのにもびっくりしました。しかし、私の友だちのランチがご飯にシロップをかけただけなのを見て、母が手作りしたビスケット(パン)のランチに感謝しました。また、私のカレッジ時代の友だちが、私が母の手作りのドレスを着ているのを見て羨ましいと言いました。でも私はお店で売っているドレスの方が欲しかったのです。また、「黒人」の小さな友だちが雨の中で遊んでいるのを見て可哀想に思い、そのように父に言ったことがあります。すると、父は、「よく見てごらん、彼らの方がお前よりずっと楽しそうじゃないか」と言いました。私は貧しい「ケージャン」の子どもたちが可哀想だと思っていたので、母が彼らにドレスを作ってあげたときは自分のことのように嬉しくなりましたが、母は彼らの母親ほどには上手に「フレンチ・ガンボ」(ルイジアナ州のケージャン料理)を作れなかったのです。

meekmeek at 19:02│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #251 2016/5/6♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #253 2016/6/19