♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #254 2016/7/3♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie​ #256 2016/7/29

July 18, 2016

♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #255 2016/7/18

As I wrote the last Re-note about death,
I recalled as a teenager of hearing variouspreachers preaching about death,
heaven and hell. There were so many conflicting interpretations
that I became very confused. I recall my father saying that he
believed Jesus would return while he was still living, but he died in 1976. When we
discussed the world changes and problems, my sister would say, “The rapture is
coming.” I have heard many preach on Revelations and I love to sing Handel’s
Hallelujah Chorus, taken from Revelations 19, but I do not understand the deep
meaning of all the revelations that John wrote about. I have read many books of
testimonies of people who had real life “out of body experiences” Two particularly
that left deep impressions were “Ninety Minutes in Heaven” and “Heaven is for
Real”. Most write about heaven and how peaceful it feels. I recall that, my sister sent
me a note she found in my father’s desk after he died, where he wrote about his
“death experience” years earlier while he was in hospital, which he had never told
anyone. He wrote that like most people’s testimonies of hovering above the body
looking down on what is going on, but instead of a heaven experience, he wrote about
walking on the rim of hell with fire boiling up and each time he stumbled Jesus
reached down and pulled him back and carried him in His arms.
Recently I read an interesting article in the International New York Times about
the disappearance of the period (.) or (full stop). According to David Crystal the
digital age has resulted in the disappearance of the use of the period. However, it is
still important in regular writing or else the meaning may not be understood.
Punctuation is part of our language. And now with the digital age we have
emoticons and abbreviations, which are creating a new universal “Globish” language.
However the period, which is called a dot in computer language is still necessary. To
omit it can cause our message to go nowhere. (As a PS for my English readers, you
may be interested to know that the Japanese period is a small circle (。) rather than a
dot (.) I looked up the word period and discovered that it means to denote the time
when something ends, and the word period also denotes the time of a happening. A
dash is used to denote the time a person lives from birth to death. For instance,
Audree lived 1924-2016, so she lived the dash (92 years from birth to death) What
follows? Is it a comma or a period to begin a new sentence? I always felt the period in
telegrams where you had to add the word “stop” was a waste when you were only
allowed so many words. Many times the period is used for emphasis or as a strong
signal. I recall as a child, my mother saying to me, “No, you cannot! Period!” meaning
“that is final and end of conversation.” The work of the period is to signal the end of
sentence and beginning of another! There are some things we have no control over.
God determines the period of the dash in our lives, the beginning and the end
(period). He is “Alpha & Omega” “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the
Father has fixed by his own will.” Acts 1:7 “My times are in Thy hands.” Psalm 31:15

♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #255 2016 年7 月18 日
父は1976 年に亡くなったのですが、生きている間にイエス
姉のオードリーが、「もうすぐ携挙(the Rapture)が起こる」と言いました。私は、多くの説教
者が黙示録に基づいて説教をするのを聞き、また黙示録19 章を基にしたヘンデルのメサイヤを
分間(Ninety Minutes in Heaven)」と「天国は本当だった(Heaven is for Real)」でした。ほ
の「死の経験(death experience)」についてのものでした。他の人と同様に、自分が自分の体か
最近読んだInternational New York Times の記事の中で興味深いものがありました。それは
ぬまでの期間は、「Audree lived 1924-2016」のように「ダッシュ(—)」で表します。オードリ
ーはこのダッシュが表す期間(生まれてから死ぬまでの92 年間)だけこの世に存在しました。
頃、母が私に「No, you cannot! Period!」と言ったことがあります。「ダメといったら絶対ダメ、
がたの知るところではない」(使徒言行録1 章7 節)。「私の時は御手の中にある」(新改訳の詩篇
31 編15 節)。

meekmeek at 15:30│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #254 2016/7/3♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie​ #256 2016/7/29