April 2005

April 26, 2005

Japan in Ann Arbor

Even though you are not going to Japan. There are some stores around Ann Arbor where I would go for Japanese products.


Tsai Grocery (734) 995-0422
3115 Oak Valley Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

One World Market, 248-374-0844. << great!
42705 Grand River, Novi.
Pastry House Hippo, 248-347-6408
42130 Grand River, Novi.
Ajishin restaurant, 248-380-9850.
42270 Grand River, Novi.

Koyama Shoten, 734-464-1480
37176 Six Mile, Livonia.
Akasaka restaurant 734-462-2630
37152 Six Mile, Livonia.

takekan at 14:16|PermalinkComments(0)clip!

Where to Visit in Japan - デパート (Depa-to, department store).

I know I am braging about Japan a little. But, I must introduce Japan's high standard of service for customers. Without any doubt, Japanese retail stores still keep the VERY BEST service/treatment for customers. Just go to any McDonald's. Get clean cabs, all of which are equiped with automatic doors. Visit any of gas stations and see earnest workers rushing to cars.
Do they push up the prices? Not really... But anyway, that is the Japanese standard that Japanese customers take granted.

Among all of them, I still recommend you to visit some デパート(でぱーと- Depa'ato, department stores) in 新宿(しんじゅく-Shinjuku), 銀座 (ぎんざ-Ginza) or 日本橋(にほんばし-Nihonbashi). The major department chains are 三越, 高島屋, 西武, 伊勢丹, 小田急, 京王 (Mitsukoshi, Takashimaya, Seibu, Isetan, Odakyu, Keio). Most of them are established by railroad companies.

三越(みつこし-Mitsukoshi) was first established in 1673 by 三井 family (Mitsui Family established Mitsui-zabatsu or huge plutocracy from this store. The group still own many companies now. See the English website).

It became "Depa'ato" in 1904. Visit to the head quater in 銀座(ぎんざ). http://www.mitsukoshi.co.jp/index_shop.asp

In 新宿, visit to 新宿高島屋+東急ハンズ together. (see another entry below). In 池袋(いけぶくろ), visit 西武(SEIBU) and 東武(Tobu).

I went to Brairwood the other day and saw a sales
clerk at SHISEIDO chewing a gum.. ;-( You will see the difference.

takekan at 12:52|PermalinkComments(2)clip!WhatToSee 

嵐山(あらしやま-Arashi yama) -Best of 京都(きょうと- Kyoto) 2

There is one temple/shrine every 200 yards on average in Kyoto. I would go to the following ones in addition to 金閣寺(きんかくじ-Kinkaku-ji), 龍安寺(りょうあんじ-Ryouan-ji), 清水寺(きよみずでら-Kiyomizu-dera).  三十三間堂(さんじゅうさんげんどう-Sanjusangen-dou) with 1,000 status. (Photo), 仁和寺(にんなじ-Nin'na-ji), 二条城(にじょうじょう-Nijou-jou), 銀閣寺(ぎんかくじGinkaku-ji).

But, my favorite place is 嵐山(Arashi-yama) that is the westend of Kyoto city. The downtown of Kyoto is very civilized and commercialized, perhaps, too much to appreciate temples, while 嵐山 is still a calm district. There are many temples in this area. 野宮神社(ののみやじんじゃ-Nonomiya-shrine) is known for the path of bamboo and Tale of Genji. Then, you will visit 常寂光寺(じょうじゃっこうじ-Jojako-ji)。祇王寺(ぎおうじ-Giouji)。Finally, you will reach 念仏寺(ねんぶつでら-Nenbutsudera) where you encounter with thousands of small statues。

And You MUST visit this website by Kyoto-city Taxi. Click any temple to see their beautiful photos.
Visit also this web and click any temple to see video clip.

takekan at 11:28|PermalinkComments(4)clip!WhatToSee 

April 24, 2005

ガンダム美術館 (GUNDAM Museum) Full Scale GUNDAM, etc.

If you like Japanese Anime, you probably have heard about GUNDAM. わたしも子供のころ、ガンダムをともだちといっしょによく見ていました。I used to watch the first GUNDAM when I was a kid. Then, you may want to visit to BANDAI Museum (including GUNDAM Museum inside) in front of Matsudo station (very close to Tokyo, see the website below for further info). I guess the exhibition is subtitled in English (See a report and another one).

Please don't worry; Anime is widely accepted into the society, so it is not weird for an adult to go to this museum at all (even though the majority of visitors are probably kids). I will go there in June, too. Here is the English website.

The first GUNDAM, when it was broadcasted for the first time in 1979, was not popular at all. Although the story had had 52 episodes (one per week) in the original plan, it was shorten to 43 episodes because of low audience ratings.

Then, BANDAI bought the copyright to make GUNDAM goods, プラモデル(plastic model) of the Mobile Suits. Many kids and adults became crazy for GUNDAM. The fever also became "social phenomena" and turned out to be a problem when a 11-year-old kid was killed in a stampede at a store by accident. でも、わたしはぜんぜん買ったことがありません。Anyway, TV stations repeatedly re-broadcasted the series.

Indeed, the first GUNDAM was unique in the following sense. There was neither absolute evil nor justice in the story. So, it did not justify the war from one-side (or justified it from both sides), and it also described soldiers of both sides as normal people not like heros. In those days, this was very different from previous animes where heros killed the enemy without any need of justification.

The director is 富野由悠季 (とみの よしゆき- TOMINO Yoshiyuki). Mr. Tomino was born in 1941 as well as 宮崎駿 (Hayao Miyazaki).

takekan at 04:09|PermalinkComments(4)clip!WhatToSee 

東急ハンズ(とうきゅうはんず)- Nice Souvenirs

東急ハンズロゴTokyu-Hands is my favorite store in Japan. It is hard to explain the concept of the store. Tokyu-Hands cover all kinds of goods other than books, cloths and electronics. (No, no, it is still not like Meijer).


The variety is rich and very different from normal stores and you can get unique items in 東急ハンズ Tokyu-Hands. For example, if you want to buy a nice lighting in Tokyu-Hands, then you will see those in the photo above. If you look for a color pen, you will need to choose one from hundreds of variety (2nd photo shows only the part of the pen dept.). If you look for a tissue paper box, you will find some cute boxes (3rd and 4th pictures). You can buy also サンプル(sanpuru, or sample) as a souvenir (5th).


There is a floor for very "traditional Japanese" products in Tokyu-Hands at 新宿(しんじゅく-Shinjuku). I would buy souvenirs in Tokyu-Hands at 新宿 rather than 京都(Kyoto) or 浅草(Asakusa). And there are many unique Japanese toys, too. Visit there!


takekan at 03:46|PermalinkComments(0)clip!WhatToSee 

April 21, 2005

広島(ひろしま) The First Nuclear War

宮島I have traveled through Japan and visited most of the major touristic sites. My favorite place is 厳島神社 in 宮島 (Itsukusima-jinja in Miyajima). It is one of 日本三景(にほんさんけい-"The Best 3 Scenery of Japan"). It is a fun place that you probably want to visit after Nara and Kyoto. Again, there are many deer in the small island.

It does not take more than 45 minutes to get there from Hiroshima (around 13-15 miles). So, it is a good idea to learn about the A-bomb as well. (A FOX reporter described the 9-11 as an A-bomb attack; If it had been an A-bomb, the whole Manhattan would be completely demolished and it could kill at least 500,000 people. Hmm..)

The US air-bomber dropped the Atomic bomb to Hiroshima City on August 6th, 1945. It killed 120,000--140,000 people (as of December 1945). 原爆ドーム
Both of Itsukusima Shrine and A-bomb Dome are now World Heritage.

takekan at 17:18|PermalinkComments(0)clip!WhatToSee 

April 20, 2005

Panasonic (National) High Tech Home

アタッチメントプラグMr. Konosuke Matsushita established Matsushita Electric in 1918. Its very first product was this "attachment plug." This is the origin of Panasonic. Since then, Matsushita has provided range of home electric goods. (National and Panasonic are Matsushita's brands.) --- Please do not copy/change/distribute this photo.

You could visit National Center in Shiodome (Tokyo) and see National/Panasonic high tech show rooms. National Center (English website)

Shiodome (汐留) is getting famous as the new core of Tokyo.

Photo: 写真提供先 松下電器 歴史館(Matsushita Electric House of History)

takekan at 19:04|PermalinkComments(0)clip!WhatToSee 

April 19, 2005

Mt.Fuji Worship 富士山講

富士山夕日富士山(ふじさん)has very unique symmetric and beautiful shape. Because there is no mountain around Mt. Fuji, you can see it from far away. Where can you see Mt.Fuji? Indeed, there are so many places in Japan called 富士見通、富士見町 or 富士見台 (Fuji seeing street, Fuji seeing town, Fuji seeing hill). As its magnificient and beautiful shape has been attracting people, there were also cult groups in 江戸時代 (17-19th C.). They worshiped the mountain and built Shinto shrine for Mt. Fuji and many many fake Mt. Fuji everywhere specially for those who could not go and climb the real Mt.Fuji.

Anyway, you could see Mt.Fuji from Tokyo when the sky is clear. Also, when you get 新幹線(しんかんせん) between Tokyo and Kyoto/Osaka, you will see it from your train.

takekan at 17:04|PermalinkComments(3)clip!WhatToSee 

April 17, 2005

The Imperial Palace and Villas

二重橋The Imperial Palace and some Villas in Tokyo and Kyoto are open to the public (The Imperial Household Agency require reservations).

You can make a reservation at http://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/index.html Also, click the small photos at the bottom-left and scroll down, so you can see movies in English.

takekan at 07:47|PermalinkComments(0)clip!WhatToSee 

April 16, 2005

じゅぎょうは こんしゅう で おわり


I have a few things to write in this blog yet.
Please check this blog until I say また来年。さようなら。

Good luck with your study and the final. Enjoy!

takekan at 06:24|PermalinkComments(0)clip!Lecture 

April 14, 2005


ファミコンNintendo was established in 1889 in Kyoto. It had been producing, Japanese playing cards (花札-はなふだ), playing cards and board games until "Family Computer" was released on July 15, 1983.

Nintendo reads in Japanse, 任天堂(にんてんどう)。
任 means to leave (doing) sth to sb; give sth in charge 〈of〉.
天 means sky, heaven or the God. (that human cannot control.)
堂 means, I think, a store or a company.

So, 「運(fate)を天に任せる (leave your fate to the sky)」 might sound "Alea jacta est." or "Let's gamble." You have done everything you could do, now let's wait and see if the goddess smiles at you or not. It was a good name, since Nintendo was selling its products to gambling industry. Indeed, it is a good name, 「運(fate)を天に任せる」implies ZEN mind.... huh?

Photo Credit→続きを読む

takekan at 15:35|PermalinkComments(3)clip!trivia 

誰も知らない(だれもしらない - Nobody Knows)

A New Japanese movie @ MICHIGAN THEATER (Apr15-20).

A tender, yet harrowing film about four isolated young Tokyo children who are abondoned by their mother and struggle to survive alone. http://michtheater.org/schedule_descriptions.php#nobody
MICHIGAN THEATER. Opens Friday with shows at 7:00 & 9:40 PM

I don't know if it is a cool movie. Anyway, you can see Japanese downtown and streets.

takekan at 14:14|PermalinkComments(3)clip!Life in Japan 

What to see in Japan (4) - 京都(きょうと- Kyoto)

金閣寺There are 72 temples/shrines per 1 square-mile in the Kyoto. There is one temple/shrine in every 200 yards!

The old-town area has 93 Shinto shrines and 507 Buddhism temples registered and the area is 21.31 km2. Compare to the reality, this figure might be overestimated. But, there are really many of them in Kyoto. 金閣寺ワイド
Photo(C)2004 Fbjon, licensed under Creative commons:cc-by-sa-2.0


You must not miss these most famous places in Kyoto.
金閣寺(きんかくじ - Kinkaku-ji)
龍安寺(りょうあんじ - Ryoan-ji)-- The "Zen" garden. 石庭(せきてい- Sekitei, or Stone garden).
清水寺(きよみずでら - Kiyomizu-dera)-- 大舞台(おおぶたい-Oo butai, or The big stage).

See these FLASH with sound-on


takekan at 05:45|PermalinkComments(3)clip!WhatToSee 

April 09, 2005

What to see in Japan (3) - 大仏 in 奈良(なら - Nara)

東大寺の大仏京都(Kyoto) has been the capital since 794 and it is still a busy city, while the next city 奈良(Nara)is a calm place where there are still many good temples.

Brief history: 奈良(Nara) was the capital in 710-784 and was called 平城京(へいじょうきょう -Heijou kyou) in those days. When 元明天皇 (げんめいてんのう- Emperor Genmei) moved the capital into Heijou kyou, Japan was shaping itself as a "modern" nation with "modern" bureaucratic system. Imitating China, the most advanced imperial in those days, the Emperor issued the first complete set of laws and tax systems in 701, and he re-integrated the nation based on centralism.

大仏(だいぶつ - Dai butsu, or Bid Buddha)was built as the symbol of the integration. The project started in 743 and finished in 752, and Buddhism effectively became the state religion to integrate the country. In 752, over 10,000 politicians and monks gathered to the opening ceremony of the大仏. it is big, over 50 feet tall. You can feel the strong will and ambition of the nation. 奈良の鹿

In this era, the government issued the first currency coin (和同開珎), the first history books (古事記, 日本書紀) and the first series of poems 万葉集.

In Nara, you can see many deers everywhere in temples and parks. Enjoy watching them and talk to them.

takekan at 08:17|PermalinkComments(2)clip!WhatToSee 

April 08, 2005

Animania @ UM (Apr. 9th. This Saturday)

This Saturday evening, April 9th. You can watch
Japanese Anime in Japanese with English subtitles.

takekan at 01:33|PermalinkComments(3)clip!Life in Japan 

April 06, 2005

What to see in Japan (2) - Tokyo浅草(あさくさ)

浅草門Asakusa is, I suppose, the most popular place in Tokyo among domestic and foreign tourists. I visited there last summer again. After you take a nice photo in front of 雷門(かみなりもん- Thunder gate), you go through the crowded shopping street, where you can find typical souvenir for tourists.


There is 浅草寺 (Sensou-ji) at the end of the street. Wow, I could see a 5-layered tower in Tokyo! Then, beyond the temple, I went to the left and entered to 花やしき(はなやしき). 花やしき became a tiny amusement in 1872, and it is so old that its roller coaster scares you very much while it is slow.

You can walk down to 上野駅(うえのえき - Ueno station) within 20 minutes. This area was called 吉原(よしわら), and it had been the government authorized district for sexual service industry since 1657 till 1946. So, you can find a little vestige of the history.

Alternatively, you can take a 水上バス(すいじょうばす water-bus) on 隅田川(すみだがわ Sumida river) to 浜離宮公園(はまりきゅうこうえん Hamarikyu Park) and 東京タワー (Tokyo Tower). http://www.suijobus.co.jp/english/index.html

Hamarikyu is not the kind of the best park, but it is still nice one to visit if you don't have a chance to go to Kyoto or Nara.


takekan at 20:54|PermalinkComments(4)clip!WhatToSee 

April 05, 2005

What to see in Japan (1) - 姫路城 Himeji jo

姫路城姫路城(ひめじじょう)Himeji Castle

Brief Description:
Himeji-jo is the finest surviving example of early 17th-century Japanese castle architecture, comprising 83 buildings with highly developed systems of defense and ingenious protection devices dating from the beginning of the Shogun period. It is a masterpiece of construction in wood, combining function with aesthetic appeal, both in its elegant appearance unified by the white plastered earthen walls and in the subtlety of the relationships between the building masses and the multiple roof layers. (http://whc.unesco.org/pg.cfm?cid=31&id_site=661).

武士(ぶし-Samurai) took the control of the country from the Emperor and aristocrat in the late 12th century. Since then, they built hundreds of castles, particularly in the late 16th century, when all of 武士 and 将軍 (shogun) were fighting against each other for supremacy. Unfortunately, almost all of the castles have been reduced to ashes by battles, fires and/or air bombardments. Many *fake* castles were built after the WW2 for tourists.

姫路城 was first built in 1364 and completed in 1580-1618. This castle escaped from fires by a miracle. So, it still keeps the original structure as it was! Himeji-jo is registered as World Heritage and one of the four national treasure castles (姫路城、松本城、犬山城、彦根城). Among these, Himeji-jo is the biggest and most beautiful. You can see some photos.

Access: 姫路 (Himeji)is closed to Osaka. It takes 30 minutes for Shinkansen to go to Himeji from Osaka, and 3 hours from Tokyo. The castle is in front of the Himeji station.

The map 兵庫県姫路市 - Himeji City in Hyogo prefecture.

The Photo is licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike 1.0 License:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/sa/1.0/

takekan at 17:17|PermalinkComments(4)clip!WhatToSee 

April 03, 2005


ed68c20b.jpgYou must read his blog!! ぜひ、この人のブログを読んでください。

この人はカナダから日本に来て、2年間日本にいました。いろいろなものを見て、それをブログに書いています。On the top of that! he wrote first Japanese and then English for each entry!!

ブログは人気ランキングで1位になったんですよ(his blog was ranked as No.1 among all livedoor blog.)。 それで、このブログは本になります-This blog will be publised as a book, coool.

Scroll down and find "もくじ" (table of contents).
You will start reading from "ストーリー 1〜5 (5)"
ストーリー = story.

I believe his blog encourages you to keep learning Japanese.

takekan at 17:29|PermalinkComments(2)clip!trivia