♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #259 2016/9/21♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie # 261 2016/11/4

October 15, 2016

♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #260 2016/10/14

My lucky month, October is here. I was born twice in October, physical and spiritual.
Now-a-days October seems to come around more rapidly than before. Only a short while
ago, I had a birthday, now another is coming soon (along with renewal of my drivers’ license
and soon my passport). They come so quickly I can’t keep up with how old I am.
Recently I read, “Do not count your age in the number of years, count it in the number of
friends you have.” I thought that was interesting, so I started counting my friends. First I
counted the number of friends I have on this Re-note mailing list. Then I counted other
friends I have at Oi Baptist Church, the friends I have in USA that I visited last year and
those I called and others I missed contact with. While I was still thinking about this we took a
trip to Singapore from September 9-13 and renewed friendship with many there, making
some new friends. The number of friends kept adding up and since I had not written them
down I finally lost count. However, I realized, in counting I had passed Methuselah’s age. The
Bible says Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. Sad, but that’s all we know: “Methuselah
lived 969 years and died.” (Genesis 5:27) It doesn’t even mention how many friends he had.
On September 15th “Respect for the Elderly Day”, it was reported that there are 65,692
centenarians (people over 100 years of age) in Japan, when there were only 153 in 1963. This
topic could go on and on a long time, but let me get back to my friends.
The three full days we were in Singapore were busy & wonderful. Everyday, we met
friends we have known and seen from the first time we visited Singapore. In my greeting to
the International Japanese Church of Singapore upon their 20th anniversary I said that their
history was more than 20 years, because it began almost 40 years ago with the visions and
prayers of many who had appealed to us to send someone to witness to the thousands of
Japanese living in Singapore. Though I am sure that it began even before then, I slightly
stretched the “documented facts” which I have access to. My knowledge of their desires,
prayers and appeals began 37 years ago in December 1979 when I visited Singapore with 4
other ladies from the Japan Baptist Women’s Union on our way to Indonesia on a mission—
tour to investigate the possibility of sending a missionary from Japan Baptist Convention to
Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesia Baptist Convention. As I mentioned once before in a
“JUST A NOTE FROM RENNIE” on our way to Indonesia, we stopped in Singapore. While
there, we gave a program at the Japanese Club for Japanese children living in Singapore.
The “Great Joy Media Centre” directed by SBC missionaries from USA filmed the program
in Japanese to use as an Outreach Ministry to Japanese speaking people. On Sunday, we
visited in Singapore Baptist Churches. Among my friends are some I became acquainted
with on that trip, as well as some of their sons and daughters, whom I met as teenagers and
are now leaders in the churches and convention.
I end this note singing a hymn that is over 100 years old, “Count Your Blessings”, written
in 1897 for young people, by Johnson Oatman, Jr. As I sing, I “count my many blessings;
name you one by one”, and truly, “it does surprise me what the Lord hath done.”
“Many, O Lord, are thy wonderful works, …but they are more than I count.” Psalm 40:5

♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #260 2016 年10 月14 日
私のラッキー月の10 月になりました。私は2 回生まれましたが(1 回目は物理的に、2 回目は霊的
に)どちらも10 月なのです。最近は、10 月が以前よりも早くやって来るような気がしてなりません。
た頃に、9 月9〜13 日にかけてシンガポール旅行をし、そこで多くの友だちと旧交を温めるとと
は確かです。聖書にはメトシェラは969 歳まで生きたと記されています。残念ながら私たちがメ
トシェラについて知っていることは「メトシェラは969 年生き、そして死んだ」(創世記5 章27
節)ということだけです。彼に何人の友だちがいたかは記されていません。9 月15 日の「敬老の
日」に、日本には100 歳以上の人が65,692 人いると報道されました(1963 年はわずか153 人
に最初に来て以来の旧友に会いました。シンガポール国際日本語教会の20 周年記念礼拝での挨
拶では、この教会の歴史は20 年よりももっと長いと私は言いました。というのも、シンガポー
の祈りとビジョンがほぼ40 年前にシンガポールで起こり、それがこの教会の誕生につながった
遣された他の4 人の女性とともに私がシンガポールに立ち寄った37 年前の1979 年12 月にその
ポールで暮らす日本の子ども向けのプログラムを紹介しました。米国から派遣されたSBC 宣教
師の指導の下で、「Great Joy Media Centre」が、日本語を話す人々への宣教ミニストリーとし
今回のレニー・リノートは「数えよ 主の恵み」(新生讃美歌#103)を英語で歌いながら終わり
にしたいと思います。これは100 年以上も前の古い賛美歌で、若者向けにJohnson Oatman, Jr.
が1897 年に作詞しました。“Count my many blessings; name you one by one”, and “it does
surprise me what the Lord hath done.” (「数えよ 主の恵み数えよ みんな一人づつの名前…」
不思議な業を成し遂げられます。…主の御計らいは数え切れない程です」(詩篇40 編6 節)。

meekmeek at 00:33│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie #259 2016/9/21♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie # 261 2016/11/4