♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie # 264 2016/1/19

April 02, 2017

♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie # 265 2017/3/31

“Today I saw a beautiful thing!”
Every Sunday, the young girl comes to stand in front of me until I notice her.
Then she puts her arms around me and hugs me.
Each time she laughs and says, “It’s like you are my Mama”.
I have known her since she was in kindergarten
and she still remembers me and greets me twice each Sunday,
at fellowship time and before leaving.
I feel honored, because she does this only to me.
Though she speaks only these few words, I can feel her love.
I’m sure God smiled too.

“Today I saw a beautiful thing!”
It may sound strange, but it was not in a church.
It was in a Buddhist temple garden,
but I worshipped and thanked God, the Creator for His beauty.
November 16, 2016, we took a day’s drive to Hakone
to view the changing colors of the autumn scenery.
The tints of red, yellow and gold were beautiful
and I wanted to capture them all on camera.
For the first time, we visited Choanji Temple. The Zen Buddhist temple,
founded in 1356 is one of the famous attractions for its nature
and over 200 monk statues. At the entrance we were greeted with a long row
of tall trees with the most beautiful tree at the entrance,
decked out in golden leaves as if to welcome us.
After walking down the path, we came to a gate leading into the temple grounds.
At the entrance we were greeted with statues of monks who had lived
and studied at the temple. As we walked through the gardens looking
at the hundreds of statues I noticed their various poses and facial expressions
as if each was trying to communicate its own message.
Some were so comical that beside the photo
I wrote in what their expressions seemed to speak to me.
One with his hand on his forehead seemed to say,
“O my goodness, I forgot!”
Two arguing seemed to say, “I’m going to be the next president!”
One laying on a stone too short for his body seemed to say,
“This country’s beds are too short!”
One with both hands stretched out seemed to say, “Welcome”.
Several lined up decorated with red caps,
one leisurely relaxed as if to say,
“Thank you, my head is warm now” as he dosed.
At the entrance-exit, there was a line of several who seemed to be saying,
“Welcome” and ”Please come again” just as our ushers
at OBC greet us when we come and leave.
There was a long, tall stairway with too many steps for me to climb,
so I stood at the bottom, watching Keigo climb up the stairs
someone called the “stairway to heaven”,
which ended with a tiny shrine at the top.
As I walked on thru the garden, a lady pulled the cord at another little shrine
as she gave her offering and bowed to pray.
I walked on up through the garden to the end of the path,
which ended in a cemetery. I wondered if some of the monks were buried there.
As I stood enjoying the quiet, calm, beautiful tinted tapestry,
it seemed as if I could hear a choir of voices singing
and I wanted to join in:
“This is my Father’s World, And to my list’ning ears;
All nature sings, and round me rings, The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world. I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees,
of skies and seas; His hand the wonders wrought””
There I felt the presence of the One who had created all this beauty
and I thanked Him. I’m sure God smiled too.
“Many, O Lord, are the wonders which Thou has done.
Psalm 40:5
“Ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
“And he said, ‘My presence shall go [with thee], and I will give thee rest.”
Exodus 33:14

♪レニー・リノート (翻訳:宇賀治潔) #265 2017 年 3 月 31 日
私の 前に来て立ちつくします。
毎回彼女は微笑み、「あ なたは私の母みたいです」と言います。
彼女は今でも私 のことを覚えていて
彼女は私にしか 挨拶しないので挨拶されて光栄に感じます。
その美しさに私は創造主たる神を礼拝 し感謝しました。
2016 年 11 月 16 日に様々な色の秋の紅葉を楽しみに
箱根まで日帰りドライブ に行ったのでした。
その全てを写真に取りたいと思い ました。
1356 年に建立されたこの禅宗の寺はその自然美と
200 以 上の僧侶の像で非常に有名です。
入口には入口で最も美しい背の高い木々が延々と並んでいまし た。
道を歩いていくと、境内に 続く門が見えました。
学んだ多くの僧侶の像が私たちを出 迎えてくれました。
それぞれの像 は姿勢と顔の表情が様々で
滑 稽な姿の像もいくつかあって、思わず、
その写真の隣には私に伝えようとしていると思われるメ ッセージを
「あー、忘れてい た!」と書きました。
「次期大統領は私だ!」と書 きました。
「ありがとう。これで私の頭は暖かい」 と書きました。
大井バプテスト教会で入退出に案 内係が言うのと同じように
写真の隣にそ のように書きました。
私は昇らずに下で 待っていました。
庭の間を歩いていると、ある女性が別の小さな社で 立ち止まり
聖歌隊の歌声が聞こえてくるように 感じ、
岩も木々も空も海も。み神のみわざを ほめたたえる。」
(新生讃美歌 124 の 1 番)
(詩篇 40 編 6 節)
(エレミヤ書 29 章 13 節)
(出エジプト記 33 章 13 節)

meekmeek at 12:30│Comments(0)レニー先生 


♪Just a Re-Note from Rennie # 264 2016/1/19