こんにちは、松岡昇です。暑い、とにかく、暑い。朝から晩まで暑い。How are you doing?

さて金曜日ですので、恒例の荒磯芳行先生による Tune Up Your Speaking & Writing の Lesson 13 (参考訳・解説) をアップします。課題をまだやっていない方は、まず自分なりの英文を作って、それから参考訳と解説をお読みください。

【Lesson 13】 「携帯電話」(課題)------------------------------------





・cell phone
・indispensable for
・make appointments
・form the biggest market
・keep track of
・in addition to




At first, cell phones were used mainly by businesspeople, but now they have become indispensable to most of us in our daily lives. Businesspeople today would not dream of working without a cell phone. They use their cell phones in order to make appointments, to gather information, and to contact colleagues.

But now young people form the biggest market for cell phones. They mainly use them to communicate with their classmates and other friends. Meanwhile, mothers and children are also good customers. Nowadays many children go to juku (cram school) and come back home late at night. Cell phones allow their parents to keep track of them.

In addition to these users, elderly people also use cell phones for emergencies; for example, when they have an accident. These days practically everybody has cell phones.



・would not dream は仮定法です。日本語にすれば 「もしビジネスマンなら...なんて夢にも考えないでしょう」 で、婉曲的な表現。do not dream も可能ですが、事実を淡々と述べることになり、味わいに欠けます。
・contact(接触する、連絡する)は他動詞。contact with ~ としないように
・meanwhile は 「一方では」 で、前述のこととは全く違う状況を述べるときに使います。Meanwhile, we have children who do not have enough to eat. (しかし、一方では、食べ物が十分にない子供もいる)。(in the) meantimeとも言えます
・「高齢者」 を表す形容詞には old、aged など色々ありますが、elderly が現在一番問題が無い語でしょう
・practically は 「事実上」 という副詞。practically every day は 「事実上/ほとんど毎日」 で、almostと言い換えられます。

1. Dictionaries are indispensable to learners of foreign languages.
2. I often dreamed of becoming a physicist like Einstein.
3. I have to make an appointment with a customer.
4. The police are gathering evidence relating to the crime.
5. She contacted the city’s tourism office for more information.
6. The children formed a big market for used clothes.
7. Their mothers did not allow the children to go out and play.
8. It is hard to keep track of what is going on.
9. In addition to soup, several salads were served.
10. Practically everybody said “yes”.


Be careful of heatstroke and have a nice weekend. (マッツ)