
Stiglitz et al. (2006) Stability With Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization And Development

Stability With Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization And Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series C)
Joseph E. Stiglitz Jose Antonio Ocampo Shari Spiegel

Oxford Univ Pr (Txt)  2006-08-24

There is growing dissatisfaction with the economic policies advocated by the IMF and other international financial institutions - policies that have often resulted in stagnating growth, crises, and recessions for client countries. This book presents an alternative to "Washington Consensus" neo-liberal economic policies, by showing that both macro-economic and liberalization policy must be sensitive to the particular circumstances of developing countries. One-size-fits-all policy prescriptions are likely to fail given the vast differences between countries. This book discusses how alternative approaches to economic policy can better serve developing countries, both in ordinary times and in times of crisis."   from Blackwell Online"

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