Escape adventure game.
Can you escape from the room?
Posted by mofuya at 11:52¨¢
Thank you Mofu2, for this comment page.
I just want give you guys, who do not have Japanese fonts on the computer, a simple instruction for this page. First column is your name (real, fake, whatever), second is email (optional), third URL (optional), and the checkbox is if you want to save these info or not. Then write your comment in the last big box. After you write your comment, push the button below.
Please do not hesitate to write here. Mofu2 really appreciate any comments from you, and hope you enjoy the game and communicate with other people through comments. Thanks.
Thank you Mofu2, for this comment page.
I just want give you guys, who do not have Japanese fonts on the computer, a simple instruction for this page. First column is your name (real, fake, whatever), second is email (optional), third URL (optional), and the checkbox is if you want to save these info or not. Then write your comment in the last big box. After you write your comment, push the button below.
Please do not hesitate to write here. Mofu2 really appreciate any comments from you, and hope you enjoy the game and communicate with other people through comments. Thanks.
the computer password isn't work
pls go to check!!
you mean login passwd? there are two passwds for the computer. guess what does it mean by 12 squares in a circle, and change the color of corresponding squares, either white or red. First passwd is easy, but you need a lot of items to get the second.
I got the bomb around a key inside the briefcase and three poems from the computer decoder.
Four piles closes the gate ...
However, if I follow the wrong sequence, the game will start over, it is too harsh!
May I have some hints from you how to cut the secured wires?
Many Thanks!
did you check the 4TH sheet? It looks blank, but.... Check the bookshelf, and you will find the hint.
Have fun!
arghhh~!i can't think where else to look for clues.so far i've found the first password, an epal, a remote control, a battery, an envelope and a mug.could you give more hints?i look at the room until it'll give me cross eyes. (^_^)
did you open the locked box on the shelf? check again the place you found the flower pot, and check what you found there.
how can i off the bomb
does the plant have relevence before the login password?
How do u open the briefcase , grow the plant and read the luminous writing on the 4th page??????
This game is great! It's driving me crazy, but I love a challenge.
Please give us a hint on how to login the second time. I have the briefcase, key, and I know what happens if you open the briefcase and fail.
I can see something on page four, but I cannot decode it without the computer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I know you don't want to spoil it for others.
What did A.A. mean about "four piles closes the gate" on 11/17/05?
Thanks again for the game and the challenge.
how do you get the box on the shelf open? i've been using the wire and it says i'm almost there but it wont open help please!
bend the wire with the plyers!!
does ne1 know how to defuse the bomb??
does someone know how to defuse the bomb... it always explodes :(
okey, here are the keys:
noob, no, there is no relevance.
BOB, you need to login the computer. 4th page? how do you usually read 'luminus' writing?
Tim, bob and Ac!d, you guys are very close. What you use for logging in the computer for the first time? Check it again. i'm sure you have items that you didn't use. use them. none of them are useless.
i'm sorry that i cant give you guys 'solutions' but just hints, but that's what Mofu2 wants. he wants you to struggle.
hi, hope you can help me i can not find a bomb? i login the computer 2 time but nothing happened its written to put in a document but i dont have any clue what to do next help is welcome.
thnx in advance
every thing worked out just dont know who to disarm the bomb. please help
yea i found the bomb and all the stuff... but whats written on the 4th page doesn't make any sense :( and there is no object i haven't used
hi!i found the bomb and i read 4th page,but what does it mean"cross the cobalt ocean"??
how can i read the books on the shelves?
bomb always explode please help what should i do
mmm, the message on the 4th page is different everytime you play, so as what you have to do. try several times and see how it changes. the message is (almost) directly translated from japanese ver., so, what can i say?
well, if you still feel it doesn't make sense after you finish, let me know. i will change the message. other comments are also welcome.
on 4th page stands
"cut the crimson rose"
what to do with the key in it? i¡m sittin hour for hour and don¡t know
how can i turn off the bomb,
i try many times, but can not, who can help me ?
this game is cool :D.
i arrive to open the briefcase, the first box [ where we can find 4 cables ]. just till there :| .
didnt find what does "when 4 evil scarlet.. " mean .. =.=
i go to bed :D i ll retry it 2morrow ^^ .
ahahah i ESCAPED :D
really cool game ^___^
btw im the 165186 th escape person -.-'
good luck guys :D
hello there
very challenging game u have here....
i read the 4th page...but cant figure out what it means..cant tell how to stop bomb....r all the messages on 4 pages relevant? need a hint plz
i need help with the bomb. i can take out the screws but im stuck after that. can anyone give me a hint
Really cannot figure out what to to with the 4 wires inside the box, how do I make them lights sleep??? Stone of grass??? Does it have anything to do with the books???
Really cannot figure out what to do with the 4 wires inside the box, how do I make them lights sleep??? Stone of grass??? Does it have anything to do with the books???
can anybody give me some hints how i can open the black briefcase/box on the shelve.... i'm getting terrible...
You obviously need a key for the briefcase but not for the box on the shelve
hey, i'm really stuck in this game, i've opened the box on the shelve, and the briefcase but don't know what to do to stop the bobm, and how do I get in the computer? is there a hint are do I have to find it out my self? and how do you see those messages on the 4th page? arrrg? i allwais explooode:(
Can anyone give me a hint what to do once you've opened the black box inside the suitcase? Pls....
Badda, ég get tekið skrúfurnar úr en ekki meir :þ
Yes, I made it out of the room, jihaaaaaaaa :DDD
stina ertu ad reina ad skrifa a islensku? hehe tad sest ekki ord sem tu skrifar, eg er buin ad opna svarta boxid inni i toskuni en eg fatta ekki tetta med virana sem eru allskonar a litinn! tetta ljod eg fann litid utur tvi, skil ekki baun!
what am I suppose to do when i've opened the black box in the suitcase? HELP, how to cut thoose colored viers?
Eg vil ekki skemma fyrir ther gamanid, profadu nyjar adferdir :) ljodid gefur ther visbendingu ...
ooohh crap, kanski ad madur aetti bara ad laera fyrir prof i stadin fyrir ad hanga i tessu:p gemmer clue:>:>
english please bomb always explode
can anyone gimme a clue to get the 2nd computer login?
H� �slendingar. �g sprengi alltaf t�skuna, hj�lp,svo kann �g ekki seinna leynior�i� � t�lvunni.takk
clue: klukkan;)batteri;)
seinna lykilordid: vispending: web cam
okay, i'm in the breefcase and I've opened the "gate to the darkness" i can cut the orange wire, and then the yellow one but why not the gray and the green one? i've tried: 1orange2yellow3gren4gray, and allso orange,yellow,gray,green???? what is a kabbaloh???? don't understand that word, can't find it in a dictionary!! arrg i'm soo clooose, can somebody tell my about thoose green and gray wiers plz:S(sorry my english tiping is baaad)
Read the 4th page
This game is a bit hard.I just have one more thing to do,that is open the briefcase...Where is the key of the briefcase?And how can I make the seed sprout?I just want some hint and not the solutions.Otherwise it's not challenging!(I've read the 4th page.And login the computer twice.)
I don't need any hint now.And the bomb is troublesome.
cross the cobalt ocean??? handan m�lmhafsins??? where is this cobalt ocean?? i thought it was a clue about opening the breafcase, it's made of cobalt!! where is this cobalt ocean? in the breefcase?? there's nothing behind the fish tank! wow i'm totally not getting this game:( HEEEELP, i think i'm adiccted to it:)
It's not always the same message on the 4th p. Maybe you'll understand the other better...
cut the crimson rose, eda e-d sollis, :s skildi tad ekki heldur, best ad tjekka i ordabok:)
no, cut the crimson rose? what does that mean? crimson is something red... i've tried to cut the red vire after i've cut the orange and the yellow vire, boooommb.. :(
??? Sure about the "blue" eye???
ooo, kva meinarrru??? shall I cut the "blue" eye? snokkt, nu fer eg og prufa tetta einusinni enn!
i can't read the 4th page its blank:S
if did it into the computer and stil it's blank:( hel why doesn't he translate it????
vúú�húú�, I diiid it, tad skiptir semsagt mali hver skilabodin eru, hvort tad se sa blai eda sa raudi!:) i'm the 167494 escaper!
profadu ad skoda blomid i pottinum aftur,kanski hefur eithvad komid meira tar
hello, I am of Chile, my name is Victor, I not to be written perfect in ingles, I request understanding jajaja, but I need more tracks to be advancing, you can put step by step what there is to do until certain point?
for my the game is more dificult, then this in ingles and I do not understand everything
How on earth do you open the briefcase?? BRIEFCASE!!! Can't find no key... dont everything else.... someone quickly please ?!?!?
the flower pot!!! and the seed
Hvad er seinna leynid a tolvuna hjalp er alveg ad tapa mer i tessum leik
How do I bend the wire with the pliers?
How do I bend the wire?
prufid ad setja rafhlodur aftur i klukkuna, tegar tid erur buin ad nota t���r, hvad er klukkan ta
textinn i brefinu tharna er alveg oskiljanlegur!!! eg er buin ad nota ordabok og allt en nae ekki ad thyda thad sem eg skil ekki. er einhver serm kann ad islenska thetta?
allavegana eg held ad tessi texti se til thess ad hjalpa manni ad aftengja sprengjuna.
og svo er textinn a 4 bladsidunni eitthvad sem er algjorlega ut ur ku! nae engann veginn ad fa einhverjar nidurstodur ur ofdabokum med thad...
getur einhver hjalpad med thetta, thvi thad eru greinilega margir strand a thessu :/
I'm Patricia, I'm from Chile, I don't write good in inglish but I will try. This game is cool. But I need a hint . I found the briefcase, I opened it and understood the meaning of west east north and south but I need help about the secuence of the wires, please.
okii eg er ad tapa mer i ���essum leik get ekki sofi��� ���a dreymir mer hann .. hvada vira a ad klippa ? pliss eikker
hello. im from iceland and my english is really bad. because of that, I cant really understand the text in the envelope. I cant do anything to the bomb. can you explain to me what this text means?: "four piles closes the gate into the darkness. and the keeper keeps his blody eyes on the piles" ...i think that the "eye" is the light that blinks green and red, but i cant understand more. what are the "four piles"??
HEEEEELP!!! i can't unscrew the clock or open the briefcase. i have: first password,seed,Battery and th briefcase. it's driving me crazy!!!
P.S. how do you plant the seed and where
P.S.2 i'm from iceland and i speak better englis than the other Icelandics here!!! muhahaha
and allso the documents
mohahha, buin ad vinna tetta madur, hugsidi bara, aftasta bladid segir hvort tad a ad klippa rauda eda blaa! maniac, tu ert kominn mjog stutt i tessum leik, tig vantar tongina sem klippir a kassann og jarnid sem heldur kassanum saman og pottinn i kassanum!
hey badda, afthi ad tu ert buinn ad vinna tetta.. ertu til i ad utskyra betur allt tad ferli sem tengist toskunnu/sprengjunni?
hvar er tongin???
töngin er uppi á hillunni
ups.. skrifadi med islenskum stofum...*
tongin er uppi a hillunni
Great game - although really hard!
How the heck do you de-fuse the bomb? I've tried all sorts of combinations, but it blows up every time.
How do you read the text on the pages? I know how to see the 4th page, but all I can see is a load of lines?
Any hints, please?
Hello. (I'm sorry to I'm a poor writer :x )
(1)Did you read these comments between top and the bottom this page...Some of hints had already showed.
(2)Do you know that item can use for item...(I don't know that first,so I can't progress from one point.)
(3)I think clock and batteries are important item.
(4)It is narrow situation that you require to decode text,so you can click PC,and any...?
(5)Rule and order(cutting wire) to release of bomb are described to the text. So you should read the text and understand it.
Be carefull and always think the meaning of interior.
It's cool and intellectual game,understanding on my own, it's really pleasure!
Good luck to you...*
Hi Nana,
Yes, I did look at some of the earlier hints, but I'm still having problems.
How do you get de-code the text? All I can see is lines?
Hi Nana (again).
Managed to de-code the text, but it's very confusing.
I can remove the screws of the black box inside the breifcase. You should then be able to cut the orange wire and then the yellow one. But, every time I try the orange wire (or any other colour) the bomb just blows up.
Yeeeessss! I'm out
No. 169237
Hello, ca123.
I'm sorry that I couldn't reply to your comments(So I slept and went to work,excuse me).
You won at many trap and misteries!
It's really happiness,isn't it?
one more,congratulation! :D
how do you read the 4th page????? I'm stuck. I'm sure it's something to do with luminous paint, but I don't get how to read that book!!!!!Any hints?!
how do you get the water from the fish tank to sprout the seed???
to read the luminus page you turn of the ligts and look at the last page
Where is the mug???
pleasea give me a hint about the second access code of computer..
how is te password of te computer,,please tell me????
how is te password of te computer,,,,,helpppppppppp im'crazyyyyyyyy
To Maniac,
Mug is hide from your basic view-point.Change your angle.(ex, When you click the plant next to the sofa,angle is change).
To esbten,
To get the second password is difficult.Password relation to clock,and clock is fixed...Do you have screwdriver?
The clock and charged batteries are key of password.
(Don't be crazy! :O )
Think be theoreticial...Good Luck!
(By the way,how do you read my comments? It's just imperative sentence or frank talk? I don't know proper politely expression...Sorry to digression!)
I can't unskrew the black box I don't know how!!!! I'm adicted to this game!!!!
thanks, but i don't know the first password, can you tell me please????
thanks,but i dont' know the first password, can you tellme,please???
ok, i can pass te first because i saw the clock,
but how i pass the second???
because there are two files and i can't go to the second, it's too dificult
can sombody tell me how i pass to the second file??
Maniac & esteban,
did you open all the boxes that you found? i guess not. you need to open all. good luck.
have no problem to read your comments. sorry i don't have time recently to check here, and i really appreceiate your help.
Vilidi segja mer i hvada rod a ad klippa virana,hef verid i ruma viku med tetta er bara ad gefast upp.
To Maniac,
If your situation is that, you had got mug and key of briefcase but you can't turn a screw(you have discharge of bomb every time), you should get texts and read it.
To esteban,
The second password also relation to clock.The clock have stopped , because battery have been dead! Then what should you do if you have charged battery?
To nog,
Thank you for your response to my digression!
And then... I thought, you say that, my comments(answer to others) are able to be your help, is it right? If your comments meaning is it, I feel gladness :D
But I may become have no time to check here some day,same as nog. At that time, please accept my halfway deed(If I leave here without a decent answer,please excuse me).
I helped Mofu2 translating Swan's room from Japanese to English. Thanks for all of your comments. As I said, I really appreciate it.
Oh,I see! Thank you for your gratitude!
but, i ve only one batery and i can't put this to the clock
and, hoow can i open yhe box that it is in the shelf??????
To esteban,
OK...I had been at a loss as you.
(1)You can use items to other items.
(2)When you used wire to box in shelf,the person said "It looks be able to open but I'm unable,it lack a bit", don't you?
It's show us that the wire doesn't work hard enough.
(3)You should pick to keyhole,then do you think that straight wire is fit to do...?
where is the keyhole
How do you combine items?
To esteban,
I say box's keyhole that is in front of box.
To Fallenmyfr,
(1)Choose(click) the target item, and click the [ABOUT ITEM] button, then the picture choosed item appear.
(2)Choose the action item, and click the picture.
(3)If relation between the target item and the action item was programed, the target item happen some change!
I've descifred the papers and I know how to read the 4th page, yet I don't know what it means. Please, could you give me some hints?
To Fallenmyfr,
Have you opened the brief case?
The papers are wrote about how to call off the brief case having. The papers says about rule and process of it.
So color and comparison are important.
172646- pierwszy zarejestrowany uciekinier z Polski!! yahoo!!
How to open the briefcase and how to read page 4?
Need a hint on that!
I can only find one battery!
I can't find a key to the briefcase either...although by the sounds the hints above, I'll just blow up when I do.
You can read page 4 in darkness.
I have page 4...I turned off the lights... I see it has lines on it...however I have no idea what they mean. ARhhhhhhh!
Please use file2 in computer.
I am the 175053 th person. I was really hard to escape for me. Good luck everybody. I love my wife :))
I am the 175053 th person. It was really hard to escape for me. Good luck everybody.
I love my wife :))
This is bullshit. I can't get out
aaah please help.
i've got the the bomb open but i dont know how to cut the 4 wires.
i have lookt on the bookself but cant find enything.. is the book in any use? and how do u reade it?
please help...i know a lot of peopple their in the same spot as me and can't get fouther...
i got a key from the plant and could read page 4th. by the way, i can't find the bomb. pls gimme some hints. Is there sth to do with the books on the shelf??
How do you get the seed to sprout?!!!
And how do you get the batteries charged?!!!!
I figured out how to charge the batteries!!! Yeah!
how did you open the bomb? read all the pages carefully. 4th page? hint is hidden in the books in the shelf. just a hint. books are not readable.
you didnt check everything in the room. where do you hide something important? bomb is somewhat large. so as the place.
The seed sprouted.
How do you get to the 2nd login on the computer?
how do I input the document?
I'm from Thailand.I can pass everything but finally I cann't cut the right 4 color wires.I think I cut that when the light is green and my order is orange, yellow and BOMMM ...
Can you helh me, please?
p.s. please tell me in english, please.
file 2 in computer says I cannot open this file it seems I don't have the right to access
What does the 1st page mean?
I think I understand the 2nd, except the picture contridicts what's written.
The 3rd is a total mystery.
And I think I might understand the 4th.
To GEM's
You must find the second password for this access.
does finding the 2nd password involve growing the seed?...I have it planted but I can't find a 2nd battery to operate the remote control to control the air conditioning.
How come I can cut the wire???? Gimme the hint plassss
How does a person desable the bomb?!!!! grrrrr.
What do I do first?
"GREEN" is "GREEN" and is never blue.
I understand in Japanese "AOI" means both, but
I hope you can revise the document description as BLUE raises questions in English speakers.
i got it
To GEM's
2nd password doesn't involve growing the seed, BTW the 2nd battery and the 2nd password involve the clocok ;)
To film thanapat
Congratulation, i 'm from Thailand too but i still have not passed it T T
err i only see 2 wires, 1 blue and 1 red, wtf where is orange wire etc? u all say first orange then green but i dont see those wires and the bomb always explode :(
Password to open file2 is clock.
The clock doesn't have the battery.
How to move it?
Yep!! I can escape already :P
I'm the 178502
To ivanpd
You must open the black box (right side of 2 wires) first :)
thank you so much for your comment. I will let MOFU2 change the script.
document is fixed w/ ver. 1.02. enjoy.
if somebody doesn't tell me how to cut 4 wire i will kill myself,seriously!!i'm not kidding.and u will be sinful!!
wow i cant disarm the bomb...i can get the black box open but then i dont know what to do....any help would be appreciated
i cut the orange and yellow wires already...but i don't know what to do next... @_@ i know it has to do with the 4th message, but "cobalt ocean" and "crimson rose"...can't figure it out!!! a little help plz~~~~
ha ha am from thailand my escape number is 180858
HOW DO I GET THE DAMN BATTERIES CHARGED? I've done pretty much everything that I could thinkof and I've put the batteries in the charger, however it still wont freakin charge! HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!
Finally, 182036 is me. It is a bit of language confusion. I tried to cut the last wire many times and I was surprised since the last cutting is as same as the first time, but the result is very different.
yeahhhhh finally i escaped i was 182246. person
this game is great
kadir ve bilal icin
thanks mofu
please help, i cant seem to figure how to get the 1st password :( i believe it got all the items i needed already
i can get 1st and 2nd pwd now, but how on earth do i decode those 4 pages ? i can get to the bomb now but it kept explode on any wires i'm cutting :( please help with some hints, greatly appreciated
i got the briefcase open, unscrewed he top left screw but CAN NOT unscrew the bottom right :( i wait for green and then go for the bottom right and it EXPLODE on me every time, this is like the 50+ times already. is there something i'm missing from all this ?
182797 is my success number !
that unscrew deal is totally a trick! it took the longest but worth it though
nice game all
But I needed help with the bomb deactivation, so I looked for the solution in the net -_- I cheated, but only in the part about cutting the last wires. The other parts of the game were completely solved by myself.
Saludos pa la pe���a de EspacioJapon, Barrapunto, Elotrolado y Mazochungo ;)
wow this game is really hard!! I've found the document, but i cannot read it!how can i read the documnet, open the briefcase, and login to the computer????? please give me the answer... please please please......
wow, i finally can login to the computer and open both files. but i still don't know how to input the document to the compiter (as stated on the second files)... fuihh...
oohhh nooooo..... i have opened the briefcase ... and when i try to unscrewed, it explodes!!!!! huaaaaa... it's mean... but, great games though! ^^
wow!!! i've escaped! great game
185506th escape person!!! yeah!!
I can't open the briefcase!!!!! I have everything, I need that!
Pleeeeeeeeeease HELP ME! I'm of Argentina, and this game it's so hard to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah i can do it!!
goog game....
I headache 5 5 5
yeahhhh 186342
I'm the 186561th successful person!! Yes!
Thanks a lot for your cool fantastic, beautiful and utmostly challenging game!!!
If i hadn't got some clues and hints on this comment page and without my friends' support, i would haven't finished the game, it's really difficult!
Well, i would be very great if you please translate other (Japanese) games on this site for us, coz i'd (of course) love to play them up!
By the way, i'm from Thailand, greeting all Thais here, and thanks for your recommendation to find this cool site!
Siker���lt, bakker! 186636-os sz���mmal.
u-u-u-uffff!!! This game makes me feel really nervous, cause I don't know 2 things: how to read the 4th page and how to neutralize the bomb... People, please, help me!!!
I know all of things to do before the 4-th page and bomb.
Please, help me!!!
The most beautiful feature of this game, that it joins all people over the world =)))
So, I'm waiting for your help, please!!!!
Hello from Thailand, I can't open the black box in the briefcase. ...How come the right lower screw got explosed anytime I unscrewed it...??? I got eye strain and headache already..
Hello again from Thailand. It is midnight of January 15, 2006. I'm the 187,853 escaper!!!...Hooray!!!
i think u wanted to say 15th February .
i can't complete this game u_u i'm stuck with 4 coloured wires . i have read 4th page , everything exept those wires =( i can't understand that text >:|
Yoshiko, please help us (rht and me)!!! I've read the 4 th page, but I don't know how to deal with bomb!!!
I'm really tired of it...
just say - which fraze is the most important , in 3rd or in 4th pages ? i have already uncovered that black box , now i have 2 wires (red & blue) and 4 wires (orange , yellow ... )
Oh...yes...I wanted to say..Feb 15 -_-!!
The third page
1.....Do you see the "4" "red" evil eyes?
2....to turn the eyes into green.. you have to do "something" with the "rock" over the green grass
3....Please look in the dictionary (ENG) of the "ajdective" meaning of tangerine and lemon
4. The most important thing is to manage things in order...page by page and line by line..
Good luck rht and Deshka
Yeah I escaped ! I escaped twice because i forget my number :p I'm 188886 th escaper . the most difficult fraze to understand was : "stone on the green grass tell your destiny" it took very long while I understand it . thnx Yoshiko and guys who created and translated this game ! It's cool =)
P.S. DENZELI ir Aust���ja sekm���s ���aid���iant ;) !!!
My congratulations for you, RHT!!!
I was trying to follow to this instruction, but I could do anything... I'm really tired!!!
rht, help me please!!! I need it!!! ;)
where exactly you are stuck?
P.S. linkejimai visiems lietuviams =]
where exactly you are stuck ?
P.S. linkejimai visiems lietuviams =]
Yes!!! i'am 189282 th escaped person!!!
nu pagaliau perejai :D
RHT, I'm trying to deactivate the bomb... I know that first of all I have to turn off screws first upper left, than down right, that upper right and that down left, right??? And than? What should I do than??? Please help me!!! If it's not hard for you, please write me on my mail!!! I rest my hopes only on you! =)
YEAH!!!!!! Thanks for help!!! You all, especially RHT!!! I'm 189486 escaper!!!! Wow!!!
At last!!!
I'm happy!!! :)))))
Siii! Im 189488 the escaped person!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Deshka!!!!!! =)
Thank you for the game.
hi... i really need help with the bomb... i have been trying it over and over again... can some1 pls help me? can mail me if u cannot say it here... thanks!!!
try to find ansver in this page , i hope u will find ;) good luck !
what is "the stone on the green grass" ???
Hello, from Iceland - I¡m no. 190858 to escape. This game is great.
ı'm the 190869. ıt is the most exiting game ı'd ever played.... thank you very much for it
Oh! It takes a long time.Finally No.192777
- -V
hey, from belgium here. I've got the second pasword,bud how do i open the briefcase?Can some one help me please???thanks
How do i have to recharge the batteries.
I have two batteries and the recharger mmmmm my batteries are still dead
please give me a little hint
mm lorenzo can you give me a hint to recharge my batteries ;)
groetjes kwor zot van de spel aaargh
ow i now haw i can recharge hihi
me happy
how do i get the first password
i have the documents, but all i can see is just some damn line on there, or i have to decode it first ?
can anyone give me some hints
hi all,
need some hints. i got the passwords and decoded the paper...but where do you find this "suitcase" you guys are all talking about? and the bomb? im stuck...not sure what to do next...help
Guys, can somebody help me deactivating a bomb? I just spent like 5 hours on this bomb in particular. It took me like 30 min to get to the bomb and 5 hours to disarm it and still no progress.
can somebody help me , how do you read the document???
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
stone on the green grass tell your destiny
My friend recommened me this game couple days and it's cool. I've just cleared the game.
Please creat the new one in english version. I will look forward to play them.
Anyway i can not wait for another english version one, so i try to play the rest two japanese version and it's fun either.
I am at the last step, all I need to do is to diffuse the bomb and i've cut the wires of orange and lemon, but what next,
help if anybody can
i've done this
i am the 3599937 th to escape from that room,
it is the most addictive game i've ever played
ช่วยหน่อย เอาไทยแม่งเลย ต้นจนจบ ช่วยคนไทยด้วยกันนะเพื่อน
how to get the first password? no clue at all. my gosh!! n how i can plant the seed? i keep watering it but nothing happen!! HELP
com on!!!! just give the answer or some clear hints!!!! i dont want some useless clues.
how can i read the books?
just one mistake and then, BOOOM u lost everything.
its suck man
pleaseeee helpppp
I cut the yellow ,and what am i doing
I know that first of all I have to turn off screws first upper left, than down right, that upper right and that down left, right??? And than? What should I do than??? Please help me!!! If it's not hard for you, please write me on my mail!!! I rest my hopes only on you! =)
Hello, is there something to decode the texts here in this forum? I want to read them but can't and so I just can't find any answer to my questions.
Please helpppp me.....Mofu2 , Oh BOY I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP ...........
Puleeease man Mofu2 this game is killing me.. BOO HOO BOO HOO , I am crying now
Please help me :/ !!!
I don't know how I have cut this cables (in what order) :/.
And what with computer (what password is) ?
help me please, i am tired this game. :(
Ewa Krak���w, qwert9@op.pl
hi! I¡m the person number 202226 who had escaped, great game, the part of the bomb was very difficult...just remember the stone on the green grass.....crimson rose, cobalt ocean....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! good luck to everyone!!
czy ktos mi moze powiedzie haslo z komputera?
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could u help me?
the order of cutting the wires..
orange ---> yellow ---> red
is that right?
I'm the 203890 person to escape from the room. YAAA! I did it.
cut d wires orange yellow than either the cobalt ocean, or the crimson rose. blue or red depends on the 4th papers clue for the present game you are playing. enjoy your liberty.
swans room and quaint room great games , please give us more of the same games. p l e a s e eeeee.
quant room was TOO easy(i don't know any japanese but i completed it) , swans room much more interesting and harder. of course, i think everybody want more games of this type.
pls tell me how to open the briefcase. how can i locate the key - pls help
ok I opened the briefcase - now how to diffuse the bomb... where does the hint lie?
hi im the 204682 person from turkey.i really try hard to escape.but i had a different problem.i did everything right including tangerine and lemon.but when i cut the last main wire it always boom and my nerves were boom too.:) the point that i missed there were 2 different 4th page in the game.when i find out what written in the 4th page (that was crimson rose) i sad ok its easy but i couldnt figure out the stone on grass.finally when i figured out the all thing i just thought it always the crimson rose so i didnt need decode the pages.and try the crimson rose and boom.finally i understood crimson rose or cobalt and escapeeee.thanks for this mind blowing game
how do I cut the wires? page 4 says cut the crimson
I finally did it ..!!! 204871
thanks for all the hints
i am the 210082th escape person.
apparently i am the 000000th person to escape the room?
this took me about 4 hours to complete. i credit that to the lack of instruction on how to use the items you collect. this game pissed me off to the point where i thought suicide was reasonable.
turn lights green (not blue <-bad translation)
then cut the orange then yellow
then cut either blue or red (depending on what color your 4th page tells you to do when you turn off lights and read... cobalt = blue, rose =red)
put batteries back in clock to get new time for computer
if you dont get up to the bomb yourself, then you havent tried hard enough. if you have tried hard enough (you think) and you cant find help from this forum, then youre an idiot.
Can somebody help me to crack the briefcase? I have got all items I believe. The screwdriver, mug, remote, passwords, but I still can't find a key for the briefcase. Please help me!
how can i turn lights green before to cut orange and yellow weirds?
Yeah I,\'m From Thailand ka. escape number 213938 . It's cool game I just spent 4 hours to escape 555
yeah! I'm 2152149 escape person from Thailand... :D
yeah! I'm 215249 escape person from Thailand... :D
First this page can't be helpful since all comments together without any comma, all comments mix up ooof!! . Really I can't read.
Anyhow, I want to say that your game is difficult. The last step I reached is opening the black bag. Each time I tried to open it exploit it
Hello everybody :)
I did everything except "the stone on the green grass" !!!!! What is this ???????? I've already broken my mind on this clue !!!!!!! Please, give me a hint !!!
Thnx and hello from Russia
hi guys ermm.. i cut a orange and yellow ... what i do then ??? 4.page is = Cross the Cobalt Ocean ?? plsss say me what i doo ??
i try 2 cut orange > yellow > blue but i cant...
no thanks I FINISHED THE GAME !!!
gosh im having trouble i dont no how to login the computer
gosh im having trouble i dont no how to login the computer please put it in english
for th eperson who cant find the suitcase its under the couch
Hi, I just don't know what all those lines mean or how to decipher them, please HELP, I think it's all I have left to do. I feel stupid, but the writing on the pages means a lot of lines to me, I can see the luminous lines, but that is all HELP
It took us 2 days to figure out the ############ Bomb... and i think im bold after i ripped all my hair off.. Great game though :)
has enyone knows how to download it??I love the game and I would like to take it home for my partnert
Neeeejde to sakra pokazdy mi bouchne ta bomba zasrana :P.
I did it!! I¡m the scaper 222470th
It took a few days but it was great fun,I loved it,hopefully we can get a similar one soon
It is a very good game,and it is challenging.
I had a GREAT FUN in playing this game.
And thank you for translating from Jap to Eng,becoz I only know a little of Jap^^
I had TRIED to find some solution in the net,but it's rejected by myself!
Becoz it is a good game~
I had Tried 56 times and FINALLY,I DID IT!!!
hey hey kids, finally ,finally did the bloody thing. man that was wrecking my head. fabulous game, if incredibly frustrating. thanx to the maker anyway, brilliant.
Very good site. Thanks!
very challenging game. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the bomb thing was difficult, but very challenging. thank you for such a great game. escapee #000000
very challenging game. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the bomb thing was difficult, but very challenging. thank you for such a great game. escapee #000000 i think, that's what it said anyway. all you have to do to beat the game is think. think, think think, try everything.
Finally out of room
Thanks All
hello i've tried loading your page many many times but i can't get the flash part to work! i've gotten out of quaint room and another room so it puzzles me why it is not working.
any suggestions on how to make it load? thanks!
I don't even have a wire or pliers to open the box on the shelf. I've tried to read through all of this to find out where but all of the different languages...I get thrown off.
BOMB!What I must doing?
290340th escaper XD. 2 trys in 1 hour. It's easier now 'couse i know i can look places like where the mug is :D i didn't know it when I played the Another Room game...
But this is trully the best in the set. More please!
i can say it's the best flash room escape ever.. no doubt :)
what is the first password???
how can I use the computer, and how can I open the briefcase???
Please help me!!
Circels on the somputer can changeing in white and red colours, what hould I do with them??
This game is so good, bat I need just some little help!!
YAY I'm the 296574 escapper
sorry i need any hint please am shareef from kuwait i opened the breifcase and i found four wires orange , yellow , white and ... i didnt remember the last coulor and every time i tried to cut one of them its booom i want to know what is the meaning of the stone ?
help please
hi.. i have read LOADS how do u read the last page.. ok .. once u have the notes so that you can read them , go to the light swith and turn it off go to read the notes again , and the first 3 pages u wnt b able to see but the 4th one u can and depending on what it says tells u wether to cut the blue or red wire at the end of dismantling the bomb. if it says something about a rose , cut the red one , if it says something about an ocean cut the blue one :) i think it is ocean i cant remember i keep getting the red clue. so if it says different to the rose just cut the blue one :) . i hope i helped and didnt ruin anyones game xxx
I can't defuse the bomb. Read the papers and the glow in the dark bit, got pliers screwdriver and everything! Any hints plz?
I am from Pakistan...n i solved it yay...took me tooo long though :( 6750541 escaped yayyyy
there three quations
how i can get second passpord?
where three wires ?
where second battery
pls ansure to me
great game! i got as far as trying to defuse the bomb but it took my wife to help figure the riddle to diffuse the bomb.
the 234897th escaper Y' .. Yep Great Game :)
any help ?
it very amazing game but
i have broblem with the wires which 1 to cut first i try many times but it bombs
then ?
finally yahooooooooooooo i escaped
oh my god it was really so difficult
Where are the batterys?!?!
Someone plz help me, I have 1 battery, the files, the briefcase, the seed, and the mug with water.
Where's the battery that's not in the planter, What's the second code, and where'e the screwdriver everyone has?!?!?!?!
337995 ! anyway, I still don't get the meaning of "rotten".
It's really a clever design that you could only see the second code once you put the charged battery back into the clock!