コメント一覧 (68)
- January 18, 2012 06:01
Good Morning Shane
Japan ha mada AM5:50 desu
Oshigoto taihensoudesune
Amari murishinaide ganbattekudasaine
Mata hayaku LIVE-GIM de oaishitaidesu
Thank You Shane
- January 18, 2012 08:22
SHANE san。
KonnaniAsa hayakni daijyobu deska? kyonen wa SAIKO no LIVE ARIGATO。 Kotoshi mo yoroshik
- January 18, 2012 09:02
- Late, but Happy New Year ~
Please happy to have happen around the full shane!!
- January 18, 2012 11:14
Dear Shane
You are glad to lead the life with music.
It suits you.
I love you who are doing music.
Please tell me the music some day.
- January 18, 2012 13:31
Happy belated New Year Shane!!!
I waited your uploading!!!
I thank you for everything last year VERY MUCH!!!
First, you came to Japan with Barry and performed at Music Station in April. You gave us much energy and courage!
Second, The Japan relief benefit show of Cosmosquad in May. I felt your love to Japan so much.
Third, C'mon tour!!! You always make us happy!!
I can't thank you enough!!!
I hope to see you this year again!!!
Please take care of yourself!!
And My resolution is to be accepted by a university!!!
Thank you for reading this long letter written in poor English!
Love ya!! <33
- January 18, 2012 14:12
- Dear Mr. Talented Rock Star!!!
Cooooool!!! Yay!!! You are working on your solo works???
OMG, I looooove it :) I can't wait!!! I'm super excited already!!!
So, I guess that's your New Year's Resolution?!
Ganbatte ne~!
My New Year's Resolution is a big secret ;) hehe
But, of course I'm sticking with it.
Thanks for updating your blog!!
I love checking it out!!
It's pretty chilly here in Hawaii because of the rainy season but we still get sunshine every day:)
Miss you like crazy!!!
xoxoxo, Eriko
- January 18, 2012 18:38
Ogenki desitaka?!(^0^)/
Kotosimo yorosiku onegai simasu☆(^^)
Recording ga hajimatta no kana?!
Kotosi mo Shane no katuyaku wo tanosimini siteimasu☆
GANBATTE kudasai ne☆
Watasi mo kotosi wa takusan no "SMILE" de ganbari masu!
- January 18, 2012 20:16
I've been waiting for your updating.
I'm so happy to see your new pic and others' comment.
You've been in the studio.
I'm excited that we may be able to listen to your new music this year ……
My new year resolution is a secret, too.
I'm going to start something wonderful and challenging!
Please take care of yourself.
Thanks for updating
- January 18, 2012 22:08
Kotoshimo Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
You release new record this year?
I want to listen to your new tunes.
Oshigoto Ganbattene
- January 18, 2012 22:19
- Hi, Shane! Glad to see your new blog:)
How have you been?
Did you enjoy new year holidays?
What is your new year's resolutions?!?!
Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu:)
- January 18, 2012 22:50
- Konbanwa~
Shane san sugoku suteki desu
Thanks for updating blog.
Shane san mo ganbatte ne
Watashi mo kotoshi mo ganbari masu
- January 18, 2012 23:56
- A happy new year !!
My goal of this year is making progress my English ability( ̄^ ̄)
Someday,I hope I can talk with you(*゚▽゚*)
- January 19, 2012 00:08
A happy new year
I am glad to your messege
I was always anxious about you.
How are you??
I hope to see you.
Love Shane
- January 19, 2012 00:15
Hi Shane!
How have you been? I had been waiting your update! I'm so glad that you're fine!
I'd love to hear you play.
Thank you for your "Ganbatte". We were animated by your word.
My new year's resolution is ...In some small way I could somehow find some happiness anytime.
Sorry, my English is really broken. I must study English.
Shane mo Ganbatte ne ;)
Have a nice day!
- January 19, 2012 02:26
Hi Shane!
Hisashiburi!! Genki desuka??
I was waiting for upload of your blog!
Fortunately I was able to meet you last year.
If I can meet you this year also, I am the gladdest!
There were various events in January.
January 4 was my birthday‼
I became 20 years old!
I grew up!!!
January 9 was a coming-of-age ceremony.
I wore the red FURISODE:)
(FURISODE is long-sleeved kimono.)
I am looking forward to your new music.
Please pass pleasant days!
- January 19, 2012 02:29
Shane mo ganbattene
- January 19, 2012 03:00
Hi Shane
hai, Ganbarimasu
Shane mo GanbatteLooking forward to your new tune
This shot.. totemo suteki desu
- January 19, 2012 19:51
What are you making?
- January 19, 2012 21:51
Shane - san !!
Mattemashita !
Is it in the midst of making the new song?
I am glad if your performance can be listened to this year also!
Watashimo Ganbarimasu☆
- January 19, 2012 23:11
Hi Shane !
Shane mo ganbatte!
watashi mo ganbarimasu(^^)v
Shane ni aeruhi wo tanoshimi ni
kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
- January 20, 2012 02:32
- Hi Shane,
Thank you for updating!!!!!
Great shot :D
You are always cool
Are you composing new tunes?
I'm so excited about listening to it!!!
I have a lot of New Year's resolutions.
In particular, I want to take my parents to the trip
English mo Ganbarimasu!
You seem busy with work, but please take care of yourself ;)
- January 20, 2012 21:53
- Hi Shane!
Long time no see!
Genki desuka?
I'm fine.
Thanks for updating.
Ganbaru yo!!!
- February 01, 2012 01:53
Hi Shane
B'z shinkyoku kimattane
konkai wa Shane mo Koshi to issyoni sakusi siterukara ureshii
- February 04, 2012 00:16
- HI★shane♪
today is my birthday♥
I'm so happy♥♥
- February 06, 2012 05:18
Shanesan akemashiteomedetoudesu(^-^)/. Watashiwa koto shikara gim ni kayotte karada kitaetemasu (^^)
Shanesanmo kitaetemasuyone? Mecha kakkoii(*^^*)
- March 01, 2012 22:01
- Shane...I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- March 15, 2012 01:09
- saikin kousin arimasennne...
You seem busy these days X(
- March 23, 2012 00:00
- Hello! Shane!! : )
Are you busy these days?
I miss you so much! :'(
I'm looking forward to seeing your new pics!!
Please take care of yourself!!
Love! <33
- March 24, 2012 21:32
- Hi! Shane
I watced MV [Go for it BaBy]!!
you and your drumming sooo cool!!
I'm looking forward to new up date
- March 27, 2012 14:57
What is it doing?
Does the creative a ctivity of your music continue?
Today is your important friend's birthday.
The important friend of you and you always sends the highest music to us.
And it is believed that the highest music is shown from now on.
Thank you for the music of the highest always.
I am thankful to the important friends of you and you.
Please do your best, although you are busy with creative a ctivity.
- April 06, 2012 10:52
- How are you, Shane?
I've been missing you so much
I watched the PV of " Go For It, BABY" and Pepsi LIVE DVD.
They are so cool
Your great performance always make me GENKI.
Thake care! Ganbatte, Shane
- April 08, 2012 12:09
- Hallow Shane,
We've missed you so much.
Nihon wa ima SAKURA ga KIREI desyo♪
"Go for it"&"into free" kitemas.
- April 27, 2012 22:23
- Hi!!Shane san
Are you OK?
I like your plaing of the drums 『DO DO DO・・・・・・』
And thank you for JAPAN
Good Luck !!
- May 20, 2012 19:18
♪「GO FOR IT ,BABY」Saikodeshita
- May 30, 2012 01:37
C'mon no DVD Kattayo
kandou de namida ga tomaranakatta
itumo suteki na music wo ARIGATO
- May 31, 2012 16:22
Hello, Shane.
How are you doing?
I 've got "C'mon blue-ray"
It's all great! B'z and all members are really wonderful.
And, of course, I love THE DRUMMER!
Have fun, and take care of yourself.
See you
- July 12, 2012 13:43
- Hi〜shane san
It is a long time
Today is my birthday
- August 08, 2012 01:14
☆Happy Birthday!☆
- August 08, 2012 06:06
- shanesan tanjyoubi omedetoudesu☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
- August 08, 2012 07:34
SHANE san。
- August 08, 2012 11:08
Shane san〜
- August 08, 2012 11:51
- Long time no see:->
Happy Birth day SHANE
I miss you...
I have sooooo much respect 4 you<3
I looking for see you again!
- August 08, 2012 16:25
- happybirthday
- August 08, 2012 18:01
- Hi Shane!
Otanjobi omedeto!!
- August 08, 2012 18:06
Otanjyoubi Omedetou gozaimasu☆ヽ(´▽`)/
Mata Shane ni aitaiyo!
Daisuki dayo Shan!
- August 08, 2012 18:16
☆Happy Birthday Shane☆
We Love you♪♪
- August 08, 2012 19:54
- August 08, 2012 21:09
I Love You
- August 08, 2012 21:39
Happy birthday Shane♪♪
- August 08, 2012 22:38
- Shane HappyBirthday
- August 08, 2012 22:54
- Happy Birthday Shane!!
I hope you have a great day!!
We love you!! Daisuki!!
- August 08, 2012 23:19
- Now, Let's sing a song!!! ;)
Happy birthday to you
Kyo wa saiko-!!!
- August 09, 2012 01:52
Happy Birthday!!!
May it be one happy year for you;)
- August 09, 2012 20:13
- Osokunarimashita? Hi! Shane Happy Birthday!x3〜 Omedetou〜Happy Birthday! To Shane〜?? Aitaiyo
- August 10, 2012 19:04
Hello,Nice to meet you!!I'm kaoru Nagai.I'm from fukuoka.How you feel?I'm 35years old.
you are great dorammer!!
I Live in Hiroshima city.I love Hiroshima and Fukuoka.I goes to Big machine 's live.What a wondeful live!!I want to go again.
Thank you.
- August 12, 2012 18:54
オタンジョウビ オメデトウ(^O^☆♪
I wish you spend wonderful days*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
❤I love you❤
- December 25, 2012 17:24
Merry Christmas
- January 01, 2013 21:23
- Happy New Year!!
- January 15, 2013 02:08
- June 11, 2013 20:56
ASCND kaimashita。
na Album deshita
- June 16, 2013 02:04
Music Station SAIKO deshita
- August 08, 2013 18:21
- August 08, 2013 20:56
Dear Shane.
Best wishes to you on your birthday!
Have a wonderful day and fabulous year.
All the best,
- September 13, 2013 12:26
- Hi!Shane‼
Long time no see( ; ; )
but I'll go to Kyocera Dome tommorow.
Congrats!B'z 25years Anniv Live!
Looking forward to it.(^-^)/
ps 'Ascend' SAIKO‼
I listening everyday and really like your
- September 14, 2013 23:06
Rhythm&DrumsMagazine SAIKO
deshita。Nagoya SAIKO。
- December 25, 2013 21:21
Merry Christmas。
- August 09, 2014 15:40
- Happy Birthday、Mr.Shane
Shane Gaalaas
Shane Gaalaas Myspace
OSHIGOTO-chuu desne
Cosmosquad, new music making kamo..!? waku waku
“Ganbatte”from Shane..sugokuURESHI!!
“Hai kyo mo ganbarimas”
kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimas!