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The "Me-Centered" Stage

Student: She mentioned a couple of times the different stages in relationships.  Could you talk a bit more about what those look like for couples and how couples move through them?

Robert: Well, first of all, not all couples move through them.  Any 
couples will take up residence in a certain stage and homestead 
there, so to speak, and stay stuck there.  The first stage, which is effortless, is "me-centered."  It's not very hard to be "me-

Diane:  As in "It's all about me and everything that I want."  And if 
you have two people in the "me-centered" stage, and the 
relationship is "me-centered," they are both out for what they 
want for themselves, and there's not very much cooperation at all. They are usually battling and accusing the other one of not being there and doing what they need.  Or being defensive.




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Shift from "Me-Centered" to "We-Centered"

R:  And the transition from "me-centered" to the "we-centered" 
stage usually is accomplished through enough suffering having 
happened.  Because the "me-centered" aren't about to see what 
they are up to and go and get past it.  They're aligned more to 
milk that stage for all they can get out of it.  It's very narcissistic.  When two people play at that level, they're not going to get out of it without some outside "help."  Some jarring events, some 
suffering increases.  And most of us end up having enough 
suffering so we will make that shift.  Then we're "we-centered," 
but we usually begin "we-centered" co-dependent.  We get stuck. We all know co-dependencies.  And that's inevitable at that stage. We are more comfortable.  We're not so "me-centered" now, but we're stuck.  Our addictions fit the other person's.

D:  And it can be a "cult of two" where everything is about the 
couple in the relationship without much input from the outside.

S:  Which is the "we-centered" stage?

D:  "We-centered" co-dependent, yeah.


D:そして、外からのインプットをあまり受け入れず、すべてがふたりの生活に集中する「ふたりのカルト」になったりします。(注:「ふたりのカルト(cult of two)」とは、排他的な宗教のように、ふたりのことがすべてになっている状態を意味します。)



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The "We-Centered" Co-Dependent Stage

R:  So you're "we-centered" now, like you're giving some 
importance to the "we" space, but within that "we space" both 
people are too dependent on each other.  They are co-
dependent, so I'll call it "the cult of two."  And there's a coziness 
to it, and there's often a flattening of energy in that, too, because they've given up the wildness of the "me-centered" stage.  (   ) 
their dreams now and then, they've given that up.  There's a 
certain comfort because the other person can be depended upon to play a certain role, but there's not enough risk.

D:  That's when people can get into being really super-nice with 
each other.  Mr. and Mrs. Nicey-Nice, where they don't want to 
rock the boat, so they keep it just...  It's all about "Let's make the 
relationship really good.  We're not going to challenge.  We're not going to take risks because we want to make sure that we keep 
this cozy nest secure.

R:  And both people have given up a lot of their autonomy.  They 
had more in the "we-centered (sic)" as they could be wild and 
irresponsible, party more.

D:  "Me-centered."


