July 04, 2016
♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #254 2016/7/3
Recently on June 10, 2016, I struggled with words to inform friends that
my only sister, Audree had died. My niece called but could not say anything,
so we both together said, “She’s gone.” Some people use different kinds of
expressions: “She passed away. She left this world. She is in heaven. She is
with Jesus. She went to be with the Lord. She is in a better place.” etc. I
received some very comforting words from many people. I was surprised
when one person only looked at me and said: “Dying is terrible”. Our
expressions often reflect our belief and theology.
I am not a theologian. I studied Systematic Theology and other theology
courses in seminary, but still I am ignorant in understanding deep Biblical
theology, especially about death. I have several outstanding theologian
friends who read this note and often respond, however, I am embarrassed
because of my ignorance of deep theology. They are very kind in their
words but I am sure they often wonder about some of my writings and use of
scripture. I believe God is the giver of life and everlasting life, but I do not
understand death and after death.
When I heard that my father died in 1976, I had the strangest feeling. I
felt closer to him than before, when he was alive in Mississippi. Later when
my mother and brother died, “I thought, now they are together.” When I
heard my sister Audree had died, I wondered if they were together. I recalled
the last words I said to her, “I will meet you again; here, there, or in the air.”
When we were translating hymns for the Japanese Hymnal “Shinsei
Sanbika”, I realized how accustomed we become to singing without really
noticing or realizing the meaning of the words. I recall how surprised I was
when I sang the last words of “Sweet Hour of Prayer” in English, after
singing it in Japanese for 50 years. The closing words are, “and shout, while
passing through the air, ‘Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer’.” I had to
go back and read the sentences before which had not really entered my mind.
Recently we had 3 funerals for long time friends and church members of Oi
Baptist Church. As we bid them farewell we wondered about the ending of
life. Recently I saw a movie where a young girl and her boyfriend both had
only a short time to live. Once he had been given up and pronounced dead.
As they discussed the situation, he said, “when you die, there is nothing. I
know. I was dead for several minutes, and there was nothing!” I recalled
when I had anesthesia. One minute, I was talking to the doctor and the next
I awoke in a different room on a different bed. In between, there was
nothing. Maybe there is nothing, until we are “caught up together in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” I Thessalonians 4:17
レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #254 2016 年7 月3 日
最近(2016 年6 月10 日)、私の姉のオードリーが亡くなったことを友だちにどのような
らない沈黙がしばらく流れた後、私と姪が同時に「She’s gone(彼女が旅立った)」と言い
ました。「She passed away(亡くなった)」、「She left this world(他界した)」、「She is in
heaven(天国に行った)」、「She is with Jesus(イエスの所に行った)」、「She went to be with
the Lord(主に召された)」、「She is in a better place(もっと良い所に行った)」などの他
私は、1976 年に父が亡くなったと知らされたとき、世にも不思議な気持ちになりました。
をより身近に感じたのです。後になって、母が、そして兄が亡くなったときにも、「now they
are together(今、父の元に行ったのだ)」と思いました。姉のオードリーが亡くなったと
言葉、「I will meet you again; here, there, or in the air(ここか、あそこか、空中で再会し
らされました。賛美歌「Sweet Hour of Prayer(しずけき祈りの)」を今まで50 年間日本
驚きました。その最後の言葉とは「and shout, while passing through the air, ‘Farewell,
farewell, sweet hour of prayer」(空中を通りすぎる時、「さよなら静けき祈り」を叫ぶ)で
最近、大井バプテスト教会の長年の友であり教会員であった3 名の方の葬儀がありまし
共に雲に包まれて引き上げられ、空中で主に出会う」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一の4 章
17 節)まではきっと何もないのでしょう。
my only sister, Audree had died. My niece called but could not say anything,
so we both together said, “She’s gone.” Some people use different kinds of
expressions: “She passed away. She left this world. She is in heaven. She is
with Jesus. She went to be with the Lord. She is in a better place.” etc. I
received some very comforting words from many people. I was surprised
when one person only looked at me and said: “Dying is terrible”. Our
expressions often reflect our belief and theology.
I am not a theologian. I studied Systematic Theology and other theology
courses in seminary, but still I am ignorant in understanding deep Biblical
theology, especially about death. I have several outstanding theologian
friends who read this note and often respond, however, I am embarrassed
because of my ignorance of deep theology. They are very kind in their
words but I am sure they often wonder about some of my writings and use of
scripture. I believe God is the giver of life and everlasting life, but I do not
understand death and after death.
When I heard that my father died in 1976, I had the strangest feeling. I
felt closer to him than before, when he was alive in Mississippi. Later when
my mother and brother died, “I thought, now they are together.” When I
heard my sister Audree had died, I wondered if they were together. I recalled
the last words I said to her, “I will meet you again; here, there, or in the air.”
When we were translating hymns for the Japanese Hymnal “Shinsei
Sanbika”, I realized how accustomed we become to singing without really
noticing or realizing the meaning of the words. I recall how surprised I was
when I sang the last words of “Sweet Hour of Prayer” in English, after
singing it in Japanese for 50 years. The closing words are, “and shout, while
passing through the air, ‘Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer’.” I had to
go back and read the sentences before which had not really entered my mind.
Recently we had 3 funerals for long time friends and church members of Oi
Baptist Church. As we bid them farewell we wondered about the ending of
life. Recently I saw a movie where a young girl and her boyfriend both had
only a short time to live. Once he had been given up and pronounced dead.
As they discussed the situation, he said, “when you die, there is nothing. I
know. I was dead for several minutes, and there was nothing!” I recalled
when I had anesthesia. One minute, I was talking to the doctor and the next
I awoke in a different room on a different bed. In between, there was
nothing. Maybe there is nothing, until we are “caught up together in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” I Thessalonians 4:17
レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #254 2016 年7 月3 日
最近(2016 年6 月10 日)、私の姉のオードリーが亡くなったことを友だちにどのような
らない沈黙がしばらく流れた後、私と姪が同時に「She’s gone(彼女が旅立った)」と言い
ました。「She passed away(亡くなった)」、「She left this world(他界した)」、「She is in
heaven(天国に行った)」、「She is with Jesus(イエスの所に行った)」、「She went to be with
the Lord(主に召された)」、「She is in a better place(もっと良い所に行った)」などの他
私は、1976 年に父が亡くなったと知らされたとき、世にも不思議な気持ちになりました。
をより身近に感じたのです。後になって、母が、そして兄が亡くなったときにも、「now they
are together(今、父の元に行ったのだ)」と思いました。姉のオードリーが亡くなったと
言葉、「I will meet you again; here, there, or in the air(ここか、あそこか、空中で再会し
らされました。賛美歌「Sweet Hour of Prayer(しずけき祈りの)」を今まで50 年間日本
驚きました。その最後の言葉とは「and shout, while passing through the air, ‘Farewell,
farewell, sweet hour of prayer」(空中を通りすぎる時、「さよなら静けき祈り」を叫ぶ)で
最近、大井バプテスト教会の長年の友であり教会員であった3 名の方の葬儀がありまし
共に雲に包まれて引き上げられ、空中で主に出会う」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙一の4 章
17 節)まではきっと何もないのでしょう。
meekmeek at 18:01│Comments(0)│レニー先生