Hallo everyone, and long time no see. This is takahappy, Taka's Repaint World.
2年前の8月18日にMicrosoft Flight Simulator 2020がリリースされました。Preper3Dからの進化版として世界中のフライトシマーから注目を浴びたこの作品は、皆様ご存知のとおり、今年の8月の終わりにPMDG社より待望のボーイング737-800型機のリリースがされました。
As you know, 18th August 2020, MSFS2020 was released as an evolved version of Preper3D, attracting attention from flight simmers all over the world. And at the end of August this year, PMDG announced the long-awaited release of the Boeing 737-800.
TRW has been operating various contents, mainly JAL repaints, supported by more than 1,500 members since 2019.
And that mission has been inherited by MSFS2020, and TRW is about to stand on a new stage. Thank you for your understanding and support.

TRW is planning to launch a new site as a "new membership organization" in order to distinguish between MSFS and P3D, so that our members can enjoy TRW's liveries.
Application for "TRW for MSFS" membership is as below,

First of all, I would like you to comply with the following rules.

Some people have already emailed me, "If you're going to repaint several liverlies, why don't you upload it to frightsim.to?" I think if you have any doubts about my distribution policy, please close this site immediately, let alone becoming a member. We were fated not to be able to be together.

Please refrain from reprocessing and redistribution in principle. Please ask us for permission if necessary.

lease strictly refrain from leaking passwords and drive addresses to others.

After joining, you may be asked to withdraw from the membership for any reason. In that case, we refuse to use any downloaded works.

◆最後は心からのお願いです(入会条件ではありません)。私は2020年より、フライトシミュレーターをこよなく愛する仲間たちとコミュニティを作っています。「STAY HOME AIRLINES」です。このコミュニティではディスコードで楽しくフライト・リペイント・シーナリー構築・ヴァーチャル航空管制などをやっています。特にATCでは独自技術でフラシムエンジンを問わずオンラインで航空管制サービスを受けられる「SHAPANet」を構築しています。定期的に飛行イベントも開催しています。是非とも入会していただき、TRWのリペイントで参加していただきたいのです。
This is not a condition of membership. We have created a community with friends who love flight simulators since 2020. It is "STAY HOME AIRLINES".In this community, we enjoy flight, repaint livery, scenery building, operateing virtual air traffic control on Discord, as a voice chat service. It is worth noting that we have built the ATC virtual network "SHAPANet," which allows online air traffic control services to be received regardless of the Flightsim engines using our own technology. We also hold regular flight events. By all means, I would like you to join and participate in the livery of TRW.

As I hope you understand, this is a completely different membership organization from the existing TRW. We are looking forward to welcoming you all. Please use the following enrollment form,



Please send it to. After consideration, we will send you the URL and PIN.

【TRW membership application form】

  your handle name
  Do you comply with TRW regulations? ?                    YES   /     NO

  Do you plan to join SHA ?            YES   /     NO  /   already joined

  If you have words of encouragement, please write them down,

Let's enjoy the virtual sky together.
