

第九回 ヒマラヤ山中の旅行




So far so good. But it would be courting suspicion to say that I chose this particularly circuitous and dangerous route with no obvious reason for it. Fortunately a, good pretext was at hand for me. For I happened to think of the identity of the lake Manasarovara with the Anavatapta Lake that often occurs in the Buddhist Texts. However divided the scholastic views are about this identity, it is popularly accepted, and that was enough for my purpose. The identity granted, it could be argued that Mount Kailasa, by the side of the lake, was nature’s Mandala, sacred to the memory of the Buddha, which formed an important station for Buddhist pilgrims. So one day I said to my host: “Having come thus far, I should always regret a rare opportunity lost, were I to make a stork’s journey from here to Lhasa, and thence to China. The Chinese Text speaks of Mount Kailasa (Tib. Kang Rinpo Che) rising high on the shore of lake Manasarovara (Tib. Maphamyumtsho). I want to visit that sacred mountain on my way home. So I should be very much obliged to you if you would kindly get men to carry my luggage for me.” The answer I got in reply was not encouraging, though sympathetic. Gya Lama, in short, bade me give up my purpose, because, as he said, the north-west plain was pathless and full of marauding robbers; it had been his long-entertained desire to visit the sacred mountain, himself, but the difficulties mentioned had, so far, prevented him from carrying it out, and he would strongly advise me against my rash decision ; to venture a trip through that region, with only one or two servants, was like seeking death. My retort was that, it being one of Buddha’s teaching’s that “born into life, thou art destined to die,” I was not afraid of death; in fact, death might overtake me at any time, even while living comfortably under the Lama’s care; so that I should consider myself well repaid if I met death while on a pilgrimage to a holy place. Finding dissuasion useless with me, my host complimented me on the firmness of my resolution, and took it upon himself to secure for me reliable carriers. Then, after careful enquiries, he hired for me a pilgrim party, consisting of two men and an old woman, the latter of whom, in spite of her sixty, years of age, was strong enough to brave the hardships of an exceptionally difficult road. These people were from Kham, a country noted for its robbers, but I was assured of the perfect honesty and good intentions of the particular three I was to engage. As a mark of his special kindness, Gya Lama promised to let a trustworthy man under him accompany me as far as a place called Tukje, to see that my two pilgrim servants served me faithfully.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記






In Nepal I had now arrived, and the reason of my presence there was, of course, to choose a route for my purpose, for there are many highways and pathways running between that country and Tibet. My purpose was such that I could take nobody there into my confidence, not even my kind and obliging host. For, to Lama Buddha Vajra I was a well-qualified Chinaman, who was to go back to Lhasa by openly taking one of the public roads, and go on thence to China. Besides, I knew that the Lama was a Tibetan interpreter to His Highness the King of Nepal, and that were I to divulge to him my secret, he was in duty bound to tell it to his royal master, who, it was plain, would not only not lend himself to my venture, but would at once put an end to the further progress of my journey. I may note here that the Nepalese fondly call Lama Buddha Vajra, Gya Lama, which means “Chinese Lama,” for he was a son born to a Chinese priest who married a Nepalese lady, after having become the Superior of the tower. My host’s father belonged to the old school, and enjoyed the privilege of marriage. It was thus that Lama Buddha Vajra came to take a fancy, and show special favors, to me, considering me as a countryman of his. Be that as it may, there remained for me the necessity of discovering a secret path to Tibet. I was in luck again.

It occurred to me that the begging Tibetans, who go on pilgrimage in and out of their country, could not be in possession of the pass that gave them open passage through the numerous frontier gates. I remembered also that no unprivileged person ―― even the natives ―― could obtain permission to pass through these gates, either way, unless he would bribe the guards heavily, and it was plain that these homeless wanderers could not do this. Encouraged by these considerations, I took to befriending the Tibetan mendicants, of whom there was then a large number hanging about the Kasyapa Buddha tower, and my liberality to them soon made me very popular among them. Demurring at first, they became quite communicative afterwards, when they had found out, as I presume, that there was nothing to dread in me, I learned of many secret passages, but none which I could consider safe for me. For instance, they spoke of the Nyallam bye-path. By taking this clandestine route one may avoid the Kirong gate, but one is in danger of being challenged at a gate further in the interior. The Sharkongpo path, on the other hand, brings the traveler to the Tenri gate. So on with other paths, and it appeared an impossibility to discover a route which would enable a person, to reach the capital of Tibet from that of Nepal, without having to pass through some challenge gate. The pass and bribery being beyond them, the native beggars and pilgrims have one more resource left to them, and that is imploring a passage, with prayer and supplication, when they come upon a challenge post, and they generally succeed at the interior gates, I was told. It would be different with me: there was every danger of my disguise being detected while pleading with the guards. My persistent efforts finally brought me, however, their reward. I ascertained that by taking a somewhat roundabout way I might reach Lhasa without encountering the perils of these challenge gates. Ordinarily, one should take a north-east course after leaving the Nepalese capital, in order to make a direct journey to Lhasa; but the one I have just referred to lay m the opposite direction of north-west, through Lo, a border province of Nepal, thence across Jangtang, the north plain (but really the west plain) of Tibet, and finally around the lake Manasarovara. This bye-route I made up my mind to take.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記



第八回 間道の穿鑿(せんさく)




The village that surrounds the great Kasyapa tower is generally known by the name of Boddha. Lama Buddha Vajra, I found, was the Headman of that village as well as the Superior of that mausoleum tower, which in Tibetan is called Yambu Chorten Chenpo. Yambu is the general name by which Katmandu is known in Tibet; and Chorten Chenpo means great tower. The real name of the tower in full is, however, Ja Rung Kashol Chorten Chenpo, which may be translated into: “Have finished giving order to proceed with.” The tower has an interesting history of its own, which explains this strange name. It is said in this history that Kasyapa was a Buddha that lived a long time before Shakyamuni Buddha. After Kasyapa Buddha’s demise, a certain old woman, with her four sons, interred this great sage’s remains at the spot over which the great mound now stands, the latter having been built by the woman herself. Before starting on the work of construction, she petitioned the King of the time, and obtained permission to “proceed with” building a tower. By the time that, as the result of great sacrifices on the part of the woman and her four sons, the groundwork of the structure had been finished, those who saw it were astonished at the greatness of the scale on which it was undertaken. Especially was this the case with the high officials of the government and the rich men of the country, who all said that if such a poor old dame were to be allowed to complete building such a stupendous tower, they themselves would have to dedicate a temple as great as a mountain, and so they decided to ask the King to disallow the further progress of the work. When the King was approached on the matter his Majesty replied: “I have finished giving the order to the woman to proceed with the work. Kings must not eat their words, and I cannot undo my orders now.” So the tower was allowed to be finished, and hence its unique name, “Ja Rung Kashol Chorten Chenpo.” I rather think, however, that the tower must have been built after the days of Shakyamuni Buddha, for the above description from Tibetan books is different from the records in Samskrt, which are more reliable than the Tibetan.

Every year, between the middle of September and the middle of the following February of the lunar calendar, crowds of visitors from Tibet, Mongolia, China and Nepal come to this place to pay their respects to the great temple. The reason why they choose the most apparently unfavorable season for their travel thither is because they are liable to catch malarial fever if they come through the Himalayan passes during the summer months. By far the greatest number of the visitors are Tibetans, of whom, however, only a few are nobles and grandees, the majority being impecunious pilgrims and beggars, who eke out their existence by a sort of nomadic life, passing their winter in the neighborhood of the tower and going, back to Tibet in summer.

Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記





Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記







In the meantime I learned that the gentleman Lama's name was Buddha Vajra (Enlightened Diamond), and that the old priest, whose name was Mayar, and who was full of jokes, was a Doctor of Divinity of the Debon monastery in Lhasa.

Early on the 25th of January we started on our journey, and proceeded due north across the plain in which Sagauli stands. The next day we arrived at a place called Beelganji, where stood the first guarded gate of the Nepalese frontier. There I was given a pass, as for a Chinaman living in Tibet. We passed the night of the following day in a village situated a little way this side of the famous Dalai Jungle, which may be regarded as an entrance to the great Himalayas. On the 28th we proceeded past Simla, a village at the outer edge of the great jungle, and thence, straight across the jungle itself, which has a width of full eight miles, until we came to a village on the bank of a mountain stream called Bichagori, where we took up our lodgings for the night. About ten o'clock that night, while writing up my diary, I happened to look out of the window of my shanty. The moon in her pale splendor was shining' brightly over the great jungle, and there was something indescribably weird in the scene, whose silence was broken only by a rushing stream. Suddenly I then heard a detonation, tremendous in its volume and depth, which, as I felt, almost shook the ground. In reply to my query, I was told by our innkeeper that the sound came from a tiger, which evidently had just finished a fine repast on its victim, and, having come to have a draught of river-water, could not help giving vent to its sense of enjoyment. So an uta came to me:

The night sleeps still and calm,
the moon shines bright,
What ho! ― so loud a roar
the stillness breaks,
Vibrating ― ah! It is a tiger fierce!
In ripples rough his roar terrific throws
The surface even of the mountain stream.

For two days more the road lay now through a dale on the bank of a river, then across a deep forest, and over a mountain, until we reached a stage station called Binbit. So far the road was up a slow, gradual incline, and horse-carriages and bullock-carts could be driven over it; but now the ascent became so steep that it could be made only on foot, or in a mountain-palanquin. We went on foot, commencing our climb as early as four o'clock in the morning. After an ascent of something more than three and a half miles, we came to a guarded gate named Tispance. Here was a custom-house and a fortress, garrisoned by quite a number of soldiers, and we had to go through an examination. Thence we climbed a peak called Tisgari, from the top of which I, for the first time, beheld with wonder the sublime sight of the mighty Himalayas, shining majestically with their snow of ages. The grandeur of the scene, was so utterly beyond imagination, that the memory of what I had seen at Darjeeling and Tiger Hill came back to me only as a faint vision. Down Tisgari we came to Marku station, where we took lodging for the night.

Early on the 1st of February, we climbed up the peak Chandra Giri, or Moon Peak, whose sides are covered with the flowers of the rhododendron, the chief characteristic of the Himalayan Range. Thence I saw again the snow-covered range of Himalaya, ever grand and majestic. Just a little way down from the top of the peak, I saw, spread before me like a picture, Katmandu the capital of Nepal and the country around. I saw also in that panorama two gilded towers rising conspicuously against the sky, and Lama Buddha Vajra told me that one of them was the tomb of Kasyapa Buddha, and the other that of Sikhi Buddha. On coming down the steep slope of the hill, we were met by four or five men with two horses. They were men sent thither in advance to wait for the return of Buddha Vajra, and I was given one of the horses, while my host took the other. We were met by about thirty more men on entering a village, not far from the foot of the hill. The distance from Sagauli railway station to this spot is roughly one hundred and twenty-five miles.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記





I may here observe that in Nepal, as I found out afterwards, the word friend conveys a much deeper meaning, probably, than in any other country. To be a friend there means practically the same thing as being a brother, and the natives have a curious custom of observing a special ceremony when any two of them tie the knot of friendship between them. The ceremony resembles very much that of marriage, and its celebration is made an occasion for a great festival in which the relatives and connexions of the parties concerned take part. To be brief, the ceremony generally takes the form of exchanging glasses of the native drink between the mutually chosen two, and they each have to extend their liberalities even to their servants in honor of the occasion. It is only after the observance of these formalities ― which signify a great deal to the natives ― that any two Nepalese may each call themselves the friend of the other.

It so happened that my erstwhile inquisitor proved to be the official owner and Lama-Superior of the Great Tower above mentioned, who stood in the relationship of a 'friend' to Mr. Jibbahadur. It was most unexpected, but the discovery was none the less welcome to me, and besought him to take me, henceforth, under his care a?? protection. Thus I came to be no longer a stranger and a solitary pilgrim, but a guest, a companion, to a high personage of Nepal. My newly acquired friend, as I should call the Lama in our language, proposed that we should start for Nepal the next morning. This proposal was agreeable to me, as was another that we should go afoot instead of on horse-back, so that we might the better enjoy each other's company, and perchance, also, the grand scenery on the way. I say that all this was agreeable to me, because, in addition to the obvious benefit I was sure to derive from being in the company of these men, I entertained a secret hope that I might learn a great deal, which would help me in executing the main part of my adventures, yet to come.

While our talk was progressing in this fashion, two servants of the Lama's came in, running and all pale, with the unwelcome piece of news that a thief had broken into their shed. This caused my callers to take precipitate the Lamas leave of me. I afterwards learned that had had three hundred and fifty rupees in cash, and some books and clothes, stolen between them. I was in luck on that occasion, for the owner of my shed told me subsequently that the thief, who caused such a loss to the Lamas, had been on the look-out for a chance to loot my lodging, and, as it happened, he finally made my newly made friends suffer for me; I felt exceedingly sorry for them.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記




No longer curious as to my antecedents, my gentleman guest now asked me: " You say you are going to Nepal: may I ask you who is the person yon are directed to, and if you have ever been in that country?" I had never been there before, but I had a letter of introduction with me. From whom, to whom, could that be? The letters, I said ― for I had had two given me ― were written in favor of me by Mr. Jibbahadur, an official of the Nepalese Government, then residing in Calcutta, and addressed to the Lama of the Great Tower of Mahabodha in Nepal, whose name, though, I just happened to forget it, was on the letters. This piece of information seemed greatly to interest the gentleman, who could not help saying: "Why, that is strange! Mr. Jibbahadur is a friend of mine: I wonder who can be the person to whom the letters are addressed; will you permit me to look at them? " And the climax came when I, in all willingness, took out the letters and showed them to my guest, for he ejaculated: " Well, whoever would have thought it? These are for me! "
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記





After a while the gentleman and the priest came out of their shanty and called on me, evidently bent on finding out who, or rather what, I was. For the first question with which they challenged me was to what part of China I belonged, "To Fooshee” I replied, realising full well that I was to go through the ordeal of an inquisition. "You speak Chinese, of course?" then asked the gentleman. My reply in the affirmative caused him at once to talk to me in quite fluent Chinese, which put me in no little consternation in secret. Compelled by necessity, I ventured calmly : "You must be talking in the official Peking dialect, while I can talk only in the common Fooshee tongue, and I do not understand you at all." He was not to let me off yet. Says he next: "You can write in Chinese, I suppose." Yes, I could, and I wrote. Some of my characters were intelligible enough to my guests, and some not, and after all it was agreed that it was best to confine ourselves to Tibetan. As our conversation progressed, my principal guest came to the crucial part of the inquisition and asked: " You say you have come from the landward side: well, from what part of Tibet have you come?" "In sooth, from Lhasa, sir; I have been on a pilgrimage through Darjeeling to Buddhagaya, and from thence here," I replied. I was requested to say, then, in what part of the city of Lhasa I lived. Being informed that I was in the grand Sera monastery, he wanted to know if I was acquainted with an old priest who was the Tatsang Kenpo (grand teacher) of that institution. I was bold enough to say that I was not a perfect stranger to the priest in question, and made a right good use of what I had learned from Lama Shabdung at Darjeeling. So far I managed to keep up my disguise, but each moment that passed only added to my fear of being trapped, and compelled to give myself away. To avoid this danger, I felt it important to head off my inquisitorial visitors by dispelling their suspicion, if they entertained any, about me. I was remarkably successful in this, the information obtained from Lama Shabdung again doing me excellent service. For, when I told my guests, in a most knowing way, all about Shabbe Shata's intrigue against the Tangye-ling, which was designed to increase his own power, and the secret of which affair was not then generally known, the recital seemed to make a great impression on them, and to have had the effect of convincing them that I was the person I pretended to be. So my ordeal was at an end; but there was yet in store for me the most unexpected discovery I was to make about these men.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記





It was like forging the chain after catching a criminal. But up to then, my time had been all taken up in learning Tibetan, and I had had no moment to spare for anything else. By good fortune, however, my stay there was not to be a long one. I found the postmaster of Sagauli, a Bengali, to be proficient both in English and Nepalese. As the thing had to be done in the most expeditious way possible, I started my work by noting down every Nepalese word the postmaster would teach me. The next day after my arrival at Sagauli, while I was out on a walk near the station with my note-book in hand, I noticed, among those who got off a train, a company of three men, one of whom was a gentleman, apparently of forty years of age and dressed in a Tibetan costume, another a priest about fifty years old, and the third unmistakably their servant. Thereupon a thought flashed on me that it would be a good thing for ma if I could travel with these Tibetans, as I immediately made bold to go up to them and ask whither they were going. I was told that their destination was Nepal; that they had not just then come from Tibet, but that one of them was a Tibetan. It then became their turn to question me, their opening enquiry being as to what country 1 belonged. I replied that I was a Chinese. "Which direction did you come from then? ― did you travel by land or by sea?” was the rejoinder sharply put to me next. That was a question I had to answer with caution. For the rule then in force in Tibet was to admit into that country no Chinaman coming by the sea. So I answered; "By land." As we conversed, so we walked, and presently we came in front of where I was lodging. In that part of the world there is no such smart thing as a hotel or an inn; all the accommodation one can get in this respect is a shanty of a rather primitive type, with bamboo posts and a straw roof. There are a number of these simple structures there, standing on the roadside and intended only for travellers, who have, however, nothing to pay for lodging in them ― they only pay the price of eatables and fuel, should they procure any. It was in one of these shanties that I was stopping, and when I excused myself from the company of my newly made acquaintances, the latter betook themselves into another on the opposite side of the street.  
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:03チベット旅行記



第7回 奇遇

私はダージリンからカルカッタに着き、いろいろ旅行用の買い物をしましたが、その時に、ネパール国政府の書記官で今はチベットへ公使に行って居るジッパードルという人から、ネパール国に入ってから都合よく行くようにとのことで、二つの紹介状をネパールのある紳士に当てたのを貰うことができました。その月の二十日頃ブダガヤに参りました。その当時ブダガヤにダンマーパーラ居士(こじ)が来て居られて、いろいろ話しましたが、折柄、居士は「あなたがチベットへ行くならば法王にこの釈迦牟尼如来(しゃかむににょらい)のお舎利を上げて貰いたい」と言って、舎利をおさめた銀製の塔とその捧呈書とそれから貝多羅葉(ばいたらよう)の経文一巻を託されました。で、ダンマーパーラ居士の言われるには、「私も一遍チベットに行きたいけれども、なかなかあちらから来いというような許しでもなくてはとても入って行くことは出来ないだろう」と言うような話でありました。私はその夜ブダガヤの菩提樹下の金剛道場で坐禅を致しましたが、実に愉快の感に堪えなかった。釈迦牟尼如来が成仏なされた樹の下で私がまた坐禅することの出来るのは実に幸福(しあわせ)であると我を忘れて徹夜致しましたが、菩提樹には月が宿りその影が婆娑(ばさ[1 舞う人の衣の袖がひるがえるさま。「得意の事得意の人に遇えば―として起舞し」〈岡倉天心・狩野芳崖〉2 物の影などが揺れ動くさま。「破芭蕉(やればしよう)の大きな影が、―として斜に映っている」〈芥川・戯作三昧〉)として金剛坐の上に映って居る景色は実に美しゅうございました。その時に



During my second and short stay in Calcutta I had the good luck of being introduced to a Nepalese named Jibbahadur, who was then a Secretary of the Nepal Government, but who is now the Minister Resident of that country in Tibet. He was kind enough to write two letters introducing me to a certain gentleman of influence in Nepal.

On the 20th of January, 1899, I came to the famous Buddhagaya, sacred to Holy Shakyamuni Buddha, and there met Mr. Dharmapala of Ceylon, who happened to be there on a visit. I had a very interesting conversation with him. On learning that I was on my way to Tibet, he asked me to do him the favor of taking some presents for him to the Dalai Lama. The presents consisted of a small relic of the Buddha, enclosed in a silver casket which was in the form of a miniature pagoda, and a volume of the sacred Text written on palm leaves. I, of course, willingly complied with the request of the Sinhalese gentleman, who expressed himself as being very anxious to visit Tibet, but thought it useless to attempt a trip thither, unless he were invited to do so. The night of that day I spent meditating on the 'Diamond Seat' under the Bodhi-tree ― the vary tree under which, and the very stone on which, about two thousand five hundred years ago, the holy Buddha sat and reached Buddhahood. The feeling I then experienced is indescribable: all I can say is that I sat the night out in the most serene and peaceful extasy. I saw the tell-tale moon lodged, as it were, among the branches of the Bodhi-tree, shedding its pale light on the ‘Diamond Seat’ and the scene was superbly picturesque and also hallowing, when I thought of the days and nights the Buddha spent in holy meditation at that very spot.

Whilst seated on the Diamond Seat, absorbed
In thoughtful meditation full and deep
The lunar orb, suspended o'er the tree ―
The Sacred Bodhi-tree ― shines in the sky.
I wait with longing for the morning star
To rise, the witness of that moment high
When His Illumination gained the Lord
The Perfect Buddha, Perfect Teacher Great.

After a few days' stay in Buddhagaya, I took the railway-train for Nepal, and a ride of a day and a night brought me to Sagauli, on the morning of January 23. Sagauli is a station at a distance of two days' journey from the Nepalese border. Here one boundary of the linguistic territory of English was reached, and beyond neither that language nor the Tibetan tongue was of any use ― one had to speak either Hindustani or Nepalese to be understood, and I knew neither. So it became a necessary part of my Tibetan adventure to stop a while at Sagauli, and make myself master of working Nepalese.

Posted by socrates2005 at 04:00チベット旅行記




Posted by socrates2005 at 20:22チベット旅行記

















Posted by socrates2005 at 18:30



Posted by socrates2005 at 19:28チベット旅行記


Posted by socrates2005 at 19:26チベット旅行記



Posted by socrates2005 at 07:26チベット旅行記



Posted by socrates2005 at 23:01チベット旅行記



Posted by socrates2005 at 23:38チベット旅行記



fb4a7483.JPG河口慧海のたどった行路  続きを読む
Posted by socrates2005 at 03:56チベット旅行記






It appeared to me, further, that the route most advantageous to me would be by way of Nepal; for Bhutan had never been visited by the Buddha, and there was there little to learn for me in that connexion, though that country had at one time or another been travelled over by Tibetan priests of great renown; but the latter fact had nothing of importance for me. I had been told, however, that Nepal abounded in the Buddha's footsteps, and that there was in existence there complete sets of the Buddhist Texts in Sanskrit. These were inducements which I could turn to account, in the case of failure to enter Tibet. Moreover, no Japanese had ever been in Nepal before me, though it had been visited by some Europeans and Americans. So I decided on a route via Nepal.

The decision made, it would have been all I could wish for, if it were possible for me to journey to Nepal direct from Darjeeling; there was on the way grand and picturesque scenery incidentally to enjoy, besides places sacred to Buddhist pilgrims. But to do so was not possible for me, or at least implied serious dangers. For most of the Tibetans living in Darjeeling ― and there were quite a number of them there ― knew that I was learning their language with the intention of some day visiting their country; and it was perfectly manifest that the moment I left that town with my face towards Tibet, they, or some of them at the least, would come after me as far as some point where they might make short work of me, or follow me into Tibet and there betray me to the authorities, for they would be richly rewarded for so doing. To meet the necessity of the case, I gave it out that, owing to an unexpected occurrence, I was obliged to go home at once, and I left Darjeeling for Calcutta, which place I reached on the 5th of January, 1899. I, of course, let Rai Sarat into my secret, and he alone knew that the day I left Darjeeling I started on my Tibetan journey in real earnest, though back to Calcutta I took fare in sooth. On leaving Darjeeling, my good host Rai Sarat Chandra earnestly wished me complete success in my travels to Tibet, and gave vent to his hearty and sincere pleasure in finding in me one, who, as bold and adventurous as himself, was starting on a perilous but interesting expedition to that hitherto unknown country. Previous to my departure from Darjeeling, I received there 630 Rupees, which had been collected and forwarded to me through the kind and never-failing efforts of my friends at home, Messrs. Hige, Ito, Watanabe and others.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:04チベット旅行記



第六回 入蔵の道筋


...I spent the twelve months following in closely devoting myself to the study, and in efforts at the practical mastery, of the Tibetan tongue, with the result that, toward the close of the year, I had become fairly confident of my own proficiency in the use of the language both in its literary and vernacular forms; and I made up my mind to start for my destination with the coming of the year 1899. Then, it became a momentous question for me to decide upon the route to take in entering Tibet.

Besides the secret path, the Khambu-Rong, i.e., 'Peach Valley' pass, there are three highways which one may choose in reaching Tibet from Darjeeling. These are: first, the main road, which turns north-east directly after leaving Darjeeling and runs through Nyatong; second, that which traverses the western slope of Kafichenjunga, the second highest snow-capped peaks in the Range and brings the traveller to Warong, a village on the frontier of Tibet; and the third, which takes one direct from Sikkim through Khampa-Jong to Lhasa. As, however, each of these roads is jealously guarded either with a fortified gate or some sentinels, at its Tibetan terminus, it is a matter of practical impossibility for a foreigner to gain admittance into the hermit-country by going along any of them. Rai Sarat was of opinion that, if I were to present myself at the Nyatong gate, tell the guards there that I was a Japanese priest who wished to visit their country for the sole purpose of studying Buddhism, I might possibly be allowed to pass in, provided that I was courteously persistent in my solicitations; but I had reasons for thinking little of this suggestion. At all events, what I had learned from my Tibetan tutors did not sustain my friend's view; instead, however, my own information led me to a belief that a road to suit my purpose could be found by proceeding through either the Kingdom of Bhutan or of Nepal.
Posted by socrates2005 at 04:16チベット旅行記