August 13, 2016
♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #257 2016/8/12
Perhaps you recall reading the news in Japan about recent volcanic eruptions. We took a
trip to Kagoshima where I took photos from our hotel window of the volcanic ash spewing
from Mt. Sakurajima eruption. We drove round the island where we saw a tori submerged in
lava from the volcano. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) there are 110
active volcanoes in Japan. We are strange creatures. With this many active volcanoes,
earthquake faults and typhoons we wonder why 126,311,825 people (including me) still wish
to live in this small space and feel that it is the most beautiful country in the world.
I love mountains. Mississippi has many hills, but Mississippi nor Louisiana where I lived
have any mountains. In fact I remember the first time I saw a mountain was after
graduating from college. When I saw them in the background I was surprised and thrilled,
but when we started climbing them I was frightened. The first time I climbed a mountain
was in North Carolina near Ridgecrest. I remember while we were there, two college
students from Ridgecrest climbed a near by mountain and sat down on a rock at the top of a
waterfall. This was one of the most beautiful places where we climbed to see the waterfall
and the sunrise. However when they stood up, they slipped and felt over the waterfall. One of
them was saved, but being up at the top of the mountain, it took several hours for someone to
run down for help and then for the rescue squad to climb back up the mountain, so the other
girl did not make it. Then I realized the dangers of mountains.
The first time I really climbed a big mountain was when I first came to Japan. I went with
a group of youth from the Mitaka Baptist Church to climb Mount Mitake. On the way up
there were several trails and we had a leader so it did not take long to climb. However, on the
way down, the leader lost the trail and we wandered around and around going back up and
down several times, until it became dark. We had only one flashlight, so we had to hold
hands to get down. There were no cell phones in 1962, so there was no way to notify those
at the bottom waiting for us. On the trail we met up with 2 or 3 people who were also lost and
they joined our group until finally the leader found the shrine, which I heard is at the top and
led us down the correct pathway. It was so dark we could not see the shrine, but I remember
holding a friend’s hand as we counted over 100 steps climbing down a steep stairway. When
we reached the bottom many people were waiting for “the group with the foreigner who were
lost on the mountain in the dark”. They told me with the many times we climbed up and
down again we could have climbed Mount Fuji. But after that, I never got courage to climb
Mount Fuji. Now with the warning that in the future, if a big earthquake comes, Mount
Fuji may also erupt, I am not interested in climbing it. I just feel concerned for the beautiful
Kaneyama Inn, in Fujiyoshida at the foot of Mt. Fuji where we enjoyed several stays.
I shall never forget on our visit to Hawaii when we walked out on the hard lava that had
destroyed a whole village. As it began getting dark we could see the volcanic fire burning in
the distance and dim lights in the homes of some who still called it home.
“He who forms the mountains, and creates the wind, and declares to man what are his
thoughts…the Lord God of hosts is His name. Amos 4:13
♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #257 2016 年8 月12 日
発表によると日本には110 の活火山があるそうです。私たちは不思議な被創造物です。このよう
に多くの火山、地震を起こす断層、台風があるのに、私を含む126,311,825 人の人々がこの小さ
で歩きました。1962 年のことで、当時はまだ携帯電話がなく、麓で私たちを待っている人々に
連絡する方法がありませんでした。途中で同じように迷子になった2〜3 人が私たちに加わり、
が、友と手をつないで階段を100 段以上も下ったことを覚えています。麓に辿り着いたとき、多
る主 」(アモス書4 章13 節)。
trip to Kagoshima where I took photos from our hotel window of the volcanic ash spewing
from Mt. Sakurajima eruption. We drove round the island where we saw a tori submerged in
lava from the volcano. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) there are 110
active volcanoes in Japan. We are strange creatures. With this many active volcanoes,
earthquake faults and typhoons we wonder why 126,311,825 people (including me) still wish
to live in this small space and feel that it is the most beautiful country in the world.
I love mountains. Mississippi has many hills, but Mississippi nor Louisiana where I lived
have any mountains. In fact I remember the first time I saw a mountain was after
graduating from college. When I saw them in the background I was surprised and thrilled,
but when we started climbing them I was frightened. The first time I climbed a mountain
was in North Carolina near Ridgecrest. I remember while we were there, two college
students from Ridgecrest climbed a near by mountain and sat down on a rock at the top of a
waterfall. This was one of the most beautiful places where we climbed to see the waterfall
and the sunrise. However when they stood up, they slipped and felt over the waterfall. One of
them was saved, but being up at the top of the mountain, it took several hours for someone to
run down for help and then for the rescue squad to climb back up the mountain, so the other
girl did not make it. Then I realized the dangers of mountains.
The first time I really climbed a big mountain was when I first came to Japan. I went with
a group of youth from the Mitaka Baptist Church to climb Mount Mitake. On the way up
there were several trails and we had a leader so it did not take long to climb. However, on the
way down, the leader lost the trail and we wandered around and around going back up and
down several times, until it became dark. We had only one flashlight, so we had to hold
hands to get down. There were no cell phones in 1962, so there was no way to notify those
at the bottom waiting for us. On the trail we met up with 2 or 3 people who were also lost and
they joined our group until finally the leader found the shrine, which I heard is at the top and
led us down the correct pathway. It was so dark we could not see the shrine, but I remember
holding a friend’s hand as we counted over 100 steps climbing down a steep stairway. When
we reached the bottom many people were waiting for “the group with the foreigner who were
lost on the mountain in the dark”. They told me with the many times we climbed up and
down again we could have climbed Mount Fuji. But after that, I never got courage to climb
Mount Fuji. Now with the warning that in the future, if a big earthquake comes, Mount
Fuji may also erupt, I am not interested in climbing it. I just feel concerned for the beautiful
Kaneyama Inn, in Fujiyoshida at the foot of Mt. Fuji where we enjoyed several stays.
I shall never forget on our visit to Hawaii when we walked out on the hard lava that had
destroyed a whole village. As it began getting dark we could see the volcanic fire burning in
the distance and dim lights in the homes of some who still called it home.
“He who forms the mountains, and creates the wind, and declares to man what are his
thoughts…the Lord God of hosts is His name. Amos 4:13
♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #257 2016 年8 月12 日
発表によると日本には110 の活火山があるそうです。私たちは不思議な被創造物です。このよう
に多くの火山、地震を起こす断層、台風があるのに、私を含む126,311,825 人の人々がこの小さ
で歩きました。1962 年のことで、当時はまだ携帯電話がなく、麓で私たちを待っている人々に
連絡する方法がありませんでした。途中で同じように迷子になった2〜3 人が私たちに加わり、
が、友と手をつないで階段を100 段以上も下ったことを覚えています。麓に辿り着いたとき、多
る主 」(アモス書4 章13 節)。
meekmeek at 17:06│Comments(0)│レニー先生